Fact about your retirement plan that you may or may not be aware of. Things to consider as you take action to participate.
More Clarification on Rollovers and Transfers
I’m compelled to provide an additional update to the posts I’ve provided in the past in the article Running Afoul of One Rollover Per Year Rule and its follow-up More on the One-Rollover-Per-Year Rule. This is primarily to provide clarity to a portion of this rule that I personally was unclear on when the articles were originally written. The rule is that you are restricted to one IRA rollover in a 12-month period. So let’s define a few things for the purpose of this discussion: Rollover – this is when you move money from one IRA to another, first taking possession of the funds prior to depositing the funds into the new (or the same old) IRA account. You have 60 days to complete this process. At the end of the tax year you’ll receive a 1099R from the original custodian, with a distribution code of 1 or 7 (this […]
Avoid the Overweight Retirement Plan
While it’s generally a good idea to defer as much income as possible into your available IRAs, 401(k)s and Roth accounts, as with everything else in life, too much of a good thing can be a problem as well. When you have the bulk of your financial assets in retirement plans, you might accidentally expose yourself to some risks that you haven’t thought about… since retirement plan assets are much more likely to be impacted by changes to legislation – as we have seen in the past. In these days when Congress is looking for money just about everywhere, it’s not a stretch to imagine new legislation coming down the pike to tax retirement plan assets (like the excess plan accumulation tax that has been proposed). Other possibilities include accelerating required minimum distributions to achieve a faster payout taxation of the plan and eliminating the “stretch” provisions (this has already […]