Getting Your Financial Ducks In A Row

IRS warns of gift card scam

A new scam is making the rounds - a caller impersonates an IRS agent and demands payment in the form of a gift card. Here's what to look out for.

Recently there has been a new scam going around, with a twist – the caller, impersonating an IRS agent, requests payment in the form of gift cards. The IRS recently released a Tax Tip (2019-167) regarding this scam and what you should do about it. The complete Tip is listed below.

Taxpayers should watch out for gift card scam

Taxpayers should always be on the lookout for scams. Thieves want to trick people in order to steal their personal information, scam them out of money, or talk them into engaging in questionable behavior with their taxes. Scam attempts can peak during tax season, but taxpayers need to remain vigilant all year.

Gift card scams are on the rise. In fact, there are many reports of taxpayers being asked to pay a fake tax bill through the purchase of gift cards.

Here’s how one scenario usually happens:

Here’s how people can know if it is really the IRS calling. The IRS does not:

People who believe they’ve been targeted by a scammer should:


More information:
IRS Impersonation Scam Reporting
Consumer Alerts
Report Phishing
Phone Scams

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