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2011 tax year

Tax Credits That Can Increase Your Refund

When filing your tax return, certain refundable tax credits are more valuable than the more common, non-refundable credits.

11 Facts About the Child Tax Credit (2011)

Image via Wikipedia The IRS recently issued their Tax Tip 2012-29, which provides some key points about the Child Tax Credit. Below is the text of the tip: The Child Tax Credit is available to eligible taxpayers with qualifying children under age 17.  The IRS would like you to know these eleven facts about the Child Tax Credit. Amount With the Child Tax Credit, you may be able to reduce your federal income tax by up to $1,000 for each qualifying child under age 17. Qualification A qualifying child for this credit is someone who meets the qualifying criteria of seven tests: age, relationship, support, dependent, joint return, citizenship and residence. Age Test To qualify, a child must have been under age 17 – age 16 or younger – at the end of 2011. Relationship Test To claim a child for purposes of the Child Tax Credit, the child must […]

What Changed About the Earned Income Credit?

Image by didbygraham via Flickr I’ve received a lot of questions about this. Apparently as folks file their returns for the year, they are finding a difference in the amount of refund that they are due to receive this year versus last year.  And as they look for answers, they often focus on the Earned Income Credit (EIC) and wonder if something changed. The answer is – very little changed.  Certainly nothing that would have a significant impact on your income tax refund.  There was one significant change, in that beginning in 2011 there was no advance payment of the EIC – in years past it was an option available for the taxpayer to receive his or her EIC in advance payments throughout the year rather than waiting until the tax return has been filed.  Beginning with 2011, you have to wait to receive the EIC payment. Other than that, […]

Review of 2011 Stats

Ed. Note: As in past years, I’m taking a break from my normal business of posting retirement, tax and other personal financial planning topics to report on the blog itself and the statistics we’ve seen in this, the 8th year of publication for this blog. I’ll be back to regular programming with the next entry. – jb Over the past year, this blog has seen continued growth. This year has been all about Social Security as much as anything. As you know, in October I released A Social Security Owner’s Manual, and many of you have picked up copies, thank you! Through your comments and email questions I have come to meet literally hundreds and hundreds of you over the years – and we’ve learned a lot together. I’ll take this opportunity to thank you for your tremendous support by reading, asking questions, and making comments on what I have […]

Expiring Tax Provisions for 2011

Image by polapix via Flickr There are quite a few tax provisions that will be expiring at the end of 2011 – nowhere near the number of provisions that were set to expire at the end of 2010 (many of which were subsequently extended), but still there are quite a few sun-setting this year. Listed below are some of the major provisions that will expire at the end of 2011 that will affect individual taxpayers. Charitable Contributions from IRA The provision that allows an IRA owner, subject to Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) and over age 70½ to make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) directly to a charity from his IRA will expire as of 12/31/2011.  This provision allows the IRA owner to make this charitable contribution without having to recognize the income – which could have a profound effect on the taxpayer’s return.  Remember, this one expired once before, at […]