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eligible rollover distribution

2 Good Reasons to Use Direct Rollover From a 401(k) Plan

When moving funds from a 401(k) plan to an IRA or to another qualified plan, a direct rollover solves some potential problems.

How a Spouse Can Stretch an Inherited IRA

What are the options for an individual who inherits an IRA from their late spouse? This is the most flexible type of beneficiary of an IRA.

The Rollover

Image via Wikipedia You’ve heard it millions of times – on the radio or tv – “when you leave your job, you should roll over your retirement account”. You may know that it makes sense (or at least you assume it makes sense, otherwise why would these folks admonish you to do so?), but do you know why it’s important? And do you have the first clue as to how to accomplish a rollover? Why rollover? Among the reasons that it is important to rollover your retirement account when you leave employment is that you want to have control over your money. If you leave the account with the former employer, you are effectively handing over a portion of the control of your money to the administrator. This administrator’s primary job is to ensure that the plan remains as effective and efficient as possible, for your former employer. Your interests […]