Getting Your Financial Ducks In A Row Rotating Header Image

financial planning

Where to Get Your Annual Credit Report

As a smart consumer, you have likely heard that it’s a good idea to get your credit report every year from all three services: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion.  You’ve probably also seen the ever-present “Free Credit Report” commercials on the television (unless you TiVo everything and skip past the commercials!) – so you may be wondering:  is that the place to go to get the credit reports? While the service in the commercials will likely provide you with the reports you need, since that service is a “for profit” venture, you’re also likely to get more than you bargained for along with your reports.  There are a lot of add-ons that can mysteriously show up, like hidden fees, credit score monitoring, identity theft protection, etc., all of dubious benefit. The Real Answer The ONLY authorized source for requesting your credit reports from all three agencies FOR FREE, with no strings […]