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Roth Conversion Planning for a Small Business Owner or Farmer

Small business owners (including farmers) may have a unique opportunity for Roth conversions if they have significant Net Operating Losses on the books.

Required Minimum Distributions for 2020

How are required minimum distributions for 2020 changed by the CARES Act? There are a few “gotchas” to consider, depending on your situation.

IRA Early Withdrawal Exception: Disability to the IRA Owner

One IRA early withdrawal exception is for disability. But it has to be the IRA owner’s disability. It’s not enough that the spouse of the owner is disabled.

Choosing a Beneficiary for Your IRA

Choosing a beneficiary for your IRA is a decision with many variables to consider. Long term tax deferral can be very different depending on your choice.

IRA Stretch Strategy for Married Couple

One strategy of stretching IRA withdrawal periods applies to a married couple, splitting the IRA money up so that multiple 10-year periods apply for heirs.

Beyond 401(k) and IRA

You’re contributing as much as you’re allowed to a 401(k) or other employer-sponsored retirement plan. If your income allows it, you’re also contributing the maximum annual amount to your Roth or traditional IRA. But you still want to set aside more money beyond 401(k) and IRA, to make sure your retirement is everything you hoped for. What options do you have? Here are some things to consider… Before moving beyond – are you really maxing our your 401(k) and IRA? IRAs and employer-sponsored retirement plans like 401(k)s have some real advantages when it comes to saving for your retirement. So, before you go any further, make sure you’re really contributing all you can. In 2020, most individuals can contribute up to $19,500 to a 401(k) plan, and up to $6,000 to a traditional or Roth IRA (subject to income limitations). If you’re age 50 or better, though, you can make […]

RMDs From IRAs

IRA Required Minimium Distributions (RMDs from IRAs) are an important concept to understand. Getting the calculation wrong can cause penalties.

7 Mistakes With Inherited IRAs

The inherited IRA can be an important part of your estate planning process. With this method, you can pass along tax deferred money to your heirs.

Inherited IRAs After the SECURE Act

With the passage of the SECURE Act, there are two sets of rules for distribution of inherited IRAs, for Eligible Designated Beneficiaries, and all others.

QCD after the SECURE Act

QCD – Qualified Charitable Distributions – have new rules after the SECURE Act. One in particular that you need to know is the anti-abuse rule.

IRA Contributions after the SECURE Act

Now that the SECURE Act has passed, there’s a new rule regarding IRA contributions, specifically for folks over age 70½. And this one is positive!


With the passage of the SECURE Act, many changes have come into effect for retirement accounts. This article covers the SECURE Act RMD rules.

Three Reasons You May Not Want to Convert to a Roth IRA

In today’s historically-low tax rate environment, converting money from traditional IRAs to Roth can make sense, but not always. Keep your eyes open.

Options For a Spousal Inherited IRA

What options do you have if you have a spousal inherited IRA? There are three, much better options than other non-spouse beneficiaries.

Adjusting Your Withholding and Estimated Tax Payments

If you regularly have a large tax payment or large refund, you should review and adjust your withholding to be more efficient.

Large IRA Planning Opportunities

If you have a large IRA, required distributions could eventually pose a tax problem for you. In your early 60’s it might make sense to do some planning.

Should I Use IRA Funds or Social Security at Age 62?

Image via Wikipedia Folks who have retired or are preparing to retire before the Social Security Full Retirement Age (FRA) face a dilemma if they have IRA assets available. Specifically, is it better to take an income from the IRA account during the years prior to FRA (or age 70) in order to receive a larger Social Security benefit; or should you preserve IRA assets by taking the reduced Social Security benefits at age 62? At face value, given the nature of IRA assets, it seems like the best thing to do is to preserve the IRA’s tax-deferral on those assets, even though it means that your Social Security benefit will be reduced. If you look at the taxation of Social Security benefits though, you might discover that delaying receipt of your Social Security will provide a much more tax effective income later in life. In the tables below I’ll […]