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Book Review – All In Startup

Pocket Aces

Pocket Aces (Photo credit: John-Morgan)

If you’ve ever had a million dollar idea and perhaps even pondered taking that idea to the next level and turning it into a business, then reading this book will help you correctly identify the right direction you need to take.

Set in the bright lights and big city of Las Vegas the book takes us into the life of a struggling entrepreneur contemplating whether to remove his business from life support while finding himself moving closer and closer to the final table at the World Series of Poker.

Author Diana Kander does a remarkable job of tying together the similarities to a successful poker strategy and a budding entrepreneurial startup.

What I really enjoyed about the book was not only its quick to-the-point chapters, but Mrs. Kander’s amazing ability to tell the risks and pitfalls of starting a business though story – a story that follows the whirlwind plight of a man struggling to make sense of the downfall of what he thought was a sure thing.

Mrs. Kander’s background makes her more than qualified to write such a book (just read the book jacket or do a Google search). As for me, a business professor (among other hats I wear), this book will be required reading for my students. Hopefully my students won’t feel it’s required once they immerse themselves in the logic and wisdom the book offers. I’m hoping they go all in.

One Comment

  1. Anne says:

    seems like a good summer reading book…thanks.

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