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Social Security Maximum Taxable Earnings

Listed below are the maximum taxable earnings for Social Security by year from 1937 to the present.

Year Maximum Taxable Earnings
1937-1950 $3,000
1951-1954 $3,600
1955-1958 $4,200
1959-1965 $4,800
1966-1967 $6,600
1968-1971 $7,800
1972 $9,000
1973 $10,800
1974 $13,200
1975 $14,100
1976 $15,300
1977 $16,500
1978 $17,700
1979 $22,900
1980 $25,900
1981 $29,700
1982 $32,400
1983 $35,700
1984 $37,800
1985 $39,600
1986 $42,000
1987 $43,800
1988 $45,000
1989 $48,000
1990 $51,300
1991 $53,400
1992 $55,500
1993 $57,600
1994 $60,600
1995 $61,200
1996 $62,700
1997 $65,400
1998 $68,400
1999 $72,600
2000 $76,200
2001 $80,400
2002 $84,900
2003 $87,000
2004 $87,900
2005 $90,000
2006 $94,200
2007 $97,500
2008 $102,000
2009-2011 $106,800
2012 $110,100
2013 $113,700
2014 $117,000
2015-2016 $118,500
2017 $127,200
2018 $128,400
2019 $132,900
2020 $137,700
2021 $142,800
2022 $147,000
2023 $160,200
2024 $168,600
2025 $176,100