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Earnings Limits

How Social Security Earnings Limits Impact Total Family Benefits

As we’ve discussed in the past, there are limits on the amount of earnings that a person can receive while also receiving Social Security benefits, if the person on whose record the benefits are being received is under Full Retirement Age.  But those earnings limits don’t only impact the benefit of the primary receiver of benefits – anyone else who is also receiving benefits based on his or her record will also be impacted by the earnings limits. How Does This Work? As you know from the previous article, in 2012 if an individual is receiving wage income in excess of $14,640, for every $2 of earnings over that amount, benefits received are reduced by $1.  If there is no one else receiving benefits on his or her record, the individual would lose benefits by $1 for each $2 over the limit. However, if someone else is receiving benefits on […]