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September, 2018:

Withholding and Social Security Benefits

If your Social Security benefit is being taxed, you may need to look at your withholding to make sure you’re not hit with a penalty at tax time.

IRMAA for Medicare

If you know someone named Irma, don’t hold this against her. IRMAA (subtle difference) can be a real nasty surprise for many Medicare Part B & D enrollees.

Your IRA and Your Spouse – Or Maybe Not

Your IRA provides you with considerably more flexibility in designating beneficiaries when compared to an employer plan like a 401k.

Does It Really Cost More to Eat Healthy?

From time to time I will hear the argument that it’s expensive to eat healthy to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle. What I want to do is provide some information based on my own experience that may help give a counter argument to this belief. While I am not disagreeing entirely that eating healthy is more expensive than not, I am saying that if done carefully, it is possible to eat healthy for less than what it would cost for less heathy alternatives. One of the arguments I hear is that individuals may be overweight due to relying on fast food menu items – especially those on dollar or value menus. And the reason these menus are relied on is because shopping for a healthy alternative is pricier. Let’s take a look. Consider a few value menu items from a well-known fast food provider. Cheeseburger – $1 – […]

Social Security Benefit Suspension

Social Security benefit suspension underwent some major changes a couple of years ago. It’s not anywhere near as useful as it used to be.

Deductible and Coinsurance for Medicare Part B

The deductible and coinsurance for Medicare Part B can become very costly if you don’t have a means to cover it by a Medigap policy.

Deductible and Coinsurance for Medicare Part A

Understanding the deductible and coinsurance for Medicare Part A is important so that you can use this information to plan your medical expenses.