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July, 2018:

Medicare Late Enrollment Penalty

A late enrollment penalty can apply to your future Medicare premiums if you have failed to enroll during the initial enrollment period.

Thoughts on Income and Wealth – An Interview

A few weeks ago I had the honor of speaking with Dana Larsen of Senior Finance Advisor, a website dedicated to helping individuals plan for their wealth management goals and aligning them with advisors to do so. The interview can be read here  

Social Security Spousal Benefit for a Divorcee

Recently we talked about the spousal benefit for Social Security retirement benefits.  It is also important to note that similar benefits are available to a divorcee. A divorced spouse is eligible for a Social Security retirement benefit based upon the PIA (Primary Insurance Amount) of his or her ex-spouse under the following conditions: he or she is at least 62 years of age the couple was married for ten years or longer he or she is not currently married he or she is not eligible for a benefit (on his or her own record or another ex-spouse’s record) that would be greater than the benefit based on this particular ex-spouse’s record The divorcée’s former spouse does not have to have applied for benefits, as long as the couple have been divorced for at least two years when he or she applies for the spousal benefit.  However, the former spouse must […]

Just Getting Started

At a point in some people’s lives, they conclude they need some sort of assistance with their financial situation. This could be a recent high school or college grad determined to start off on the right track, or those in their mid to late working careers wondering if what they’re doing is the “right” way of doing things financially. In either case, the hope may be to make as few mistakes as possible along the way. When considering this situation, there are a few things to look at first, before moving on to other planning areas. In other words, think of the follow as a good foundation to have before expanding on or continuing your wealth management plan. Emergency Fund. This is the money set aside to pay for non-discretionary expenses that will not go away in the event of an emergency (loss of a job, medical, etc.). Although the […]

Ah, Sweet Procrastination!

There can be significant benefit if you delay filing for Social Security. It might not be the best option for you, but it pays to understand how it works.

Medicare Enrollment

Chances are, Medicare enrollment rules are a mystery to you – they’re pretty complicated. This article is a primer on the important points you need to know.

When It Rains…

The other night I was awoken by a pretty severe thunderstorm. Bright lightning and heavy rains lasted throughout the night. By daybreak, it had rained nearly three inches in the span of six hours. Naturally, I thought, “time for an article.” The heavy rain made me think about what would happen in the event of a flood. The reason why is that most home insurance policies specifically exclude damage from flooding. That is, if water seeps into a basement from heavy rains and damages the area, homeowner’s insurance would not apply. A specific flood insurance policy is needed. However, flood is not the only peril home insurance policies will generally exclude. In many cases, most home policies will exclude the following perils. Flood Earthquake Neglect Termites War Intentional loss Additionally, most home policies (including renters or condo insurance) will exclude or limit coverage on personal property for the following. Business […]

A Roth IRA for a student is a great idea!

Summer earnings can be contributed to a Roth IRA for a student. This can be an important part of a life-long savings habit.

Do you need a Medicare plan?

It’s not the cut-and-dried standard insurance that you think it is. Included here is an outline of the factors to include in your Medicare plan.

2018 Trust Fund Report Takeaways

What can we learn from the 2018 Trust Fund Report? Maybe that it’s really not as bad as everyone else thinks? Use your judgment and make up your own mind.