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The day I was asked if I buy and sell gold

would this buy a bag of gold?

Photo credit: jb

I was recently walking down the street and came across a man with a table set up, right on the sidewalk. He had gold and silver coins on it, each in its own special plastic case. Apparently he was attempting to sell some of his collection. I didn’t engage him, just walked around his table, where a couple of other folks were standing talking to him. 

I’m pretty sure he knew me and what I do, because as I passed by he stopped his conversation with the others and asked “Do you buy and sell gold?”. I politely told him no, that I didn’t deal in metals at all. 

“Wrong move, bud! Gold has outperformed the stock market for the last wawh-wah, wawh, waah…” (somehow he had turned into Charlie Brown’s teacher by this point).

Not wanting a confrontation, I just smiled politely and went on my way. After all, anything that I had to say about the subject was likely to result in a disagreement at best, and possibly turning away his potential customers. 

I don’t begrudge the man for his particular choice of investment. For all I know, he may be very successful at it. He may even have multitude of different investing activities, giving him a well-diversified portfolio. Good for him! It’s just not for me.

Had I taken him up on his challenge, I would have brought out two particular points about why I don’t buy and sell gold:

Gold’s value is difficult to determine. Gold is only worth what a prospective buyer is willing to offer. Granted, in non-coin form there is a somewhat agreed-upon value in the global marketplace for gold, but that value fluctuates (sometimes wildly) and is not relative to the utility of the investment.

On the other hand, stocks have a value based on the future earnings potential of the company or companies. These values also vary (sometimes wildly) as well, but in general the value is relatively constant. One can easily look at the inherent value versus the value the marketplace has put on the stock to determine if it is currently underpriced or overpriced. With gold you don’t have an underlying stream of income (gold produces no income) to help determine its price.

If I were to buy a coin from this man for his tagged $20 price, in order for me to make money on it I’d need to convince someone else that it was worth something more. Chances are, the $20 price is either at or above the retail price for the coin, and since I’m not a coin expert I don’t know the difference. I’m simply taking his word for the fact that the coin is worth what he’s charging me for it.

I could do some research on that particular coin. Once I do, maybe I’ll find that it’s only worth $15 if I were to take it elsewhere (like an exchange) to sell. Or perhaps I’d find that an exchange might be willing to buy it from me for $22.

The likelihood of finding a coin that is underpriced in such a circumstance is pretty low. After all, the guy at the table has been doing this for a while – he knows what he paid for the coin, and he knows what he needs to sell it for to make a profit. He also knows what an exchange will pay for the coin, and he’s priced his coin above that. Obviously he wants to maximize his profit.

So as the buyer of a gold coin, I’m disadvantaged. I don’t know what the coin is worth without taking time to research about it. And going into a transaction without knowing the worth of the item is a big mistake.

The primary difference between gold and common stocks is that in buying gold you are speculating that someone in the future will be willing to buy it from you for a higher price. With common stocks, you have an understanding of the underlying company’s potential to earn a profit, which in turn should result in either a higher future price for the stock, or a dividend paid out to you as the owner of the stock, or both.

Gold doesn’t earn a profit. You must rely on the actions of future buyers and their opinion of gold’s value to determine whether you’ll make money or lose money.

You must store and secure your gold. If you own gold coins or bars, you need to find a place to put it where it will be secure from thieves. You also need to be able to get to it pretty quickly if you find a buyer for your coin. This can result in some significant costs over time. 

Warren Buffett says of gold:

Gold gets dug out of the ground in Africa, or someplace. Then we melt it down, dig another hole, bury it again and pay people to stand around guarding it.

You might need to install an alarm system on your home or office (wherever you keep the gold). And you might have to invest in a safe – something heavy-duty enough that a thief couldn’t just pick it up and walk away. Plus, gold is heavy. It doesn’t take a lot of coins to result in some pretty serious weight – making moving it around harder, as well as possibly requiring structural adjustments to the building where you store it.

Of course, you could always rent a safe deposit box for your gold – but then again, if you’re a prepper you probably don’t trust the “system” enough to put your hoard in the hands of some bank. Besides, once the apocalypse occurs, how are you going to get your gold out of the bank?

On the other hand, with stocks (in non-apocalypse times) you don’t have to find a place to store them (unless you have stock certificates, and that’s pretty rare these days). In addition, pretty much any business day you can buy or sell stocks, and you don’t have to worry about whether your den floor will be sufficient to hold the weight. You also don’t have to worry about being robbed while you’re moving your item from your safe place to the hands of the new buyer.

In the event of some potential apocalypse, I figure there’s little likelihood that pre-event money of any kind will have much value. I think we’ll all have to work out for ourselves how to survive – and carrying around bags of gold is probably not the way this will work anyway. I’m not trying to poo-poo the prepper movement – it’s just not how I’m spending my time. How does that line from Larry Norman go…?

A piece of bread could buy a bag of gold…

Conclusion. The only reason to buy gold is to re-sell it. It’s the valuation issue that causes the most problems for gold. If you can’t find someone to buy your gold for what you think it’s worth, you either have to accept a loss, or wait until another buyer comes along. Sometimes you don’t have the luxury of time to wait. If you need money right away it’s not like you could stop by the grocery store with your bar of gold and shave off a few milligrams to buy your loaf of bread.

With stocks, even though there may be fluctuations in prices, there are also earnings from the underlying company to add to the mix. You might be caught in the same circumstance as with the gold, where the market is lower than your original cost for the stock, but presumably you’ve also had some earnings over time. Since there is economic activity associated with the company, at least you’ve got something earning you money over time, not just sitting there taking up space and costing you money to secure it (as with gold).

Also, with gold you may find yourself in the position (for example) of setting up a table on a street corner to try to attract buyers for your holdings. With stocks you don’t have to go to this extreme. Although, now that I think about it, I suppose that may be some of the attraction to holding gold. You can sell it outside of a systemic marketplace and potentially hide your profits from taxation since it’s likely a pure cash transaction. But I’m sure that doesn’t happen often, right?

Speaking of taxation, (in the US, anyhow) under our current system, capital gains from stock holdings are taxed at a maximum rate of 20%, depending on your overall income (can be as little as 0%). Gold on the other hand, is considered a “collectible” (whether in bars or coins) and is taxed at up to 28%. As with all matters, the tax tail should not wag the investing dog, of course.

Taxes when Re-depositing IRA Withdrawals


Photo credit: jb

If you take a withdrawal from an IRA (or pretty much any tax-deferral mechanism, such as a 401(k) account), under some circumstances you may be able to re-deposit the money back into the original account, or one with similar characteristics. One such circumstance is in tax year 2020, when the CARES Act has given the opportunity to re-deposit RMDs within a certain timeframe. (Click the link for more information on Re-depositing RMD in 2020.)

What kind of tax impacts are there for re-deposits?

To understand the tax impacts of re-depositing IRA withdrawals, you must first determine what is the exact nature of the withdrawal. The withdrawal could be made up of all tax-deferred money, or it could be partly tax-deferred and partly pre-taxed contributions. In addition, the distribution could be completely made in cash to you, or a portion of the distribution could have been directed elsewhere, such as withheld for income tax purposes or sent to a charity as a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD).

It should be noted that the re-deposits discussed here are rollover deposits – not regular annual contributions. Regular contributions do not impact withdrawals in the same manner as rollover deposits. These are two separate activities – and they can occur in the same tax year.

All funds tax-deferred. If the entire distribution was made up of tax-deferred money, if you re-deposit the entire amount into the source account or another tax-deferred account, there will be no tax consequences (assuming you do so in a timely manner). At the end of the year, your 1099R will show a distribution, but if the re-deposit is into the same account, the entire distribution will be indicated as non-taxed.

However, if you only re-deposit a portion of your distribution, anything left over will be considered taxable income.

For example, if you withdraw $10,000 from your IRA, and you’re otherwise eligible to rollover those funds (either in the “normal” 60-day manner or under the CARES Act rules), if you only re-deposit $5,000, then at the end of the year you’ll get a 1099R indicating a $5,000 taxable withdrawal from your IRA. This amount will be included as ordinary income on your tax return.

If you re-deposit the entire $10,000, then you’ll have no taxable income attributed to this withdrawal.

Some funds pre-taxed, otherwise tax-deferred. If some of your withdrawal comes from non-tax-deferred contributions, the portion that was not tax-deferred is not included as taxable.

Sometimes we make non-deductible contributions to IRAs or 401(k) accounts. When a withdrawal is taken from an IRA and there are non-deductible contributions included, each dollar of withdrawal is partly taxable and partly tax-free. If you re-deposit the entire withdrawal, you’ll only be able to re-deposit the tax-deferred portion into a traditional IRA. The remaining non-deductible portion may be converted to Roth IRA or simply kept as untaxed funds.

Part of the money directed elsewhere. If you directed a portion of your withdrawal to go somewhere else, such as withheld for taxes or directed to a QCD, a special problem comes up. How do you re-deposit the money into your IRA if you don’t have it?

Generally, unless you talk the charity out of the money, you’re either going to have to pay tax on the difference, or come up with the money from another source.

For example, let’s say you took a $10,000 withdrawal from your IRA, and had 20% withheld for taxes. This is a common situation for folks meaning to re-deposit RMD from 2020, for example.

This means that you only received $8,000 of the distribution – and you won’t see the withheld money until you file your tax return next year. Using the example of 2020, you need to re-deposit your RMD before the end of August.

If you don’t have another source of funds to come up with the additional $2,000 withheld for taxes, at the end of the year your 1099R will indicate a taxable distribution of $2,000. Granted this is money withheld to pay taxes, so a 100% withholding rate should be plenty to pay the tax on this $2,000 distribution (with a significant amount available for refund or to pay tax on other earnings). 

However, the money for the re-deposit doesn’t have to be the exact same dollars that came out of the IRA. If you have $2,000 sitting in a passbook savings account, you could use that money to include with your $8,000 net withdrawal in order to make the complete re-deposit. If you make the complete re-deposit, at the end of the year this activity will result in zero taxable income.

Re-depositing RMD in 2020

required minimum distributions for 2020

Photo credit: diedoe

With the passage of the CARES Act earlier this year, changes were made to the Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) rules. Effectively, anyone who would normally be required to take a distribution from an IRA (plus 401(k), 403(b) or governmental 457 plan) is allowed to skip the distribution for tax year 2020. Inherited plans of the same varieties (which also include Roth-type accounts) are also afforded the same option to skip. Lastly, if you were first required to begin RMDs in 2019 (thus with a required beginning date of April 1, 2020) but had not taken the distribution until 2020, your RMD is waived for this period as well.

We covered a lot of the ground on the RMD changes in 2020 due to CARES in the article Required Minimum Distributions for 2020. Now we have more guidance that wasn’t available when the original article was published almost 3 months ago.

Recently the IRS issued additional guidance on this waiver of RMD. The guidance was published via Notice 2020-51, and the most significant matter (in my opinion) that had not been previously addressed is that of re-depositing RMD that were already taken in 2020.

The problem is that, when the CARES Act was passed into law, it was already several months into the tax year. Many people have their RMDs set up to take a withdrawal every month, spreading the income over the year. Because of this, by the time the CARES Act was passed, more than two and a half months had passed, and so many folks had taken as many as three distributions from their accounts already. 

The original information published with CARES provided no special relief regarding re-depositing RMD in 2020, so we were left with the “regular” rules. These rules allow for a rollover contribution to an IRA (or other account) as long as you complete the rollover within 60 days of the distribution. This still doesn’t solve the problem for someone who took his first distribution in January and perhaps another in February, only to find out that he didn’t need to as of mid- to late-March.

In addition, the “regular” rules disallow the rollover of more than one amount (IRAs only) during any 12 months. So if you took 3 distributions in early 2020 (before CARES was passed), you would normally be allowed to only re-deposit one of the RMDs, not all three.

IRS Notice 2020-51

The IRS published additional guidance recently to resolve this situation. Two things were changed regarding re-depositing RMD in 2020:

  1. Any amount taken as RMD in 2020 may be re-deposited (rolled over) into a qualified plan (IRA, 401(k), etc.) by August 31. This adjustment removes the 60-day limitation on rollovers. Inherited account RMDs must be deposited back into the originating account.
  2. Any amount taken as RMD in 2020 may be re-deposited (rolled over) into an IRA without regard to the one-rollover-per-year rule.

Note that the rules indicate “any amount taken as RMD”. This means that amounts over and above the required minimum distribution for the year are not subject to these two new provisions. 

For example, if your RMD for 2020 is $11,500 and you have set up a distribution of $1,000 per month, you would have received $3,000 in RMD distributions by the time CARES was passed. And you might not have stopped the automatic distribution for a couple of months after that. So let’s say you’ve distributed $5,000 in RMD for the year, and you’ve decided that you don’t need that money (and you’ve stopped the distributions for the remainder of the year). You’re allowed to re-deposit the entire $5,000 back into your IRA, as long as you do it by August 31, 2020.

However, if instead of monthly withdrawals you had taken a full distribution of $12,000 (extra amount just to make it certain you’ve covered your RMD for the year), you can only re-deposit $11,500 – the amount of your required minimum distribution for the year. Any amount may be re-deposited, up to the required minimum for the year.

Non-Parent Owned 529 Plans

basic apple

Photo credit: jb

Grandparents often find themselves looking for a way to help their children or grandchildren with education expenses. There are a few strategies grandparents may consider depending on their preferences. The following are a few strategies grandparents may consider to help with higher education expenses.

Grandparent-owned 529 plan. In this strategy the grandparent owns the 529 plan in their name and makes contributions to the plan. The benefit of this is that the grandparent can reduce their estate, take a potential state tax deduction (if their state allows), control the investments, take tax-free qualified distributions, and name/change the beneficiary. Furthermore, when the beneficiary files for financial aid (FAFSA), grandparent-owned 529 plans are not included in the assets of the parent or beneficiary in determining financial need.

However, there’s potential downside to this strategy when the beneficiary files the FAFSA form to determine eligibility for financial aid. FAFSA considers parent-owned 529 plans to be assets of the parent and while included in the determination for financial need, the inclusion percentage is a maximum of 5.64%.

While grandparent-owned 529 plan assets aren’t included in the FAFSA calculation, qualified distributions are – up to 50%. This means that a grandparent taking a distribution for a grandchild may inadvertently reduce the amount of financial aid of the grandchild.

For example, a grandparent taking a $25,000 qualified distribution may reduce the grandchild’s financial aid by as much as $12,500! This could be a moot point however, if there are no plans to apply for financial aid.

Contributing to a parent-owned 529 plan. Grandparents may contribute directly to the parent-owned 529 plan. Some state 529 plans even allow the grandparent (or other contributor) a state tax deduction as well. Grandparents choosing this strategy get the benefit of giving to their grandchildren without directly impacting the grandchild’s eligibility for financial aid.

Paying tuition directly to the college or university. Grandparents may also choose to pay for a grandchild’s tuition directly to the college or university without incurring any gift or estate tax consequences.

However, like a qualified distribution from a grandparent-owned 529 plan, paying tuition directly to the college or university may impact the FAFSA calculation when determining financial aid. This is because the direct paying of tuition is considered income of the student.

Again, this could be a moot point if there are no plans to apply for financial aid.

What Can a Broker Do For You?

basic apple

Photo credit: jb

You have choices when it comes to investing. You can go directly to a mutual fund company (such as Vanguard or T. Rowe Price) and choose investments yourself, or you can use a fee-only financial advisor to assist you in choosing investments. One of the most common methods is to work with a broker. Brokers are companies like Edward Jones, plus many, many other companies, including insurance company brokerage divisions, banks, and the like.

What’s the Difference?

You’re probably wondering – what’s the difference between a broker and, for example, a fee-only advisor? You’re right to be confused, because until you start working with one or the other and you know what the difference is, they look pretty much the same from the outside. Here’s the difference:

Brokers are salesmen. It is their job to sell you an investment product, and that’s how the broker gets paid. They are required by law to ensure that the product is “suitable” to your situation.

Fee-only advisors are advisors. Fee-only advisors are bound by law to act as a fiduciary. It is the job of a fiduciary to advise you on the appropriate strategies and tactics – investment moves that are in your best interest.

That’s a pretty big difference in itself – but since that differential makes the fee-only advisor look SO much better (and since this writer is a fee-only advisor), I wanted to point out what research has born out to be true about the recommendations that you get from a broker.

What Can a Broker Do For You?

There is a study done by researchers at Harvard and the University of Oregon (Bergstresser, Chalmers, and Tufano, 2009), which strives to identify the possible benefits to the consumer of financial services in purchasing investments via a broker. They looked at five possible benefits:

  1. Assistance in selecting funds that are harder to find or evaluate.
  2. Access to funds with lower costs excluding distribution costs.
  3. Access to higher performing funds.
  4. Superior asset allocation.
  5. Attenuation of behavioral investor biases (in other words, saving the investor from himself)

Ultimately, the researchers “found it difficult to identify the tangible benefits delivered by brokers.” But that’s getting ahead of ourselves.  We’ll take each category separately and briefly describe the findings.

Assistance in selecting funds that are harder to find or evaluate

It is true that brokers often direct investors into smaller, younger funds that have less track record or are not covered by major rating services. The costs (especially in time) to the individual would be enormous in researching these funds. If the other benefits are brought about by utilizing these harder to find or evaluate funds, then there would be a benefit to working with the brokerage. What we’ll see is that the rest of the evidence doesn’t bring that conclusion.

Access to funds with lower costs excluding distribution costs

The researchers found that the funds sold through the broker channel do not have lower costs excluding distribution fees. In other words, even if funds exist that are of a lower cost, the brokers are not (in general) directing investors to those funds. Across the board, the annual cost of a brokered stock fund was on average 2 basis points (bp) higher (.02%), not including commissions or 12(b)1 fees. And the average annual cost of a bond fund was an amazing 23bp higher, and money market funds were on average 4bp greater.

Access to higher performing funds

The overall return, as well as the risk-adjusted return, is lower for the funds that the broker chooses, versus funds that are directly purchased via other channels (e.g., a fee-only advisor or through personal research by the investor). Stock funds underperformed direct-purchased funds by an average of 7.5bp (.075%) – and using risk adjustments caused these figures to get even worse. Bond funds underperformed as well, but money market funds did provide a slightly better return, by a total of 18bp on average.

Superior asset allocation

While a broker’s asset allocation recommendation is different from that of other investment channels, over time the outcome is pretty much the same for either type of investor. The difference is that, on average, the broker tends to direct a higher percentage of investors into bonds (as opposed to stocks). Since stocks, over a long run, outperform bonds and bonds demonstrate lower risk (as measured by standard deviation), this difference in allocation weights tends to even out between the two.

Attenuation of behavioral investor biases

Lastly, the research shows that most broker-driven investors are much more sensitive to short-term performance in the market than other investors. This leads to “performance chasing”, which in general does not bear greater returns, while at the same time increases incremental transaction costs. Transaction costs benefit the broker, of course.

But wait, there’s more!

In addition to the research summarized above, you need to know about how a broker is typically paid. I already mentioned that the broker is paid to sell the investor products – how does that work? There are many types of fees which can impact an investor’s account:

  • Front end loads: this is a commission charged when you purchase the fund. Typically these can be anywhere from 3% to 5% or more of the purchase, although at much higher balances the fees can be reduced and even eliminated.
  • Back end loads: this is a commission charged when you sell the fund. Often, this is used to keep an investor “locked” into a fund for a specific period of time, during which other fees can be transacted from the account. After a period of time, these back end loads are waived.
  • Annual loads: this is an annual commission based on the holdings in the account, and can be one of the most expensive ways to hold investments.
  • 12(b)1 fees: this is also an annual fee based on the holdings in the account, and often is the most elusive to identify – while representing the greatest drain to the investor. This fee is usually pretty small in relation to other fees (sub 1%) but it is charged across all classes of funds, whether a front-end, back-end, or annual load. What really hurts is that the 12(b)1 fee is specifically for marketing the underlying investment. In other words, as an investor in the fund, you’re paying to help bring in more investors.

While it’s not conclusive, some of the results found in the research paper indicate what you might expect:  that brokers sell the investments that pay them the most. For example, as the front-end load or 12(b)1 fee increases for a particular fund, there is an attendant increase in the sales of the fund. Not unexpected, it’s basic human nature.


The research shows no tangible benefit to working with a broker – in fact, results are often worse with a broker. Add to that the costs of working with a broker, above and beyond the dismal results that you achieve, a conclusion isn’t hard to come by: it makes more sense to either do the research on your own and purchase funds directly, or to work with a fee-only financial advisor who will do the research and operate as a fiduciary to ensure that the investment choices you make are in your best interests.

Have Confidence – In Good Times and Bad


Photo credit: diedoe

Note: this is a re-working of a note I received in email some time ago… it’s not necessarily about money or investing, but rather success in all things. It is particularly applicable to financial matters, I think, as it is critical to maintain confidence in your plans, both in prosperity and adversity.

Confidence is one of your most important success ingredients. With it, you can achieve most anything. Without it, there is no psychological pill that can make you succeed.

Faith is the ability to believe even when you have no reason to. Faith is necessary sometimes to move forward and do something you don’t know if you can do, or when the world around you is telling you that you cannot. This is also when a trusted guide can be useful to help you figure out what is valid and what is not.

Experience gives you the proof you want and need to build future confidence on, and is something you get after you use faith and confidence first to achieve what you want. Experience is developed incrementally – in baby steps at first, with more momentum as you gain more confidence.

It is easy to make grand gains when the greater forces like “the economy” are going in your favor. Those who are truly successful make gains by having faith and confidence in themselves no matter what direction the so-called greater forces around them appear to be going. Short-term “noise” doesn’t bother these folks one bit.

In all things you can benefit by strengthening your confidence and faith in yourself. Seek guidance from others who have the experience that you lack.  Look to and recall your past successes as a foundation to build your confidence in yourself and your plans.

Non-Qualified 529 Expenses – Taxation and Penalties

The intended purpose of 529 plans was to help individuals save for college education while receiving tax deferral of earnings and use of money tax- free for qualified expenses. However, sometimes money in the plan remains after paying for education expenses, a beneficiary decides not to go to college (and there no replacement beneficiary), or other events cause funds to be left unused.

Plan owners have few options at this point, and one option may be to use money from the 529 plan for non-qualified expenses. Should this be the case, we need to look at how this money is handled.

Generally, any money that’s taken from the plan for non-qualified expenses is taxed at the taxpayer’s ordinary income rates (marginal rates). Additionally, a 10% penalty is applied – like the 10% early withdrawal penalty on retirement funds. Furthermore, if the owners took at state income tax deduction for the contribution their state 529 plan, the state may “recapture” the deduction in the year of the withdrawal.

This can be a pretty substantial tax bite.

However, exceptions to the 10% penalty apply.

Examples of exceptions to the 10% penalty for non-qualified 529 expenses are:

  • Death of the beneficiary
  • Disability of the beneficiary
  • The beneficiary received a scholarship or grant

In the event of death or disability (assuming there is no successor beneficiary) the account owner can withdraw the funds, pay the taxes on the earnings, and avoid the 10% penalty.

For disability, the account owner generally must prove that the beneficiary is unable to perform the duties of any gainful occupation.

Should the beneficiary receive a scholarship or grant, the account owner can withdraw an amount equal to the scholarship or grant without incurring the 10% penalty.

Remember – these exceptions apply to the 10% penalty only! Ordinary income tax will still apply to the withdrawal.

Electronic Filing of Amended Tax Returns – Coming Soon!

Big News! The IRS just announced that amended tax returns (Form 1040X only, for now) can soon be filed electronically!

For just about anyone in the world except for tax preparers, this seems like a yawner. After all, the IRS has been requiring electronic filing of just about every other tax return for a few years now. Up until now though, the 1040X, personal amended tax return, has been a paper-only filing.

The result is that when a return needs to be amended, we preparers have had to step back in time, print and assemble a return, attach the required documentation, get signatures, and mail the return via snail mail. And then the taxpayer has to wait, wait, wait until the paper filing has been received and accepted (using the “Where’s My Amended Return” tool on IRS’s website).

This development will definitely speed up the process and eliminate a lot of paper-handling, especially in simple matters of correcting errant information on the return. Definitely looking forward to using this!

The IRS just recently announced this development in a Newswire (IR-2020-107). The contents of the original newswire are reproduced below.

IRS announces Form 1040-X electronic filing options coming this summer; major milestone reached for electronic returns

WASHINGTON- The Internal Revenue Service  announced today that later this summer taxpayers will for the first time be able to file their Form 1040-X, Amended U.S Individual Income Tax Return, electronically using available tax software products.

Making the 1040-X an electronically filed form has been a goal of the IRS for a number of years. It’s also been an ongoing request from the nation’s tax professional community and has been a continuing recommendation from the Internal Revenue Service Advisory Council (IRSAC) and Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee (ETAAC).

Currently, taxpayers must mail a completed Form 1040-X to the IRS for processing. The new electronic option allows the IRS to receive amended returns faster while minimizing errors normally associated with manually completing the form. 

“This new process is a major milestone for the IRS, and it follows hard work by people across the agency,” said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig. “E-filing has been one of the great success stories of the IRS, and more than 90 percent of taxpayers use it routinely. But the big hurdle that’s been remaining for years is to convert amended returns into this electronic process. Our teams have worked diligently to overcome the unique challenges related to the 1040-X, and we look forward to offering this new service this summer.”

About 3 million Forms 1040-X are filed by taxpayers each year.

The new electronic filing option will provide the IRS with more complete and accurate data in an easily readable format to enable customer service representatives to answer taxpayers’ questions. Taxpayers can still use the “Where’s My Amended Return?” online tool to check the status of their electronically-filed 1040-X.

When the electronic filing option becomes available, only tax year 2019 Forms 1040 and 1040-SR returns can be amended electronically. In general, taxpayers will still have the option to submit a paper version of the Form 1040-X and should follow the instructions for preparing and submitting the paper form. Additional enhancements are planned for the future.

“Adding amended returns to the electronic family also complements our partnership with the tax software industry, which continues to work with us to provide better ways to help taxpayers,” said Ken Corbin, Commissioner of the IRS Wage and Investment division.  

Babies from 1960: 2020 is a year you’ll never forget


Photo credit: diedoe

The year 2020 is, for many obvious reasons, going to be a year none of us will forget anytime soon. But for those who were born in 1960, even if the coronavirus came nowhere near you personally, 2020 will have a lasting impact on you, regardless.

If you were born in MCMLX (1960), the year 2020 is when you’ll reach age 60. For anyone, this is a momentous occasion. Reaching six decades of age is a wonderful event, opening the passageway to retirement, grandparenting (and great-grandparenting) among many other favored activities. For our purposes in this article, you should know that age 60 is also a very important year for your Social Security benefits. Age 60 is when your wage index is set, which determines many things about your Social Security benefits.

The year 2020, with the severe economic downturn, is going to have a long-lasting impact on you newly-minted sexagenarians, specifically on your Social Security benefits. This is because of the way Social Security benefits are calculated – and the economic figures that are most likely to be written in stone a bit later this year.

I’m not going to go into complete detail on how Social Security benefits are calculated in this post – my primary message here is to help you understand why 2020’s economic results will have such a lasting impact. If you’d like a complete description of how Social Security benefits are calculated, see this article about the Primary Insurance Amount or the AIME, as starting points in your education.

The problem is in the calculation

When Social Security determines your benefit amount, a very complicated set of calculations occur. One portion of that calculation is an averaging of your lifetime (the top 35 years) of earnings. The calculation isn’t a simple average, however – it’s an indexed average, and the indexing year is the year you reach age 60. 

Let that sink in for a bit… I’m guessing that didn’t help much, did it? How about if I work through a simple example to illustrate the problem?

Rather than working with 35 years’ worth of earnings (because that gets unwieldy in a hurry), let’s work with an example of only 5 earnings periods. And I’ll simplify the numbers so it’s a bit easier to grasp. Look at the table below for starters:

Year Income
1 $1,000
2 $1,100
3 $1,250
4 $1,400
5 $1,500

Simple enough. Year 5 is representing the year 2020 for 1960 children, your indexing year. When Social Security determines your benefits, they look at your overall earnings history – and for our example the above brief table will suffice.

Since Social Security is not simply based on what you’ve earned, but rather what you’ve earned relative to the rest of all earners in your age group, we need another column in the table. This column is the Average Wage Index for all people earning in any given year. 

Briefly, the Average Wage Index is determined by totaling all wages earned in the US in a given year, and then dividing that number by the number of people who earned those wages (all who received a W2). Self-employed folks are counted as well, just in a slightly different manner based on their tax returns.

So for the purpose of our example, let’s fill in an Average Wage Index (AWI) for the record:

Year Income AWI
1 $1,000 $1,050
2 $1,100 $1,135
3 $1,250 $1,157
4 $1,400 $1,282
5 $1,500 $1,353

These AWI numbers represent that nationwide average for the year in question – don’t get hung up on the numbers themselves, I just randomly generated some numbers to fill in the slots. The point is that these are the averages for those years.

The next step in the process is to index your earnings against the averages. To do this, we set year 5 as the “index year”, and we make all of the other averages simply a comparison to that index year. To fill in the first year’s index, we simply divide our index year by the AWI figure for that year – $1,353 / $1,050 = 1.28857. And so we fill in the rest of the table:

Year Income AWI Index
1 $1,000 $1,050 1.28857
2 $1,100 $1,135 1.19207
3 $1,250 $1,157 1.16940
4 $1,400 $1,282 1.05538
5 $1,500 $1,353 1.00000

Hopefully the way the index column is determined makes sense. Again, this simply shows the AWI figure in terms of each year’s relative value compared to the AWI figure for the index year, Year 5. So Year 5 is of course, 1.00000, since it is equal to itself.

Now that we’ve determined the Indexes, we apply each year’s index to your actual income for that year. We do this by multiplying the Index column by the Income column, to come up with an Indexed Income column:

Year Income AWI Index Indexed Income
1 $1,000 $1,050 1.28857 $1,289
2 $1,100 $1,135 1.19207 $1,311
3 $1,250 $1,157 1.16940 $1,462
4 $1,400 $1,282 1.05538 $1,478
5 $1,500 $1,353 1.00000 $1,500

Taking a look at the figures in the Indexed Income column, you can see that, for example, the $1,100 that you earned in Year 2 is equivalent to $1,311 when compared to the AWI for the periods, with Year 5 as the Index year.

The last bit is to average these numbers – so we add up the five years’ worth of Indexed Income, and divide by 5, the number of periods in our example. Adding up we come up with $7,040, and dividing by 5 we have $1,408 as our result. This is our Average Indexed Earnings. (Keep in mind my example is much more simplified than Social Security’s actual calculation, which works with Monthly earnings, rather than yearly, and the total years in question are 35 rather than 5. The concept is the same, however.)

Alright – so now we’ve gotten this far, let’s get to the point of the problem: since the Indexing year is kinda the foundation of the whole process, what happens when that figure is adjusted? And by adjusted, in the context of this problem we’re covering, I mean adjusted downward – perhaps significantly.

For the year 2020, it is anticipated that the AWI figure may be less than was anticipated, and most likely less than it was in 2019. To see the affect this will have on our example, I’ll adjust the AWI figure downward by the projected 6.7% less than the prior year:

Year Income AWI Index Indexed Income
1 $1,000 $1,050 1.13905 $1,139
2 $1,100 $1,135 1.05374 $1,159
3 $1,250 $1,157 1.03371 $1,292
4 $1,400 $1,282 0.93292 $1,306
5 $1,500 $1,196 1.00000 $1,500

The only figure that was adjusted was the Year 5 AWI – but this changed both of the following columns, since their values are based on the Indexing Year’s AWI value. The result is that the Indexed Income, when totaled, comes up to only $6,396, and when divided by 5 the result is $1,279 – which is $129 less than the figure we got the first time around – nearly a 10% reduction!

Hope that example helps you to understand what is so important about the Indexing year AWI value. Now let’s put this into the context of your own Social Security benefit.

Your own Social Security benefit

I explained briefly above how your Social Security benefit is calculated, and the example should have helped you understand the importance of the Indexing Year’s AWI. Now let’s talk about what’s about to happen in 2020 – real life.

Back in the first quarter of 2020 (remember way back then?) the economy was booming. Employment was at all-time highs, based on the number of people employed. And then, the coronavirus pandemic hit. More people than ever before have been affected by layoffs and furloughs, as well as complete evaporation of their jobs. 

So – two takeaways that are important to the process – remember how I explained that the AWI is determined by taking the total wages earned by everyone in the year and dividing that figure by the number of people earning? The first part of that equation is very, very likely to be smaller in 2020 than it was in 2019 – because there has been a period of more than 8 weeks so far (out of 52, 15% of the year and climbing) where a significant number of those people who were earning at the beginning of the year have not been earning, or are earning significantly less than before. And the second part of the equation hits just as hard: more people than ever before were in the workforce, so the divisor is that much larger.

As a result, it is projected at this time that the AWI for 2020 is likely to be as much as 6.7% less than the anticipated AWI for 2019. (These figures are produced 1 year in arrears, and so the 2019 AWI will be released in October, 2020, and the 2020 AWI won’t be released until October, 2021.)

So the result is that, for those folks who are reaching age 60 in 2020, your Indexing Year AWI will be lower than anyone could have possibly guessed it might be. Social Security’s actuaries had projected an increase for 2020 of approximately 3.5% over the projected 2019 figure. 

In addition to affecting your overall average indexed earnings, the AWI Index Year also impacts the final calculation of your benefits (see Primary Insurance Amount for more details.)

It is estimated that this anomaly across these two calculations will result in a loss of more than $2,500 a year in Social Security benefits for the average person, when compared to the previously-anticipated AWI figures. Assuming this person receives benefits for approximately 18 years, a total of more than $45,000 in benefits is lost. The figures will be higher or lower depending on your benefit amount, the age you start benefits, and how long you receive benefits, of course.

What can be done about this?

Each person individually can’t do much about this situation. Starting Social Security benefits earlier or later won’t help. The only way this can be resolved is if Congress takes up the matter to make a one-time (hopefully!) adjustment to the AWI series.

How likely is it that Congress will take action? First, consider that this situation has occurred twice in the past: in 1977 through 1981, due to a change in the process, and more recently in 2009, from impact of the Great Recession. 

During 1977 to 1981 – this is the infamous “notch babies” period – since the anomaly was a result of an intended change to the rules, it’s not surprising that no Congressional action was taken.

So we have the Great Recession as a recent economic downturn to use as a guide – and once again, Congress did not take action to resolve this situation. So folks who reached age 60 in 2009 (born in 1949) had the exact same issue that those reaching 60 in 2020 are facing, and Congress did not make any changes then. So the outlook isn’t good.

However, one thing that is working in favor of a possible adjustment for folks born in 1960: it’s an election year, and Congress has been throwing money around like drunken sailors. If we can get them to pay attention to this problem, maybe they’ll do something about it – if for no other reason than to buy favor from this group of folks born in 1960. I suggest contacting your congress-people immediately, and get this issue on their plates ASAP.

I should also note – given that we have no idea whether the economy we’re seeing up to this point in 2020 will recover over the remainder of the year, or whether it will continue to languish and unemployment remains high, there’s certainly no guarantee that this same situation won’t continue for folks born in 1961 and beyond. It’s way too early to start worrying about that, and of course, worrying about it isn’t going to resolve it. 

Facing the Possibility of Incapacity

incapacity disability

Photo credit: mal0mar

Incapacity means that you are either mentally or physically unable to take care of yourself or your day-to-day affairs. Incapacity can result from serious physical injury, mental or physical illness, advancing age, and alcohol or drug abuse.

Incapacity can strike anyone at anytime

Even with today’s medical miracles, it’s a real possibility that you or your spouse could become incapable of handling your own medical or financial affairs. A serious illness or accident can happen suddenly at any age. Advancing age can bring senility, Alzheimer’s disease, or other ailments that affect your ability to make sound decisions about your health, or to pay your bills, write checks, make deposits, sell assets, or otherwise conduct your affairs.

Planning ahead can ensure that your wishes are carried out

Designating one or more individuals to act on your behalf can help ensure that your wishes are carried out if you become incapacitated. Otherwise, a relative or friend must ask the court to appoint a guardian for you, a public procedure that can be emotionally draining, time consuming, and expensive. An attorney can help you prepare legal documents that will give individuals you trust the authority to manage your affairs.

Likelihood of Suffering an Incapacity

According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, an individual age 20 has a better than 1 out of 4 chance (26%) of suffering a disability at some point in their life prior to Social Security full retirement age. That’s a pretty significant figure – look around you, if there are 12 people in your office, 3 of them are slated to have a disability at some point in their lives.

Managing medical decisions with a living will, durable power of attorney for healthcare, or Do Not Resuscitate order

If you don’t authorize someone to make medical decisions for you, medical care providers must prolong your life using all available artificial means, if necessary. With today’s modern technology, physicians can sustain you for days and weeks (if not months or even years). If you wish to avoid this (not only for yourself, but for your family), you must have an advanced medical directive executed.

There are three types of medical directive: 1) living will; 2) durable power of attorney for healthcare; and 3) do not resuscitate order (DNR). You may find that one, two, or all three types of advanced medical directives may be necessary to carry out your wishes for medical treatment (just make sure all documents are consistent).

A living will allows you to approve or decline certain types of medical care, even if you will die as a result of the choice. However, in most states, living wills take effect only under certain circumstances, such as terminal injury or illness. Generally, a living will can be used only to decline medical treatment that “serves only to postpone the moment of death.” Even in states that do not allow living wills, you might want to have one anyway to serve as evidence of your wishes.

A durable power of attorney for healthcare (known as a health-care proxy in some states) allows you to appoint a representative to make medical decisions for you. You decide how much power your representative will have.

Lastly, the Do Not Resuscitate order (DNR) is an order that tells all medical personnel not to perform CPR if you go into cardiac arrest. There are two types of DNRs: one is effective only while you are hospitalized; the other is used while you are outside the hospital.

Managing your property with a living trust, durable power of attorney, or joint ownership

If no one is ready to look after your financial affairs when you have an incapacity, your property may be wasted, abused, or lost. You’ll need to put in place at least one of the following options to help protect your property in the event you become incapacitated.

You can transfer ownership of your property to a revocable living trust. In that case, you name yourself as trustee and retain complete control over your affairs as long as you retain capacity. If you become incapacitated, your successor trustee (the person you named to run the trust if you are unable) automatically steps in and takes over the management of your property. A living trust can survive your death. There are, of course, costs associated with creating and maintaining a trust.

A durable power of attorney (DPOA) allows you to authorize someone else to act on your behalf. There are two types of DPOAs: a standby DPOA, which is effective immediately, and a springing DPOA, which is not effective until you have become incapacitated. A DPOA should be fairly simple and inexpensive to implement. It also ends at your death. A springing DPOA is not permitted in some states, so you’ll want to check with an attorney on the availability.

Another option is to hold your property in concert with others. This arrangement may allow someone else to have immediate access to the property and to use it to meet your needs. Joint ownership is simple and inexpensive to implement. However, there are some disadvantages to the joint ownership arrangement. Some examples include:

  1. Your co-owner has immediate access to your property;
  2. You may lack the ability to direct the co-owner to use the property for your benefit;
  3. Naming someone who is not your spouse as co-owner may trigger gift tax consequences; and
  4. If you die before the other joint owner(s), your property interests will pass to the other joint owner(s) without regard to your own intentions, which may be different. You’ll need to coordinate any joint ownership with your last will and testament as part of an overall estate plan.

The Gift of Time

Some thoughts that may help give some perspective with the extra time some of us may have.

Roth Conversion Planning for a Small Business Owner or Farmer


Photo credit: hbd

Continuing with the discussion about Roth IRA conversions – there is an opportunity for the small business owner or farmer that may be quite useful. Many small business owners and farmers have large Net Operating Loss (NOL) carryovers from previous years, due to the fact that NOL can only be deducted to the extent of the individuals’ Adjusted Gross Income. Beginning with tax year 2018, excess NOL can be carried over indefinitely, but can only offset 80% of the taxable income for the year of the return.

Prior to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (2018) NOL carryforward was limited to 20 years, but could offset 100% of the taxable income. In addition, not germain to this article, TCJA also eliminated the 2-year carryback NOL for all taxpayers except for farmers. Any NOL prior to 2018 uses the old rules.

For the small business owner or farmer who has retired and closed his business, a large NOL can be difficult to take advantage of – especially if his income requirement is small in relation to the carried forward NOL. If the small business owner or farmer has an IRA, there is a unique opportunity for a Roth conversion, up to an amount equal to the carried over NOL, thereby converting the funds to a tax-free account with no tax owed.

The reason that this is important is because carried over NOL disappears when the taxpayer dies. If the NOL is large enough that normal income (or Required Minimum Distributions) doesn’t utilize the NOL completely, then this opportunity can help to create tax-free income for the taxpayer in the future.

Note: estates and trusts can also have NOL, but this provision is not pertinent to estates and trusts.

Thoughts On Emergency Funds

Given the recent events and changes occurring for many individuals, it may be time to consider or reconsider your emergency fund, it’s length (amount) and funding. Enjoy!

401k Distributions Due to Coronavirus (CRDs)

401k distributions due to coronavirus

Photo credit: jb

Please note: this only applies to tax year 2020.

With the scourge of the coronavirus pandemic, many of us are in a serious financial position. In these dire situations, we may need to withdraw funds from retirement accounts early, in order to just get by. Thankfully, Congress passed a law recently, known as the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act of 2020, specifically section 2202) which provides a method for taking 401k distributions due to coronavirus related situations. These distributions are known as coronavirus-related distributions, or CRDs. (Note: I’ll refer to 401k throughout, but unless otherwise specified, these rules apply to IRAs, 403b and 457 plans as well. In addition, there are many more provisions in CARES that apply to retirement plans, economic relief payments, etc., but we’re only covering the CRDs here.)

The CARES Act provides a new exception to the 10% early withdrawal penalty on retirement plans, specifically if you have been impacted by the coronavirus.

Normally, if you wanted to withdraw money from your 401k prior to age 59½, your plan would prohibit such a withdrawal unless you have terminated employment, the plan has terminated, or you have experienced a documented “hardship”. And typically, unless you meet one of the exceptions noted in this article – 16 Ways to Withdraw Money From Your 401k Without Penalty – you will be assessed a 10% penalty on your withdrawal prior to age 59½.

With the introduction of this new exception for 401k distributions due to coronavirus, you may be* allowed to withdraw up to $100,000 from the 401k account, regardless of your age, without penalty. In addition, there are special rules regarding how the 401k distributions due to coronavirus are taxed, as well as special provisions for payback of the funds. We’ll get to those special rules and provisions a bit later.

* Like many provisions surrounding 401k plans (and 403b and 457 plans), the plan must specifically offer these special distributions due to coronavirus. There is no requirement that plans must offer them, so you’ll need to contact your plan administrator to find out if yours does allow the distributions due to coronavirus. Since this Act was just recently passed, your plan may allow the special distributions in the future but may not have amended the plan just yet.

What is “impacted by coronavirus”?

How do you know if you’ve been sufficiently “impacted” by coronavirus to qualifity for this special treatment of 401k distributions due to coronavirus? In order to qualify, the recipient of the distribution must meet one of these descriptions:

  • Individual, individual’s spouse, or individual’s dependent (for tax purposes) is diagnosed with the virus SARS-CoV-2 or with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) by a test approved byt the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 
  • Individual experiences adverse financial consequences as a result of being quarantined, or furloughed, laid off, or work hours reduced due to the pandemic.
  • Individual is unable to work due to lack of child care resulting from the SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19.
  • Individual must close or reduce hours of a business that he or she owns due to the coronavirus.
  • Or other factors determined by the Secretary of Treasury.

The first bullet in the list is very specific and defined: you, your spouse, or your dependent must have been diagnosed with the specific virus by a specific test in order to qualify.

The remaining items are much more subjective and lacking in definition. It is not defined what is meant by “adverse financial consequences”. The good thing about this is that the Treasury is allowing individuals to “self-certify” whether or not “adverse financial consequences” have occurred. Plus, the adverse financial consequences may have occurred after the withdrawal – there’s no specific timeline for the activities, simply that the distribution due to coronavirus occurs in tax year 2020.

The child-care issue is obvious and probably the easiest for parents to meet – since pretty much all schools have canceled in-person classes, this leaves parents in the position of having to find or supply supervision for their children when they would otherwise have been attending school.

And the small business owner is covered with the fourth bullet – but I think it’s clear that the closing or reduction of hours of a business would also produce adverse financial consequences as covered in the second bullet.

The last bullet in the list is, of course, a catch-all providing leeway to the IRS in order to deal with unknown factors that may crop up. Since the CARES Act was slammed together pretty quickly, it’s more likely than not that there will be much need for additional guidance from the IRS on the implementation of these provisions.

How to take 401k distributions due to coronavirus

So now we know the specifics of how to qualify. Taking the distribution is the next step (assuming you qualify, need the distribution, and your plan allows it).

These distributions can be a single distribution or multiple distributions, depending on your circumstances. The only limitation is that the 401k distributions due to coronavirus are only qualified* up to $100,000 during the 2020 tax year. If you withdraw more than $100,000, presumably the excess would be penalized the same as any other withdrawal prior to the passage of the CARES Act.

Any tax-deferred money that you withdraw from your 401k plan will be taxed. Post-tax money, including Roth 401k funds and excess non-deducted 401k contributions, would be tax-free from such a distribution.

Another provision of CARES that helps out: normally a 401k distribution would be subject to an automatic (non-optional) 20% withholding for taxes. CARES eliminates that withholding by default. You are still allowed to designate a portion of your 401k distribution due to coronavirus as withheld for tax (which is probably a good idea if you don’t intend to pay it back).

* By qualified, I mean that those funds are exempted from the 10% early withdrawal penalty if you’re under 59½, as well as given the option of spreading the tax out over three years, plus are entitled to utilize the “payback” provisions. If you’re over 59½, there would be no penalty anyhow, but you may qualify for the other provisions.

Taxation of 401k distributions due to coronavirus

As mentioned above, any tax-deferred money from these distributions will be subject to ordinary income tax. That is, the tax-deferred amount of the withdrawal will be added to your other earned income for tax year 2020 and taxed as ordinary income. This is the same treatment that would always be applied when you take a distribution from your 401k.

What’s different about the 401k distributions due to coronavirus is that, by default, you are allowed to split up the tax over three years. This means that, unless you specify otherwise, 1/3 of your distribution will be included as ordinary taxable income on your 2020 tax return (due in 2021), and then 1/3 will be applied to your 2021 return, and 1/3 on your 2022 tax return.

In many (if not most) cases, this splitting of your tax hit will be the best way to go. However, if your income has been significantly reduced in 2020 and is expected to rebound in 2021, you might want to recognize this distribution as income solely in 2020.

For example, let’s say your normal income is $60,000 per year and you are significantly impacted by coronavirus in 2020, such that your income is expected to be about $20,000 instead. You take advantage of the special rule regarding 401k distributions due to coronavirus, withdrawing $30,000.

If you believe that your income will bounce back to $60,000 in 2021 (or more), then it might make sense to include the full $30,000 withdrawal as income in 2020, since that would put your total income at $50,000 for the 2020 tax year. Otherwise, by splitting the income over 3 years, you’d have $30,000 income in 2020, and $70,000 (or more) in 2021 and 2022.

What isn’t clear is whether you can include, for example, 50% of the income in 2020, and then the remaining 50% evenly between 2021 and 2022. Guidance from the IRS will eventually address this, I’m sure.

In addition, it’s not yet clear whether the decision to pay all of the tax in 2020 is an irrevocable decision. I doubt that it is – presumably you could amend the 2020 return after that decision and only pay tax on the default 1/3, since there will have to be provisions for amending these returns in the event of repayment after 2020 (see below for more).

The payback provision

What I believe is the most valuable provision in CARES with regard to 401k distributions due to coronavirus is the payback provision. Effectively, this special distribution (or distributions) allows you 3 full years to change your mind, and pay back all or a portion of the money you’ve withdrawn.

Normally, you only have up to 60 days to pay back any money withdrawn from a 401k or IRA. Plus, with a 60-day rollover (as this maneuver is called), you must be careful not to breach the one-rollover-per-year rules. However, under CARES, your time limit is extended to 3 years after the withdrawal, and the one-rollover-per-year rules do not apply.

A few things you need to understand about this provision:

  1. The payback is 3 years from the date of the distribution. If you’re intending to pay back the funds withdrawn, you’ll want to put a big red X on your calendar on the date 3 years from the distribution. Otherwise, you may mix it up with the tax payment provision and think that you have until the end of the 2022 tax year to complete the payback.
  2. If you take more than one qualified coronavirus-related distribution in 2020, each distribution will have a different 3-year period for payback. You’ll need to pay attention to these time limits if you’re paying back – see #1 above.
  3. There is no hard and fast rule about the payback – you can decide not to pay the money back, or pay back all or a portion of it during the 3 year period. 
  4. You also may make smaller, periodic payments back into a qualified account – there’s no requirement to pay it all back at once.
  5. Effectively this is a 3-year no-cost loan – other than the intermittent tax payments (that you’ll get back if you repay it all) and your cost of lost tax-deferred gains on the money withdrawn.
  6. The payback is to be made to any qualified retirement plan – so if you took the money from a 401k, you could re-pay the money back into any of the following: the same plan, a new employer’s plan, or an IRA. Note that you could also pay this money via a conversion into a Roth IRA if you wish.

When you pay back the money into an IRA or employer’s plan as tax-deferred, you’ll need to go back and amend the tax returns from prior years that included this money as ordinary income. You’ll do that by filing a Form 1040-X, removing the taxable portion of the 401k distribution due to coronavirus that you are paying back. This could result in a couple years’ worth of tax returns to amend.

Presumably (again, we’ll need IRS guidance on this) if you pay back only a portion of the distribution, you’ll be allowed to amend your return to ratably remove a portion of that income from your prior tax returns.

As mentioned above, these paybacks do not trigger the one-rollover-per-year rules. The CARES Act provision specifically statest that these paybacks are treated exactly the same as a trustee-to-trustee transfer, which is not subject to the one-rollover-per-year rules.

If you were paying attention in #6 above, you’ll notice that I mentioned above that it’s okay (at least presently) to convert your 401k distribution due to coronavirus to a Roth IRA. This might open up some abuse of the system – but at least until we hear otherwise from the IRS, it seems like a viable path.

Effectively, one could convert $100,000 from tax-deferred (like a 401k or traditional IRA) over to a Roth IRA, and then spread out the tax hit over 3 years. I’ve seen one highly-regarded IRA expert’s opinion on this, and it is her expectation that the IRS will get wind of this (if it becomes abused) and either require income inclusion in the year of a conversion to Roth, or possibly even disallow Roth IRAs as a destination for the payback. Stay tuned on this one.

The Net Investment Income Tax and How to Avoid It


Photo credit: jb

In 2013 a new income tax was added – the Net Investment Income Tax. This tax is an additional tax, at the rate of 3.8%, on investment income above certain levels. The Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT) is actually a Medicare surtax, intended to bolster the Medicare tax rolls in order to help pay for the Affordable Care Act.

Of course, any additional tax reduces your net income, and so we always try to avoid additional tax where possible. This tax rate of only 3.8% is pretty minimal by comparison to the rest of the income tax landscape, but it’s still extra tax. We should try to avoid or minimize this tax if at all possible.

What income is taxed by Net Investment Income Tax?

Net investment income tax is imposed on any net investment income over certain levels (covered below). For the purposes of this tax, net investment income includes (but it not necessarily limited to) the following:

  • interest
  • dividends
  • capital gains
  • rent income
  • royalty income
  • non-qualified annuity distributions
  • “passive activity” income (reported as such on your tax return)
  • income from businesses involved in trading of financial instruments or commodities
  • net gains from the disposition of property

What income is not taxed by NIIT?

Since the above list indicates that it is not necessarily limited to those particular items of income, it’s important to know just what income is specifically not included as taxable under the Net Investment Income Tax. These items are excluded:

  • wages
  • unemployment compensation
  • operating income from a nonpassive business
  • Social Security benefits
  • alimony (from a pre-2019 divorce settlement)
  • tax-exempt interest
  • self-employment income
  • distributions from qualified plans (401(k), 403(b), etc.)
  • distributions from qualified annuities
  • distributions from qualified pensions
  • distributions from IRAs
  • gain on the sale of a personal residence (as excluded by the Section 121 exemption)

Who does the NIIT apply to?

As mentioned earlier, the NIIT only applies when overall income (as calculated by Modified Adjusted Gross Income) is above certain levels.

The Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) is calculated by first taking your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI, from line 8b of your Form 1040 or Form 1040SR) and adding any income attributable to a Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC) or Passive Foreign Investment Company (PFIC), plus any foreign earned income that was excluded by Section 911 (usually reported on Form 2555). For most folks, the MAGI will be the same as the AGI. For more information on CFCs, PFICs and Section 911, see the instructions for Form 8960.

If the MAGI is greater than $200,000 (for single or head of household filers), then any Net Investment Income may be subject to the Net Investment Income Tax. For married filing jointly filers, the threshold is $250,000, and for married filing separately, the threshold is $125,000.

Calculating the Net Investment Income Tax

IRS Form 8960 is used to calculate the Net Investment Income Tax, if you are subject to it. That is, if your MAGI is above the threshold and you have Net Investment Income, you will need to fill out Form 8960 to calculate this additional tax.

Form 8960 simply adds up your total Investment Income, then allows certain deductions – investment interest, state & local income tax, and miscellaneous expenses – to come up with your Net Investment Income.

Next, your MAGI threshold (from above) is subtracted from the Net Investment Income. The resulting figure is compared to the total Net Investment Income – and whichever figure is lower is assessed the Net Investment Income Tax.

For example, if you had Net Investment Income of $50,000 and your MAGI is $225,000 (single filer), you will have $25,000 of Net Investment Income subject to the NIIT. (Subtract the single threshold of $200,000 from your MAGI of $225,000, resulting in $25,000, which is less than your total Net Investment Income of $50,000.)

For another example, let’s say you had Net Investment Income of $20,000 and your MAGI is $300,000 (married filing jointly). All of your $20,000 Net Investment Income is subject to the NIIT. (Subtract the MFJ threshold of $250,000 from your MAGI of $300,000, resulting in $50,000. The total of your Net Investment Income is less than $50,000, so the total Net Investment Income is subject to the Net Investment Income Tax.)

How to Avoid or Minimize NIIT

There are two items that you might be able to control in order to avoid or reduce your exposure to the Net Investment Income Tax:

  1. Your Net Investment Income
  2. Your Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI)

Here are a few strategies you might employ to reduce your Net Investment Income:

  • Tax-loss harvesting – sell your securities that have losses in the same year that you sell securities that have gains, partially (or completely) offsetting the capital gains you must realize on your tax return
  • Use like-kind exchanges (Section 1031 exchanges) to defer gains on the same of property, especially real estate.
  • If you’re charitably-inclined, donate your highly-appreciated securities (instead of cash) to a qualified charity so that the capital gain is not included in your income. You may also qualify for a deduction (if you itemize) for the basis of the donation.
  • Hold high-appreciated securities and other assets to eventually be inherited by your heirs after your death. This eliminates the capital gains via the step-up provisions.

And here are a few ways you might reduce your MAGI:

  • Maximize your deductible contributions to tax-deferred accounts such as 401(k) plans and SEP accounts.
  • Invest in rental real estate, taking advantage of depreciation deductions to limit realized income.
  • Invest in inherently tax-deferred items such as growth stocks, annuities, and insurance products. Income is not realized from these items until sold or withdrawn.
  • Invest in municipal bonds, since the interest from these bonds is tax-exempt. This will reduce your MAGI but will increase your Net Investment Income.
  • Convert funds from traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs. This strategy may result in Net Investment Income Tax in the year of the conversion(s), but future withdrawals of the Roth IRA funds will be eliminated from your MAGI, likely reducing or eliminating Net Investment Income Tax in the future.

As with all of these matters, it makes a lot of sense to consult an investment advisor and definitely your tax advisor before making any drastic moves with your investments.

Make the Most of the Gift of Time

ol clocky

Photo credit: jb

Time. It’s the one commodity many of us don’t value until we realize it’s running out. Some choose to squander this precious resource, while others spend it doing trivial things – those which don’t improve our lives or the lives around us. Few of us make the most of it.

In the last few months we’ve witnessed unprecedented times with regards to the events changing our realities forever. The communities we live in have slowed down or have come to a screeching halt, yet the people that inhabit them don’t have to.

Many of us are homebound – waiting for the curve to flatten and the biological concerns to run their course. We have a choice to make. We can either sit idle – and let time and life pass us by – or we can be grateful for this gift and make the most of it.

Choose to make the most if it.

And this is not one of those times it’s easier said than done. This is easy. Just choose to act.

What can we do? Here’s a list of ideas to prime the pump so you can make the most of your gift of time.

  • Start a hobby.
  • Learn an instrument (or two or three).
  • Start exercising (walk, run, lift weights, calisthenics).
  • Clean your house and donate stuff you don’t need.
  • Eat better.
  • Improve your relationships.
  • Practice gratitude.
  • If you have kids, invest in your relationship with them. Be present, engaged.
  • Help others.
  • Improve yourself.
  • Learn a new language.
  • All of the above.

It’s only a matter of time (no pun intended) before we emerge from this in a new normal. How will you choose to emerge – the same, or a better version of yourself?

Coronavirus Stimulus Check – 2020 Income Wrinkle


Photo credit: jb

This post is in response to an email that I received from reader N.B. (you know who you are or will recognize the question – I tried replying to your email but it bounced back to me!). The question refers to someone whose income in 2018 & 2019 was high enough that she will not qualify for a coronavirus stimulus check. But all is not lost for our reader…

Here’s the (edited) question:

N.B.: This is my question.  My actions in 2018 and 2019 put me into AGI of over $200,000 in both years.  That puts me out of qualifying for the $2400 Stimulus check as a married couple.  Since my AGI would be less than $100,000 if I was not doing conversions or NUAs, I am wondering what I should do for 2020.  I am reading that the stimulus check is some type of adjustment on 2020 taxes, so if I keep my 2020 AGI down, can I then qualify for the stimulus check when 2020 taxes are filed?

As I mentioned above, all is not lost. The nature of the coronavirus stimulus check is that it is an advance refundable credit for your 2020 tax return (to be filed in 2021). If it turns out that your income in both 2018 & 2019 was too high to receive the credit in advance (as in, beginning sometime in April, 2020), you may still have a chance to get this credit based on your 2020 income.

When you file your 2020 return in 2021, part of the calculations will consider first what your AGI (Adjusted Gross Income) was in 2018 & 2019, and whether you received a coronavirus stimulus check previously. If your income was too high and you did not receive the credit, your 2020 AGI will then be considered. If your 2020 AGI is below the thresholds ($75,000 for single, $150,000 for married filing jointly), you will be eligible for this credit when you file your 2020 return.

So what about the 2018 income versus 2019?

If your 2019 income is too high to receive the coronavirus stimulus check but your 2018 income was below the threshold – what happens there?

If you have already filed your 2019 tax return, it’s too late. Your applicable AGI will come from the 2019 return, and you can’t retract it. However, since you don’t have to file the 2019 return until as late as July 15, 2020 (or even as late as October 15, 2020 if you extend the return), you might hold off on filing the 2019 return. This way your 2018 AGI will be applied, and you should receive the coronavirus stimulus check. 

Required Minimum Distributions for 2020

required minimum distributions for 2020

Photo credit: diedoe

Since the CARES Act was passed, there have been changes to the rules for Required Minimum Distributions for 2020. The gist of it is that, for nearly all defined contribution and personal retirement plans that would normally have required minimum distributions for 2020, the required distribution is waived. Now on to some specifics.

What plans are included?

IRA, 401(k), 403(b), and 457 plans are included. (457 plans by non-governmental entities, such as a credit union, are excluded however.) Additionally, all inherited IRA, 401(k), 403(b), and 457 plans are also included in this waiver.

Any defined benefit plan, such as a pension, is not included in this waiver.

In addition to the above, any person who reached age 70½ during 2019 who had delayed his or her first distribution to April 1, 2020 did not need to take that distribution in 2020. (I realize this is late for you if you were in this boat since April 1 has already passed, but if you missed taking the distribution on time, you should know that you’re okay and you don’t need to take the distribution in 2020.)

Putting it back

Update: Additional guidance has been published by the IRS regarding re-depositing RMD for 2020. Read about the updated guidance here.

If you were at least 70½ in 2019 and have already started taking your distributions, you can avoid taking those required minimum distributions for 2020 altogether.

However, if you had already taken all or a portion of your scheduled required minimum distributions for 2020, you have a couple of options.

First, if you took the distribution within the previous 60 days, you can roll it back into the IRA with no consequences. However, you must also have not done any other indirect rollovers within the previous 12 months, or you will have violated the one-rollover-per-year rule.

If you had another rollover within the prior 12 months, you have a couple more options to consider if you want to undo a distribution for 2020. If you have a 401(k) plan, you could rollover the money into the 401(k) plan with no consequences (assuming your plan allows rollovers). These rollovers are not subject to the one-rollover-per-year rule.

If that’s not available to you, you could convert the distribution to a Roth IRA. If you’re going to have to pay tax on it anyway, and since it’s not considered a required minimum distribution for 2020, this is available to you. You’ll still be out the cost of the taxes, but you could at least preserve the tax-deferral on the funds.

Lastly, there are the CARES Act special distribution rules that might help. Since CARES allows for a distribution and potential re-payment of money from an IRA or other plan if you have been impacted by COVID-19, this failsafe might work. If you have had an impact from COVID-19 (and IRS is still working on exactly what that means but it’s expected to be very liberal), you might be able to re-contribute or pay back any distributions into your IRA or other retirement plan within 3 years with no tax consequences. Something to keep in mind if you find yourself in this position. At the very least you may be able to spread the taxation on your distributions out over 3 years.

Inherited Accounts

Unfortunately, inherited IRA, 401(k), 403(b) and other retirement plans do not have the option of re-contributing or repaying any required minimum distributions for 2020.

Inherited accounts do not have a 60-day rollover window. This is because any moves between one account and another (of inherited funds) must always be done via a trustee-to-trustee transfer, rather than via the 60-day rollover. Administratively there is simply no way to put money back into an inherited retirement account, so it just cannot be undone.

The solitary exception to this rule is, of course, the spouse-beneficiary of an IRA who is treating the IRA as his or her own account or who has previously rolled over the account into his or her own account. Then the IRA is treated the same as if it was not inherited.

Government Retirement Plans After SECURE Act

government retirement plans

Photo credit: diedoe

The SECURE Act made sweeping changes to the rules for most inherited retirement plans, effective January 1, 2020. However, not all inherited retirement plans are changed by that date. If plan in question is a government retirement plan, such as a 457 or 403(b) plan, the implementation date is January 1, 2022. There are a few other cases when 2022 is the implementation date as well.

Specifically, the 10-year distribution rule goes into effect in January 2022 for the following two situations:

  • Plans maintained pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement (unless the collectively bargained agreement terminates sooner).
  • Governmental plans, such as 403(b) and 457 plans sponsored by state and local governments, and the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) sponsored by the Federal government. Not surprising, this includes the TSP that congress-people are participants in.

These government retirement plans use the old rules for inheritances occurring during 2020 and 2021, but beginning in 2022 the new rules will take effect. At that time, unless you are considered an Eligible Designated Beneficiary (see below), if you’ve inherited one of these plans you’ll need to distribute the entire account within 10 years. There is no annual distribution requirement, as long as the account is fully distributed within 10 years of the death of the original owner.

As a refresher, Eligible Designated Beneficiaries are:

  • Spouse beneficiaries
  • Minor child (of the original owner) beneficiaries
  • Disabled beneficiaries
  • Chronically Ill beneficiary
  • Beneficiary who is not more than 10 years younger than the original owner

Each of these beneficiary classes has the option of using the old-style of required distribution of inherited IRAs, utilizing the individual beneficiary’s own lifetime as the period over which to distribute the account.

If you inherit government retirement plans after 2022 and you’re not one of the above-listed Eligible Designated Beneficiaries, you are stuck with the 10-year payout rule.

Lastly, there is one additional exception to the January, 2020 implementation date:

Annuities in which individuals have already irrevocably annuitized over a life or joint life expectancy, or in which an individual has elected an irrevocable income option that will begin at a later point, are exempt entirely (and simply follow the already-binding contractual provisions of the annuitized contract).