Getting Your Financial Ducks In A Row

You’ve still got time to avoid tax surprises

tax surpriseEven though there are only a few more weeks left in the calendar year, there are a few things that you can do to avoid some serious and consequential tax surprises come April next year.

The IRS recently published their Special Edition Tax Tip 2014-21 which details some of the steps you could take now to avoid these surprises.

Still Time to Act to Avoid Surprises at Tax-Time

Even though only a few months remain in 2014, you still have time to act so you aren’t surprised at tax-time next year. You should take steps to avoid owing more taxes or getting a larger refund than you expect. Here are some actions you can take to bring the taxes you pay in advance closer to what  you’ll owe when you file your tax return:

For more see Publication 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax. You can get it and IRS forms on, or call 800-TAX-FORM (800-829-3676) to get them by mail.

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