If you have an IRA or a 401(k) that you’ve inherited, you may wonder if it is possible to convert that account over into a Roth IRA. After all, you’ve got to take RMD (Required Minimum Distributions) from the account since it’s inherited, why couldn’t you just pay all the tax upfront and roll it over? Well, there are two answers to this question, one for inherited IRAs, and one for inherited qualified retirement plans (QRPs, such as 401(k) or 403(b) plans). And like many other things in this wonderful tax code of ours, the two kinds of plans are treated differently today, but may be subject to change in the future. It should be noted that we’re talking about non-spouse beneficiaries here. A spouse has pretty much the same rights as the decedent (original owner, now deceased) had, so if the decedent was eligible for a Roth conversion, the […]
Roth conversion
A new way to fund your Roth IRA
As you plan and save for your retirement, it’s nice to have multiple types of taxation for your income sources. You may have a pension, Social Security, and a traditional IRA, all of which are taxed to some degree or another. Adding to this list you might have a Roth IRA which generally will provide you with tax-free income in retirement. The problem with the Roth IRA is that you have some strict limits on the amounts that you can contribute, and typical Roth Conversion strategies are costly and complicated. With the recent pronouncement from the IRS in Notice 2014-54, there is a brand new, sanctioned method, to fund your Roth IRA.
Be Careful When Converting
When converting from a 401(k), traditional IRA, 403(b), SIMPLE IRA, SEP or 457(b) to a Roth IRA there are some important tax considerations to keep in mind. First, converting from a tax deferred plan to a tax free plan it’s not always the best idea. Generally, it’s going to make sense to convert if the tax payer believes that he or she will be in a higher income tax bracket in retirement. For example, John, age 28 has a 401(k) and recently left his employer. He’s currently in the 15% bracket but expects to be in the 28% bracket or higher in retirement. It may make sense for John to convert his 401(k) to his Roth IRA. This makes sense for John because when he converts from a pre-tax, employer sponsored plan like the 401(k) it’s money that has not yet been taxed. If he converts while in the 15% […]
State Income Tax and Retirement Income
On only a few rare occasions does it make sense to defer money to your 401(k) or other employer sponsored plan instead of a Roth IRA. Those occasions include when your gross income excludes you from contributing directly to a Roth IRA (you can still convert), you are currently at a very high tax rate or the case of when you live in a state where retirement income is excluded from state taxation. Here in Illinois, the current law exempts retirement income from being taxed at the state level. What this means, is that any contributions to a 401(k), 403(b), SEP, SIMPLE and 457 avoid state income taxation. Qualified distributions at retirement are only taxed at the federal level, and then only as income. If you contribute directly to a Roth IRA that money is after-tax money going in. After-tax in this case meaning it’s been already taxed at the […]
An Unexpected Result From Roth Conversion – Increased Medicare Premiums
Many folks took advantage of the one-time opportunity in 2010 to convert funds from traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs and subsequently spread the tax over the following two years, 2011 and 2012. This was a very good option for some folks who wanted to do the conversion and reduce future tax costs. However (and there’s always a however in life!), with the coming of 2013, many of these same folks are experiencing an unexpected result of the conversions: a significant increase in Medicare Part B premiums. Beginning after 2003, Medicare Part B premiums have been partly determined by income – primarily higher income. For 2013, the increased Part B premium begins for single folks with incomes above $85,000, married couples above $170,000. The income used to calculate the Part B premium is always based on the most recent tax return, which in this case would be the 2011 tax return. […]
Taking Distributions from Your IRA In Kind
When you take a distribution from your IRA, whether to put the funds in a taxable account or to convert it to a Roth IRA, you have the option of taking the distribution “in kind” or in cash. In cash means that you sell the holding in the account or simply take distribution of cash that already exists in the account. This is the most common method of taking distributions, and it is definitely the simplest way to go about receiving and dealing with a distribution. Cash is cash, it has only one value – therefore the tax owed on the distribution, whether a complete distribution or a conversion to a Roth account. On the other hand, if you choose to use the “in kind” option, you might just save some tax on the overall transaction. The reason this is true is due to the fact that the amount reported […]
The Difference Between IRA Contributions and Rollovers
Often there is confusion about what constitutes a “contribution” and a “rollover” into an IRA. This post is intended to clear up the difference. While both activities are technically contributions, there’s a major difference between the two. The most significant of the differences is that with a regular annual contribution there are several limits imposed that can be quite restrictive. Annual Contribution Limits For an annual contribution to a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA, you are limited to the lesser of $5,000 or your actual earned income for the year. If you have no earned income, you’re not allowed to make an annual contribution to an IRA. Above that amount, if you happen to be 50 years old or better, you can add $1,000 more to your annual contribution (2012 figures). Astute readers will point out that there is the option for a spouse to make a spousal IRA […]
End of Year Roth Conversion Strategy: Fill Up the Bracket
Image by agrilifetoday via Flickr If you’re in a relatively low tax bracket and have funds in a traditional IRA or Qualified Retirement Plan, chances are you might be in a position to set yourself up with tax-free income via a Roth Conversion. One method that can work in your favor is the “fill up the bracket” technique, and if you want to do this for 2011, you’re running out of time, it must be done by December 30 (December 31 is a Saturday). The way this works is that you determine what your regular income is, and then look at where you are with regard to your tax bracket. If there’s still some “headroom” in the current bracket, you could convert an amount, equal to or less than your “headroom”, from your traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. This way you are controlling the tax rate at which your […]
NonDeductible IRA Contributions: Good or Bad Idea?
Image by Sean MacEntee via Flickr If you find yourself in the position of having too high of an income to make a deductible contribution to your IRA for the year ($110,000 for joint filers in 2011, $66,000 for Single and Head of Household), you may be wondering if it’s a good idea to make a non-deductible contribution to your IRA. There are two opposing camps on this issue, and the deciding factor is how you’re intending to use the funds in the near term. It’s a Good Idea If you’re intending to convert your IRA to a Roth and your income is too high to just make the contribution directly to the Roth account, the non-deductible IRA may be the right choice for you. This way you’re effectively working around the income limitations of the Roth contribution ($179,000 for joint filers in 2011 or $122,000 for single or head […]
Tax Bill Higher Than You Expected?
Now that you’ve (hopefully) filed your return for 2010, you may have noticed that the bill was higher than you expected. This may be due to some subtle changes to the tax law that affected your return for this year. Listed below are some of the changes that you may have been impacted by: Social Security taxation: Especially if you had unusual income taxed in 2010, such as a Roth Conversion, you could be subject to as much as 85% taxation of your Social Security benefit. Alternative Minimum Tax: If you’ve been impacted by this, not only are your ordinary income tax items taxed at a higher rate, but your capital gains and dividends could be taxed at a rate higher than 15% as well. This happens for folks with incomes between $150,000 and $439,800 (or $112,500 and $302,300 for singles) as the AMT exemption phaseout occurs. Image via Wikipedia […]
The Roth Recharacterization
1/1/2018 Note: Recharacterization of Roth conversion is no longer allowed as of tax year 2018. The last tax year that you could recharacterize Roth conversions is 2017. See Roth Recharacterization is No Longer Allowed for more details. After all the hoopla around Roth conversions in 2010, now is the time to consider whether or not a recharacterization is in your future. So what is a recharacterization, and how does it work? Recharacterization is the “backing out” of your Roth conversion. In other words, you can literally make the conversion as if it had never been done at all, with your money back in the traditional IRA where it started. Why would you want to do that? Here’s an example: let’s say you converted $100,000 to a Roth IRA in 2010 and you are ready to pay the tax on your 2010 return (you elected out of the spread to 2011 […]
New Opportunities to “Roth”
Recently one of the tenets of the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 came into effect, providing you with additional opportunities to set aside funds in a Roth account – not a Roth IRA, but rather a “designated Roth account”, often referred to as a Roth 401(k) or Roth 403(b). Designated Roth accounts are also often referred to as DRACs – just to keep the acronym train rolling. The way the new law works is that, if you have a 401(k) or 403(b) (the traditional kind), you can roll over or convert some of your funds to a DRAC while the account is still active – as long as your plan is set up to allow in-plan distributions of this variety. The eligible rollover distribution (ERD) must be made: after September 27, 2010; from a non-designated Roth account in the same plan, meaning your traditional 401(k) or 403(b); because of […]