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Will Work After Retirement Age Increase My Social Security Benefit?

This question comes up every once in a while: Will work after retirement age increase my Social Security benefit due to the additional earnings going on my record? The answer, as with many of these calculation-type questions, is a fully-qualified “maybe”. The amount of your earnings from work in any year may have a positive impact on your benefit – not just work after retirement age. On the downside, depending upon your benefit amount it may not be much of an increase. The reason it’s not certain whether work after retirement age will increase your benefit is because of the nature of the calculations involved. If you’ll recall from the article on calculation of your Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) – the foundation of this calculation is a figure called your Average Indexed Monthly Earnings, or AIME. The AIME is an average of the 35 highest indexed earnings years in your […]

Social Security Bend Points for 2014

When the Social Security Administration announced the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for 2014, this also allowed for calculation of the bend points for 2014. Bend points are the portions of your average income (Average Indexed Monthly Earnings – AIME) in specific dollar amounts that are indexed each year, based upon an obscure table called the Average Wage Index (AWI) Series.  They’re called bend points because they represent points on a graph of your AIME graphed by inclusion in calculating the PIA. If you’re interested in how Bend Points are used, you can see the article on Primary Insurance Amount, or PIA.  Here, however, we’ll go over how Bend Points are calculated each year.  To understand this calculation, you need to go back to 1979, the year of the Three Mile Island disaster, the introduction of the compact disc and the Iranian hostage crisis.  According to the AWI Series, in […]

How Your Average Indexed Monthly Earnings is Determined

In order to calculate your Social Security benefit you need to know what your PIA (Primary Insurance Amount) is.  In order to calculate the PIA, you need to know what your Average Indexed Monthly Earnings (AIME) factor is.  So how is your AIME determined? During your working career, your Social Security-covered earnings were reported to the Social Security Administration.  When you reach age 60, an index factor is applied to each year of your earnings in order to adjust each year’s earnings for inflation.  After the index factor is applied, the top 35 years of earnings are totaled and then divided by 420 (the number of months in 35 years).  This produces an average… indexed… monthly… earnings… factor. If you haven’t had a full 35 years of Social Security-covered earnings, the AIME is still calculated using 35 years as the divisor.  This can result in a much lower benefit as […]

Computing Your Social Security Monthly Benefit

When planning for Social Security retirement benefits, it is important to know how to compute the amount of your benefit at various ages.  The amount of your benefit will be different depending upon your age when you begin drawing the benefit, as well as your record of earnings over time. Below are the factors that are needed in order to determine the amount of your Social Security benefit: Your Primary Insurance Amount, or PIA Your Full Retirement Age, or FRA, which is determined by your year of birth Your age when you will begin drawing benefits Whether or not the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) applies to your benefits This earlier article has information about the PIA, and you can find your PIA on your Social Security statement.  Your FRA, if you were born between 1943 and 1954, is 66.  If you were born in 1955 or after, FRA gradually increases […]

A Quick and Dirty Way to Determine Your PIA

We’ve gone over the long, painful, detailed way to calculate the Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) in many different articles and my book.  The PIA is central to most of the calculations we do, such as your own benefit (reduced or increased if you file early or late), survivor benefits, and the like. Sometimes it is difficult to actually know find out what your PIA actually is.  Here’s a quick and dirty way to figure it out: Go to the Social Security website and get your statement (  On page 2 at the top you’ll see either your Full Retirement Age (FRA) benefit amount, or the amount at your current age if you’re over FRA.  Oftentimes we refer to this FRA amount as your PIA, but nearly always with a qualification.  This is because the benefit amount illustrated on this statement is assuming that you continue earning at your current level […]

It Pays to Wait For Your Social Security Benefits

It’s usually best, for most things in the financial world, to act now rather than waiting around. The notable exception is with regard to applying for Social Security benefits. We’ve discussed it before (in fact part of this article is a re-hash of an earlier post) but it is an important point that needs more emphasis, in my opinion. As you’ll see from the table below, if you’re in the group that was born after 1943 (that’s you, Boomers!) you can increase the amount of your Social Security benefit by 8% for every year that you delay receiving benefits after your Full Retirement Age (FRA – see this article for an explanation). Delaying Receipt of Benefits to Increase the Amount If you are delaying your retirement beyond FRA, you’ll increase the amount of benefit that you are eligible to receive. Depending upon your year of birth, this amount will be […]