Getting Your Financial Ducks In A Row

What Is It That You Want To DO?

Having a purpose to aim toward is important in all things that you do...

Note: Taking a little break from tax law and retirement planning for the day…

One of the questions that I often ask folks as we’re working on financial matters is – “what is it that you want to DO?”  And in this case, DO is capitalized to be emphatic, because the context of the question is with regard to life.  “What is it that you want to DO in your life?”

Photo credit: jb

Deep down, we all have the desire to matter.  We want to, in some way, create a legacy of our life, so that this time we’ve spent here doesn’t seem like we’ve wasted our chances.  Not that what we do every day – caring for our families, performing our job, etc., is a waste of time.  But if we’re not cognizant of a greater purpose for our life, oftentimes life seems unfulfilled.  It doesn’t have to be grandiose, we all have our little corners of the world that we can impact in a positive way that will leave a legacy long after we’re gone.

Believe me, I’m not in any way saying that I have all the answers.  In fact, I have quite a few questions that you might want to ask yourself as you consider just “what is it that you want to DO?”.  These questions are have a financial angle (duh, financial planner, remember?) but have a greater reach, as in how money interplays with your aims for your life.

Pretty sure we haven’t resolved anything here today – but hopefully some of the questions I’ve asked have sparked you to action (or at the very least, deep thought).  Because the actions we take in our lives are our only way to create that legacy. In the end we want to look back on our life and feel satisfied that we’ve done our best. 

That’s what it’s all about, right?

Take care, jb


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