A taxable account can be an important component of your overall saving strategy. The tax savings can be very useful in the long run.
ira account
What is a QLAC?
In July of 2014 the IRS issued final regulations regarding the allowance of qualified longevity annuity contracts in employer sponsored plans such as 401ks, 403bs and 457b plans as well as IRAs. What it Means and What it Means to You QLAC stands for qualified longevity annuity contract. This means that a person is allowed to take up to 25% of their overall account balance but not more than $125,000 in their retirement plan and use that money as premium to fund a longevity annuity contract. Additionally, the annuitant must start the annuity by no later than the first day of the month following the attainment of age 85. They can however, start earlier. In a 401k, 403b or 457b plan a QLAC can be purchased up to the maximum of $125,000 across all accounts (IRAs included), but not more than 25% of the account balance per plan.
The Cost of Waiting
Procrastination is a silent and slow killer. Everyone, including yours truly, is guilty of putting things off, waiting until the last minute and then scurrying around frantically to get done what we could have easily gotten finished weeks or months ago if we would have either planned ahead or simply started. Let me give you an example. Last year my wife and I were debating whether or not to have a tree removed from our back yard. The culprit is the much loathed sweet gum tree that is common in this area of the country. Readers familiar with this pariah of the deciduous family of trees recognize it with annoying “gumballs” that are far from being smooth but rather are the sharp and pointy fruits that fall relentlessly from the tree mainly in the fall and work wonders on mower blades and bare feet. Needless to say they are a […]
The One-Rollover-Per-Year Rule: Revised
In a surprising decision, US Tax Court has ruled that the One-Rollover-Per-Year rule applies to all IRAs, rather than to each IRA separately as was previously thought. IRS Publication 590, Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs), has the following information in regard to the one-rollover-per-year rule: Waiting period between rollovers. Generally, if you make a tax-free rollover of any part of a distribution from a traditional IRA, you cannot, within a 1-year period, make a tax-free rollover of any later distribution from that same IRA. You also cannot make a tax-free rollover of any amount distributed, within the same 1-year period, from the IRA into which you made the tax-free rollover. The 1-year period begins on the date you receive the IRA distribution, not on the date you roll it over into an IRA. The use of the term “that same IRA” has always been taken to mean that the rule applies […]