Getting Your Financial Ducks In A Row

Saving in The Military


If you or a loved one are in the military and are about to be deployed you may be able to take advantage of a special savings account that is specifically for our Armed Forces members that are deployed in a combat area.

The Savings Deposit Program (SDP) is a unique savings account for service members that are deployed in combat zones and allows the service member to allocate some, most, and in some cases all of their combat pay to a savings account. The maximum that can be contributed to the savings account is $10,000 per deployment and that money grows at 10%, yes 10%.

Eligible service members include:


Generally, the service member may begin saving to the account after 30 days of deployment to the combat zone and once he or she returns home, can allow the money to grow in the account for an additional 90 days. The service member can choose to take it our earlier.

Although the thought and anxiety (as I can only imagine) of deploying must be hard on the service member and their families, they can find a silver lining in the SDP – a great way to save combat pay at 10%.

More information can be found at and




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