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January, 2018:

Best and Worst States for Retirement Finances

Where you live in retirement can make a big difference. Learn which are the best and worst states to retire to. You may be surprised!

No K-12 Tax Break for Using Illinois’ Brightstart

The tax bill provided more flexibility for using 529 funds. Illinois has chosen to disallow this flexibility for Brightstart or Bright Directions plans.

Back-door Roth Blessed by Congress

The back-door Roth contribution method has always had an air of skepticism around it. With the passage of TCJA, the skepticism should be gone.

Life Moves Pretty Fast…

In the classic 80’s movie, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Ferris Bueller says, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” In other words, life happens. That’s why it’s important to meet with your financial planner to see if anything has changed, and if there’s anything that needs to be done to assist with those changes. The reason it’s important to meet with your planner is that he or she can ask questions and propose situations that you might not even be aware of or think about. A recent example would be how the new tax law affects your situation. Another example would be a child that is going to college, a job change, death, divorce, or 2018 being the year you plan to retire. A financial planner will be able to provide another set of eyes to your situation […]

Roth Recharacterization is No Longer Allowed

Although used by few taxpayers, the Roth conversion recharacterization strategy is no longer allowed after the passage of the TJCA 2017.