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Options For a Spousal Inherited IRA

What options do you have if you have a spousal inherited IRA? There are three, much better options than other non-spouse beneficiaries.

Adjusting Your Withholding and Estimated Tax Payments

If you regularly have a large tax payment or large refund, you should review and adjust your withholding to be more efficient.

Trust Me, You’re Gonna Like This – The See-Through Trust as a Beneficiary

One area that often gets short shrift in discussions of IRAs and beneficiary designation is the use of a trust as the beneficiary. Part of the reason behind this may be the perceived complexity of trusts in general; at any rate, it’s not as complicated as it sounds, and it can be beneficial, depending upon your circumstances. We’re specifically discussing the “see-through” trust here, as this type of trust is most appropriate for IRA and Qualified Retirement Plan beneficiary designations. The See-Through Trust as a Beneficiary If you designate a trust as the beneficiary of your IRA or Qualified Retirement Plan (QRP), the trust should be set up with certain properties associated with it: the trust must be valid under the plan owner’s state’s law; the trust must be irrevocable upon the plan owner’s death; the trust beneficiaries must be identifiable; ALL of the trust beneficiaries must be individuals (cannot […]

Sam, You Made The Pants Too Short!

What can you do if your IRA has declined so much that it will no longer support your 72t payments as scheduled? You have a couple options to consider.

Turns Out You CAN Be A Little Bit Pregnant

Remember back in junior high (or whenever it was) during health class (or sex ed, or whatever they called it for you) – how it was explained that pregnancy is a black or white thing: “nobody gets just a little bit pregnant” was the story my health teacher gave us to remember. As it turns out, there are many other absolutes in life that are similar. However, in a totally characteristic move, the IRS gives us a way that takes something that you think would be absolute, and twists it so that you can, in fact, be a little bit pregnant (or rather, a little bit taxable, a little bit tax free, in this case). Confused yet? Sorry, that wasn’t my intent… some people refer to this as the “cream in the coffee” rule. With this analogy, it is explained that once you put cream in your coffee, you can’t […]

Roth Conversions for Inherited Retirement Plans

If you have an IRA or a 401(k) that you’ve inherited, you may wonder if it is possible to convert that account over into a Roth IRA. After all, you’ve got to take RMD (Required Minimum Distributions) from the account since it’s inherited, why couldn’t you just pay all the tax upfront and roll it over? Well, there are two answers to this question, one for inherited IRAs, and one for inherited qualified retirement plans (QRPs, such as 401(k) or 403(b) plans). And like many other things in this wonderful tax code of ours, the two kinds of plans are treated differently today, but may be subject to change in the future. It should be noted that we’re talking about non-spouse beneficiaries here. A spouse has pretty much the same rights as the decedent (original owner, now deceased) had, so if the decedent was eligible for a Roth conversion, the […]

4 Ways You Can Make IRA Contributions – Without a Job!

Did you know that you don’t have to have a job to make ira contributions? There are at least 4 exceptions that allow you to contribute without a job.

How QDRO Impacts NUA

Don’t let the alphabet soup in the title put you off. If you’ve never come face-to-face with a QDRO you might not need to know this – but then again, the basic underlying premises are good information to understand… First some definitions, just so we know what we’re talking about: QDRO: Qualified Domestic Relations Order – this is a method for permitting distributions from a qualified retirement plan (not an IRA) in the event of a divorce. How a QDRO works is that, upon the decreed division of assets, if a retirement plan (such as a 401(k) or 403(b)) of one spouse is chosen as an asset to be divided and a portion given to the other spouse, a QDRO is issued. The QDRO allows the division to occur without penalty… otherwise, making a distribution from a qualified plan before age 59½ would result in penalty and possible taxation, as […]

Pension Payout: Annuitize or Rollover (Cash)?

If you happen to be in one of those jobs (there can only be a handful left at this point, right?) that has a traditional pension plan, you may be faced with an important decision. When you’re ready to retire (did I just hear angels singing?) – you have to decide if you’ll take annuitized payments, or if you cash out the plan and roll it over to an IRA. These “traditional” pension plans are referred to as defined benefit (or DB) plans – meaning that your benefit is defined as a determined amount. This benefit is usually based on a combination of your longevity in the job, plus your ending salary. You’re probably familiar with these computations: an example is a pension that is 2% per year of employment, multiplied by the average of your final five years of salary. So if you worked at a job for 25 […]

Medicaid and Retirement Accounts

How are retirement accounts counted when determining eligibility for Medicaid? It’s an important point to consider when planning for long-term care.

Roth IRA Eligibility

What are the eligibility requirements for Roth IRA contributions? There are limits based on your income level that you need to be aware of.

IRD from an IRA

IRD from an IRA can be pretty confusing – but it can also make a huge difference in the taxaxtion of distributions from an inherited IRA.

IRA Inheritance – Not Taking Timely Distributions

What happens when you forget to take the required distributions from an IRA inheritance?

Splitting Inherited IRAs

Splitting an inherited IRA into multiple IRAs is important to maintain your own distribution plan after the death of the original owner.

TWO 5-year Rules for Roth IRAs

There are two 5-year rules that apply to Roth IRAs. Depending on the circumstances, one or the other may apply to your account and distributions from it.

IRS Private Letter Rulings, Revenue Rulings and Revenue Procedures

For specific guidance on how the IRS will handle a particular situation, they issue Private Letter Rulings, Revenue Rulings and Revenue Procedures.

Focus On The Future

This post was inspired by a recent conversation I had with a former student. As is customary in my classes, I encourage students to contact me if they have questions while in the “real world” after graduation. The student was contemplating contributing the maximum to a Roth IRA for 2018 – which is $5,500, and then potentially doing the same for 2019 – which would be $6,000. His concern was market volatility. He was afraid of contributing to the IRA, then seeing is lump sums of $5,500 and $6,000 respectively plummeting if the market were to drop substantially. I told him to look at it from this perspective. The middle letter in the acronym IRA stands for retirement. This young man is 22 years old, planning to retire in 30 to 40 years. I told him that he could consider contributing the maximum to his Roth IRA every year, regardless […]

Problems and (proposed) Solutions for 401k Plan

The 401k plan takes the blame much of the time for the problems individual investors are facing. But maybe adjusting the 401k plan is the real

The Equity-Indexed Annuity

Any time there’s a down market going on, you’re more likely to get a sales pitch for an equity-indexed annuity. There can be upsides, but mostly downsides.

Roth IRA Conversion Strategy – Fill Out the Bracket

One strategy for Roth IRA conversions is known as “fill out the bracket”. This article gives an explanation along with examples.