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social security benefits

Working While Receiving Social Security

If you’re working while receiving Social Security benefits, depending on your income you may be giving up some of the benefit, short term.

When to File For Social Security Benefits

A discussion of factors to consider while deciding when to file for Social Security benefits, factoring in age and other components.

The Social Security Survivor Benefit – Part 2

Note: you can find the first part of this discussion of Social Security Survivor Benefits at the link. Part 1 covered the basics of Survivor Benefits, and this article covers other considerations with the Survivor Benefit, including non-spouse survivor’s benefits and coordinating the Survivor Benefit with your own benefit. As mentioned in the prior articles, don’t expect to fully understand these calculations and definitions in the first run-through. Check over the other articles (links within article text) for more information, and post questions in the comment section if they come up.

The Social Security Survivor Benefit – Part 1

Basics of the Social Security Survivor benefit. This article lays the foundation for understanding this confusing aspect of Social Security.

The Social Security Spousal Benefit – Further Explanation

Further explanation of the tenets behind the Social Security Spousal Benefit provision for clarification and better understanding.

How PIA Relates to Your Benefit

How can you determine what your Social Security benefit may be if you’re not filing at your FRA? You have your PIA, but now what?

How Survivor Benefits are Treated

When you’re married to someone who has worked under the Social Security taxation system, you have two different benefits that may be available to you: Survivor Benefits, and Spousal Benefits. These two benefits may be more than the benefit you’ve earned under your own working record. Spousal Benefits are available while your spouse (or ex-spouse) is still alive. Survivor Benefits are available after your spouse’s (or ex-spouse’s) death. Social Security Survivor Benefits are much different from Spousal Benefits in several ways. In fact, there’s very little to compare between the two, other than that they are benefits for the spouse or ex-spouse of someone who earned a Social Security Retirement Benefit. Here are the primary things that you need to know about Survivor Benefits: Survivor Benefits can be claimed as early as age 60.  Of course, as with all early claims for benefits, the amount will be reduced if you […]

The Affect of Earnings on Your Social Security Benefit

How do current earnings impact your Social Security benefit? Surprisingly, the impact can be felt in several different ways,

Your Social Security Benefits Statement

Here is a detailed explanation of the components of your Social Security benefits statement. You can get this statement online at any time.

What Your Social Security Statement Is Telling You

Do you understand what your Social Security statement is actually telling you? Chances are you might not realize what they’ve assumed.

Social Security’s PIA – What is this?

Do you know what PIA means, with regard to Social Security? It’s a very important number, the basis of many if not all important calculations.

Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) for Social Security

WEP (Windfall Elimination Provision) can cause a substantial decrease in your Social Security benefit. This article explains WEP to help you understand it.

Restoring Social Security benefit level after early filing

Did you know that restoring Social Security benefits after early filing was even a possibility? There’s at least a couple ways to do this.

Social Security Eligibility

How many Social Security credits do you need in order to be eligible for retirement benefits? What about Social Security disability?

Babies from 1960: 2020 is a year you’ll never forget

If you were born in 1960, 2020 will have more significance to you than most. This year’s economic hits will impact your Social Security, not in a good way.

2019 Social Security Survey Results

Results from my 2019 Social Security Survey are in. Some interesting information to be learned about attitudes toward filing strategies.

Survivor Benefits Do Not Affect Your Own Benefits (and vice versa)

It pays to know the rules. You can coordinate Social Security survivor benefits with your own retirement benefit if you’re eligible for both.

Are Social Security Benefits Changing in 2021?

Much has been advertised about Social Security benefits changing in 2021 – but really, it’s all old news. The “changes” have been in place since 1983.

3 Myths About Social Security Filing Age

This article takes a long hard look at these three “facts” about Social Security filing age and shows the real math behind them. All three are only true to a point – and as you’re planning your Social Security filing age, you should understand the real truth behind these three items. First, let’s look at the concept of delay. You Should Always Delay Your Social Security Filing Age to 70 This one is the easiest to understand why it’s wrong – but the component of truth in it can be important because it could work in your favor to delay. Of course an absolute like this is going to be proven incorrect in some circumstances. If you happen to be able to delay your Social Security filing age and you live a long time after age 70, over your lifetime you will receive more from Social Security than if you […]

Credit for Reduced Social Security Benefits When Subject to the Earnings Test

Continuing to work while receiving Social Security benefits may cause a reduction to your benefit – if you earn more than the annual earnings test (AET) amount. But this reduction isn’t permanent – you will get credit for reduced Social Security benefits when you reach Full Retirement Age. So how does this work? Earnings Test The earnings test limit is $17,640 for 2019 if you are under Full Retirement Age for the entire year. The limit is $46,920 in the year that you reach Full Retirement Age. Full Retirement Age (FRA) is age 66 if you were born between 1946 and 1954, ratcheting up to age 67 if your birth year is 1960 or later. So for 2019 if you were born after 1952 and you are receiving Social Security benefits, for every two dollars that you earn over $17,640, one dollar of your benefit is withheld. For example, if […]