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You can’t deduct IRA losses any more

Prior to 2018, you had the ability to deduct IRA losses from your income via Schedule A. As of the passage of TCJA, this deduction is no longer available.

IRAs and Blended Families

How does an IRA fit in with your estate planning when there are blended families? Blended families can complicate the planning process.

How to Resolve an Over-Contribution to Your IRA

What happens when you have an over-contribution to your IRA? Are there consequences? How can you resolve this situation without excess penalty?

Don’t Invent Income!

It may be tempting to invent income for a child, such as paying them to do the dishes, in order to qualify for a Roth IRA contribution. Don’t do it!

IRA Options for a Surviving Spouse Under Age 59 1/2

What options are available for distribution of an IRA if you’re a surviving spouse who is under age 59½? You have 3 options…

Withholding and Social Security Benefits

If your Social Security benefit is being taxed, you may need to look at your withholding to make sure you’re not hit with a penalty at tax time.

Your IRA and Your Spouse – Or Maybe Not

Your IRA provides you with considerably more flexibility in designating beneficiaries when compared to an employer plan like a 401k.

Eligible Rollover Distributions (ERDs)

What are eligible rollover distributions? And what are not eligible rollover distributions? IRS only defines one of them, you have to figure out the rest.

The Deadline for Spousal IRA Rollover

Do you have a deadline for a spousal IRA rollover? In many (most?) cases, you don’t. But it pays to understand the rules and how they apply to you.

Designated Roth Account (Roth 401k) Distributions

Distributions from a Roth 401k can be very complicated. This article goes into the details you need to be aware of to avoid tax where possible.

Things to Consider as You Set Up a SOSEPP

Do you know how to set up a SOSEPP (72t) plan? It’s got to be done correctly, otherwise you’ll face some big problems and penalties.

The Heartbreak of Withholding From Indirect Rollover

An indirect rollover can cause problems, not the least of which is the mandatory withholding if the source account is an employer plan (401k).

IRAs Do Not Pass Through Your Will

Here’s a little fact that you may not realize:  when you assign a beneficiary for your IRA account, you are effectively bypassing any outside action against that account, including your will – assuming that the beneficiary assigned is appropriate. For most assets that you own, when you pass away, your last will and testament determines who will receive the assets. You may want to make sure that your daughter gets the heirloom china set, and your son receives the antique car, among other things – so you direct these wishes through your will. If you don’t have a will, your state of residence, through the probate process, determines how your assets are distributed. Generally this will direct your estate to your living heirs in order, from your surviving spouse to your children and then grandchildren. It’s different in each state, so it really makes a lot of sense to get […]

60-day Rollover Waivers

If you missed the 60-day window for a rollover, there are waivers that may apply to your situation. You have some homework to do, though.

Not So Fast! 9 Special Considerations Before Rolling Over Your 401(k)

If you are leaving an employer you may think it’s a no-brainer to rollover your 401k to an IRA or a new employer plan. Not so.

Converting Directly From a 401(k) to a Roth IRA

Converting directly from a 401k to a Roth IRA used to be a two-step process. But since 2008, this type of conversion has been very straightforward.

The Importance of IRA Custodial Documents

Most of us don’t pay attention to or even read the custodial documents that we receive when we open an IRA. It could cost you…

3 Ways to Do a Roth Conversion – Tax Free

There are several ways to do a tax free Roth conversion, and this article explains three ways you can do it.

Will TCJA Encourage QCD?

A byproduct of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act may be a new appreciation for and much greater use of the QCD for charitable contributions from your IRA.