When converting from a 401(k), traditional IRA, 403(b), SIMPLE IRA, SEP or 457(b) to a Roth IRA there are some important tax considerations to keep in mind. First, converting from a tax deferred plan to a tax free plan it’s not always the best idea. Generally, it’s going to make sense to convert if the tax payer believes that he or she will be in a higher income tax bracket in retirement. For example, John, age 28 has a 401(k) and recently left his employer. He’s currently in the 15% bracket but expects to be in the 28% bracket or higher in retirement. It may make sense for John to convert his 401(k) to his Roth IRA. This makes sense for John because when he converts from a pre-tax, employer sponsored plan like the 401(k) it’s money that has not yet been taxed. If he converts while in the 15% […]
roth ira
Have a HEART
Yes, I am organizing this writing around Valentine’s Day as a clever way to introduce a benefit military service members and their families can take advantage of as well as tie it into the title itself. The Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act or HEART Act provides service members and their families with certain pension and tax benefits while living or in the event of the service member’s death. According to http://myarmybenefits.us.army.mil/ these are some of the benefits that can be taken advantage of due to the HEART ACT: Accelerated vesting in the retirement plan (but not any imputed additional benefit accruals for the period of military service) Additional life insurance benefits Other survivor’s benefits depending on the benefits of the employer Employers also have the choice of treating the disabled or deceased service member as if they had returned to work the day before the disability or death occurred. […]
myRA? What’s the point?
After the President’s state of the union announcement of the new myRA account, my first reaction was: Did we need this? What’s so “out of reach” about a regular Roth IRA? And if there was a great hue and cry for this, why hasn’t the marketplace provided it already? After all, there are custodians who will provide a no-fee Roth IRA with no account minimum already (TD Ameritrade comes to mind). Plus, there are plenty of ways to get a bond-like return with no costs or account minimums as well. All that I can find that is different about the myRA accounts is that the bond investment (same as the TSP “G” fund) has downside protection – meaning that the funds in the myRA account will never reduce in value, only grow or stay the same. As with any gift (and downside protection is indeed a valuable gift), there is […]
2014 IRA MAGI Limits – Married Filing Separately
Note: for the purposes of IRA MAGI qualification, a person filing as Married Filing Separately, who did not live with his or her spouse during the tax year, is considered Single and will use the information on that page to determine eligibility. For a Traditional IRA (Filing Status Married Filing Separately): If you are not covered by a retirement plan at your job and your spouse is not covered by a retirement plan, there is no MAGI limitation on your deductible contributions. If you are covered by a retirement plan at your job and your MAGI is less than $10,000, you are entitled to a partial deduction, reduced by 55% for every dollar (or 65% if over age 50), and rounded up to the nearest $10. If the amount works out to less than $200, you are allowed to contribute at least $200. If you are covered by a retirement […]
2014 MAGI Limits for IRAs – Married Filing Jointly or Qualifying Widow(er)
Note: for the purposes of IRA MAGI qualification, a person filing as Married Filing Separately, who did not live with his or her spouse during the tax year, is considered Single and will use the information on that page to determine eligibility. For a Traditional IRA (Filing Status Married Filing Jointly or Qualifying Widow(er)): If you are not covered by a retirement plan at your job and your spouse is not covered by a retirement plan, there is no MAGI limitation on your deductible contributions. If you are covered by a retirement plan at work, and your MAGI is $96,000 or less, there is also no limitation on your deductible contributions to a traditional IRA. If you are covered by a retirement plan at your job and your MAGI is more than $96,000 but less than $116,000, you are entitled to a partial deduction, reduced by 27.5% for every dollar […]
2014 MAGI Limits – Single or Head of Household
Note: for the purposes of IRA MAGI qualification, a person filing as Married Filing Separately who did not live with his or her spouse during the tax year, is considered Single and will use the information on this page to determine eligibility. For a Traditional IRA (Filing Status Single or Head of Household): If you are not covered by a retirement plan at your job, there is no MAGI limitation on your deductible contributions. If you are covered by a retirement plan at work, if your MAGI is $60,000 or less, there is also no limitation on your deductible contributions to a traditional IRA. If you are covered by a retirement plan at your job and your MAGI is more than $60,000 but less than $70,000, you are entitled to a partial deduction, reduced by 55% for every dollar over the lower limit (or 65% if over age 50), and […]
Why Diversify?
Remember Enron? I think we all do. Enron was once a powerhouse company that saw its empire crumble and took the wealth of many of its employees with it. Why was that the case? Many of Enron’s employees had their 401(k) retirement savings in Enron stock. This was the classic example of having all of your eggs in one basket and zero diversification. Let’s say that the employees had half of their retirement in Enron stock and half in a mutual fund. Enron tanks but their mutual fund stays afloat. This means that they lost, but only lost half of their retirement, all else being equal. Imagine if they had only a quarter of their retirement in Enron and the remaining 75% in three separate mutual funds. Enron’s demise is only responsible for a fourth of their retirement evaporating. This could go on and on. The point is that when […]
State Income Tax and Retirement Income
On only a few rare occasions does it make sense to defer money to your 401(k) or other employer sponsored plan instead of a Roth IRA. Those occasions include when your gross income excludes you from contributing directly to a Roth IRA (you can still convert), you are currently at a very high tax rate or the case of when you live in a state where retirement income is excluded from state taxation. Here in Illinois, the current law exempts retirement income from being taxed at the state level. What this means, is that any contributions to a 401(k), 403(b), SEP, SIMPLE and 457 avoid state income taxation. Qualified distributions at retirement are only taxed at the federal level, and then only as income. If you contribute directly to a Roth IRA that money is after-tax money going in. After-tax in this case meaning it’s been already taxed at the […]
Don’t Forget to Pay Tax on Your 2010 Roth Conversion
Remember back in those heady days in 2010, when you finally had carte blanche eligibility to convert your IRA funds to a Roth IRA regardless of your income? And then there was a special provision that the IRS made available: you could convert money to your Roth IRA in 2010, and delay recognizing the income and paying the tax over the next two years… remember that? That was so cool. However. (Ever notice how there’s always a “however” in life?) Here we are, two years later, and NOW you have to pay tax on the Roth conversion that happened way back then. You might have forgotten it altogether, but you can bet the IRS hasn’t forgotten. Hopefully you didn’t forget this on your 2011 tax return that you filed in 2012 as well. At that time, you should have recognized half of the deferred Roth IRA conversion from 2010 on […]
The Difference Between IRA Contributions and Rollovers
Often there is confusion about what constitutes a “contribution” and a “rollover” into an IRA. This post is intended to clear up the difference. While both activities are technically contributions, there’s a major difference between the two. The most significant of the differences is that with a regular annual contribution there are several limits imposed that can be quite restrictive. Annual Contribution Limits For an annual contribution to a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA, you are limited to the lesser of $5,000 or your actual earned income for the year. If you have no earned income, you’re not allowed to make an annual contribution to an IRA. Above that amount, if you happen to be 50 years old or better, you can add $1,000 more to your annual contribution (2012 figures). Astute readers will point out that there is the option for a spouse to make a spousal IRA […]
Tips for Summer Jobs From the IRS
With summer in full swing, many young folks are working in temporary jobs for the summer. There are a few things that you need to know about these temporary jobs that the IRS (and I!) would like you to know. Recently the IRS produced their Summertime Tax Tip 2012-13, which provides important information for students working in summer jobs. I have added an extra couple of tips after the original IRS text that may be useful to you as well. The original text of the Tip is below: A Lesson from the IRS for Students Starting a Summer Job School’s out, but the IRS has another lesson for students who will be starting summer jobs. Summer jobs represent an opportunity for students to learn about the tax system. Not all of the money they earn will be included in their paychecks because their employer must withhold taxes. Here are six […]
When Is a Roth IRA Subject to Income Tax?
Elaine Roth (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Ah, the Roth IRA. That single bastion of non-taxable money in our arsenal of accounts. When you have investments in a Roth IRA, you can take the money out tax-free, right? Not always. There are several situations where a Roth IRA’s monies can be subjected to tax, penalty, or both. Listed below are some of those circumstances. When a Roth IRA is Taxable It should be noted that contributions to a Roth IRA may always be withdrawn from the account tax-free, for any purpose whatsoever. There are no restrictions on these withdrawals. 1. Taking the money out of the account within the first five years of the account’s existence can result in taxation of a portion of the funds. The portion that is taxable is any withdrawal that exceeds the total of all contributions and conversions into the account. This rule applies without exceptions. 2. […]
A Tax-Free Roth Conversion Question of Timing
Fern Overgrowth (Photo credit: MightyBoyBrian) We’ve discussed here in the past about how it is (at least under present law) a perfectly legal maneuver to make a non-deductible contribution to a traditional IRA and then at some point later convert the same contribution to your Roth IRA (see Is it Really Allowed? for more). If you have no other IRA accounts, this conversion to Roth can be a tax-free event, especially if there has been no growth or gains in the investments in the account. However (and there’s always a however in life) I recently came across a situation that was sent to me by a reader, where he wanted to do such a conversion, but he also wanted to rollover some money from his 401(k) plan into an IRA. The question is in the timing – understandably, if he does the conversion from the traditional IRA to the Roth […]
About to Graduate? Learn How to Save!
Hey, soon-to-be-graduates: as you begin to make your way out into the world of full-time employment, you’ll soon be faced with many, many “grown up” ways to spend the money you’ll be earning. You’ll of course have rent, insurance, food and clothing, maybe a car payment, and you’ll want to use some of that new-found money to blow off steam, however you choose to do that – maybe fulfilling a lifetime dream of getting “beaked” by Fredbird, for example. If you’re on top of your game, you’ll may also be thinking about saving some of your earnings. Here, you’ll have a bundle of options to choose from – regular “bank” savings accounts, 401(k) plan (or something similar) from your employer, and IRA accounts, both the traditional deductible kind and the Roth kind (hint: the Roth kind is what I want you to pay particular attention to). Side note: even if […]
What types of accounts can I rollover into?
OMG IRA (Photo credit: girlonaglide) When you have money in several accounts and you’d like to have that money consolidated in one place, the question comes up – Which type of account can be tax-free rolled over into which other type of accounts? Thankfully, the IRS has provided a simple matrix to help with this question. At this link you’ll find the matrix, sourced from IRS Publication 590. In terms of explanation, here are a few rules to remember: You can generally rollover one account of any variety (IRA, Roth IRA, 401(k), and so on) into another account of the exact same type. You can rollover a Traditional IRA into just about any other tax-deferral plan, including 401(k), 403(b), 457(b), as well as a SEP IRA. The same goes for each of the accounts in reverse as well as between all of these types of accounts. In general, employer plans […]
Re-Converting Your IRA
Image by accent on eclectic via Flickr Okay, so we’ve covered Roth Conversions – where you distribute the funds from your traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. Then we covered Recharacterizations – where you can “undo” the conversion by moving all or part of the converted funds and the earnings associated with it back into a traditional IRA. The end result is that, for those funds converted and recharacterized, from the eyes of the IRS, nothing happened to the account (except that you may have put the money back into a different IRA). So, if you went through a Roth Conversion and then Recharacterized it, the assumption is that you wish to eventually re-convert those funds to a Roth account. When are you allowed to do this? There are two limits on the Re-Conversion of funds to a Roth account once they’ve been through the Conversion/Recharacterization wringer: This first limit […]