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December, 2018:

Estate Planning Essentials

How many of you reading this have an estate? If you think you have an estate, then please keep reading – this should be you and everyone else reading this. That is, everyone has an estate. Many individuals believe that to have an estate they must have a certain amount of “stuff”, net worth, income, social status, etc. Furthermore, these same individuals may feel estate planning involves complex documents, high legal fees, considerable time. While this may be true for some estate plans, it’s not always the case. Additionally, many individuals feel that estate planning involves planning for incapacity or death. Although not pleasant to discuss, planning for one’s incapacity or death is an important part of their overall financial plan. Having these discussions before incapacity arises (a possibility) or death occurs (a certainty) can help ease the stress for loved ones dealing with these situations of and when they […]

Roth IRA Conversion Strategy – Fill Out the Bracket

One strategy for Roth IRA conversions is known as “fill out the bracket”. This article gives an explanation along with examples.

Changes to IRMAA for 2019

There are changes to IRMAA for 2019 that will affect your Medicare Part B premium. A new premium adjustment applies when incomes reach higher levels.

2018 Form 1040: Say hello to my little friend

Have you seen the 2018 Form 1040? It’s not quite the post-card we were promised, but it’s half the size of the old one. Not much has changed, though.

Can You Beat the Market?

In investing and finance, the words “beat the market” appear from time to time either as part of an investment strategy, conversation, or a combination of both. Investors can often be lured by the phrase in the hopes of achieving returns superior than the market or “above average”. When we refer to the market, we’re generally referring to a benchmark such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average (The Dow) or the S&P 500. First off, I’d like to offer a bit of clarity before attempting to answer the titular question. If fact, I’d like to ask two questions and answer both – because they will have different answers, even though they look similar. First, I think it’s appropriate to ask this question: Can the market be beaten? To which I answer, yes. The market can be beat, and there are times where certain investments have done better than the market. […]

Principles of Pollex: The Rule of 72/Rule of 78’s

The Rule of 72 and the Rule of 78’s can be useful rules to know in your financial life. One is useful for investments and the other for loans.

You can’t deduct IRA losses any more

Prior to 2018, you had the ability to deduct IRA losses from your income via Schedule A. As of the passage of TCJA, this deduction is no longer available.

IRAs and Blended Families

How does an IRA fit in with your estate planning when there are blended families? Blended families can complicate the planning process.