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How to Build Wealth

How you choose to spend or invest your money can have an impact on your net worth. Many of you are familiar with the net worth equation which is Assets – Liabilities = Net Worth. In other words, what you own, minus what you owe, equals what’s yours. However, what is conventional wisdom isn’t always what’s best. What I mean is, just because something is generally known as an “asset” doesn’t mean it’s going to help your wealth. Here are a few examples. Your house. While generally considered an asset, and to some, an investment, your home can also drain you of net worth and cash flow. Homes need upkeep, repairs, insurance, utilities, taxes, and many have mortgage payments. Additionally, your home does not produce any free cash flow. There’s also no guarantee your home will appreciate (it may even depreciate). However, paying down your mortgage will generally help your […]