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Double, Double, Toil and Trouble

It’s possible to accidentally pay double tax on your inherited IRA, unless you know how the IRD deduction works. This article outlines how it works – which may be important to you in the future when estate tax exemptions are reduced.

Should You Take or Postpone Your First RMD?

The first year of RMD presents a planning opportunity. What should you think about as you consider the timing of this withdrawal?

Roth Conversion Timing Where After-Tax Contributions Are Involved

The timing of your Roth conversion can make a huge difference, especially if you have after-tax contributions in your IRAs.

5 Tactics for Required Minimum Distributions

If you’ve got to take required minimum distributions, here are several options for how you should plan them.

Rolling Your IRA into a 401(k) – to Avoid RMD

One way to avoid RMD is to rollover your existing IRA into an employer’s 401(k) plan, if you’re still employed at age 72.

IRA Trick – Eliminate Estimated Tax Payments

There is a way to eliminate the estimated tax payments throughout the year, using your IRA and a bit of imagination. It works, and works well.

2021 Retirement Plan Limits

No changes in contributions limits for employees to their employer-sponsored plans and IRAs.

Post-Death Options for Directing a Retirement Plan to a Spouse

There are a few post-death options that you might be able to use to direct a retirement plan to a surviving spouse.

Mistakes With NUA

If you’re not careful there are several mistakes with NUA that can cause big problems for you. Pay attention when using NUA.

Just Starting With Retirement Savings? Get All the Credit You’re Due!

If you are saving in an employer plan or an IRA you need to check to make sure you’re getting the Saver’s Credit if you qualify.

IRA Transfer to HSA: Does This Make Sense?

Can it be a good move to transfer money from your IRA to an HSA? It’s something you can done once in a lifetime, but should you?

Roth Conversion Planning for a Small Business Owner or Farmer

Small business owners (including farmers) may have a unique opportunity for Roth conversions if they have significant Net Operating Losses on the books.

Choosing a Beneficiary for Your IRA

Choosing a beneficiary for your IRA is a decision with many variables to consider. Long term tax deferral can be very different depending on your choice.

RMDs From IRAs

IRA Required Minimium Distributions (RMDs from IRAs) are an important concept to understand. Getting the calculation wrong can cause penalties.

7 Mistakes With Inherited IRAs

The inherited IRA can be an important part of your estate planning process. With this method, you can pass along tax deferred money to your heirs.

Three Reasons You May Not Want to Convert to a Roth IRA

In today’s historically-low tax rate environment, converting money from traditional IRAs to Roth can make sense, but not always. Keep your eyes open.