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Goals for 2014

GoalGoals setting and resolutions are among the top things on peoples’ minds when they start the New Year. And rightfully so. A new year signals a fresh, start a new beginning, a clean slate.

Feeling refreshed and ready, most people start on their resolutions with the best of intentions – for about a week or two. Then they either give up, forget, fall back onto the same habits and routines that they promised they’d get out of the year before.

It’s great to have resolutions – but they must be accompanied by resolve. What is resolve? Resolve, according to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary is to make a definite and serious decision to do something. This means planning ahead, expecting obstacles and figuring out ways to push through and achieve your goals. I recommend writing your goals or resolutions down.

Here’s how:

To begin write out your financial, fitness, work, eating, etc. goals that you would like to achieve throughout the course of this year. Make sure you study them carefully and write down reasonable goals. What I mean by this is that it’s important not to set a goal so high that you can’t possibly achieve it. For example, if I wrote down a goal stating that I’d like to be able to save $1,000 per day that would be a goal that’s too high. Instead, I might write down $100 per month. This goal could be sensible and attainable. Now if I was already saving $100 per month – than this wouldn’t be a goal at all – so I may up the amount to $200 and so on.


You want to lose weight? Set a reasonable amount you want to lose (2-3 lbs. per week is ideal). That goal can and will be attainable. Make sure you write down your goals and read them every night before you go to bed and every morning when you get up – WITHOUT FAIL.

Also, always write your goals in the first person, present tense. This programs your subconscious to take action immediately in the “here and now.” For example, you may write down, “I save $100 per month.” Or, “I run 5 miles per week.”

Write down your specific goal (whatever money, weight, business goal you want to attain). You can also put up a photo of someone whose net worth, business model or physique you’d like to achieve and of someone you don’t ever want to be or look like. Keep these photos where you can see them every day.

Once you’ve reached a certain goal, reward yourself!! This can be that new toy you’ve had your eye on, or something you’ve denied yourself until you reached that goal.

Finally, sign and date your goals. Giving yourself a deadline and committing to it with your signature produces a sense of urgency and importance. After all, can you think of anything you sign that isn’t important? Think of it as a contractual obligation to yourself!




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