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I’m delaying my Social Security. Here’s why

delaying my social securityIf you’ve been reading here very long (or pretty much anywhere else for that matter), you’ve probably seen a lot of opinions on Social Security claiming strategies. It’s a very personal choice, because the only way to really be “right” is to know how long you (and perhaps your spouse) will live. In my own case, I’m delaying my Social Security benefits to the latest possible age. This article will show you why.

Delaying my Social Security

I intend on delaying my Social Security filing to age 70. At the same time, we intend for my wife to begin her Social Security at age 62. We’ve chosen this strategy for three primary reasons:

  1. By delaying, I am maximizing an income stream that is truly unique – no other stream of income that I know of has these three factors:
    1. has inflation protection (annual cost of living increases) built in;
    2. has no upper limit (no matter how long I or my spouse live, the benefit continues); and
    3. is tax-preferential (at max, 85% is included as taxable income).
  2. By delaying and maximizing my benefit, I am also maximizing the survivor benefit that will be available to my wife if I pre-decease her.
  3. By starting my wife’s benefit early, we will receive that benefit for the longest possible time.

By using these two strategies, we are maximizing the timeline of receipt of my wife’s benefit, even though it will be reduced. Her benefit amount will be a bit less than mine, but not so low that she will be eligible for a spousal benefit. This way we’ll receive her benefit for 8 years before we begin receiving my benefit. At the same time we’ll maximize the amount of the benefit that potentially will last the longest – assuming one or the other (or both of us!) live past approximately 82 years old. This maximized benefit amount will have the three factors (inflation protection, no upper limit, and tax preferential) built-in to the highest amount we can get.

I have no doubt that the system will be adjusted to deal with the coming trust fund shortfall and have faith that current beneficiaries will continue to be paid. It’s happened before, and will happen again. Nonetheless, the filing strategy that I’ve outlined above does take this factor into account. The possible shortfall of the system is yet another reason to start one benefit earlier, in order to receive it for a longer period of time.

Comparing to other sources

The three factors listed above (why I’m delaying Social Security item #1) are truly unique. Let’s look at other income sources to compare (using the a, b, and c factors from above):

IRA/401k account –
a) has potential inflation protection built in, but only to the extent that the market performs well during the period. By comparison, Social Security’s COLAs are built-in to the system and apply according to economic changes.
b) It could be argued that an IRA/401k, if you only take sustainable withdrawals (using, for example 4% as your rate), that the fund could last for your entire life. But the point is that your 401k or IRA is a finite amount – and it can be drained completely if you had to have the money. Then you’re done. This is not so with Social Security benefits, at least under today’s rules. You’ll have another check coming the following month, as long as you live.
c) IRA/401k funds, if they are completely tax-deferred, are included 100% as taxable income. By comparison, Social Security benefits can be excluded from tax altogether, or included at a 50% rate, or at maximum an 85% rate. This item is eliminated if your IRA or 401k is Roth-type, but the tax being paid up front on contributions offsets some of this benefit.

Pension –
a) some pensions have inflation protection built in, but the majority do not.
b) typically pensions are payable over your entire lifetime, and may also be provide income for your spouse’s lifetime if you’ve chosen that option. But choosing a 100% joint-and-survivor option results in a reduction of your pension benefit in order to provide the spousal lifetime option, unlike Social Security benefits. Your spouse’s survivor benefit does not reduce your own benefit by providing it to him or her. It is true that the spouse’s own benefit will go away if he or she becomes eligible for the survivor benefit.
c) most pensions are 100% included in income. Some pensions include a provision for pro-rata return of your own participation in the plan (contributions you’ve made) tax-free, but this is less common than the 100% variety.

 Annuity –
a) depending on the type of annuity, some inflation protection is built in, but often only to the extent of market returns (as with the IRA/401k).
b) as with pensions, depending on the type of annuity and the payment plan, there may be income for your life and your spouse’s life. These options are not without downsides, as the available income will be reduced to provide your spouse with lifetime benefits as well.
c) like pensions, there may be a provision for tax-free return of contributions (depends on your annuity), but otherwise are generally 100% included as taxable income.

So, you can see, there’s no silver bullet. The factors listed above are enough for me to choose delaying my Social Security benefit to age 70, while starting my wife’s benefit earlier. And as mentioned before, this is a personal decision, bound to be different for everyone. What are the driving factors behind your choice of Social Security filing strategies? Share in the comments, I’m interested in knowing what you’re thinking!

Maintaining Your Resolve During Time of Uncertainty

7cdfzmllwom-william-boutLife is full of uncertainty and sometime unexpected events can cause us to overreact, make impulse decisions, and behave in a way that would otherwise run counter to our long-term goals, dreams, and habits.

Surprise events such as a market crash, loss of a job, a spouse, divorce, or other traumatizing events can have the effect of instilling apathy towards our goals and bring the temptation to deviate from our plans.

The following are some ways to maintain resolve when life happens – and the urge to give up on goals is high.

  1. Review your plan and goals. Whatever the plan or goal, be it financial, life, occupational, etc., take a moment to review the goal you’ve created. If not yet in writing, write the goal down, quantify it, visualize it and remind yourself why it’s a goal in the first place. Picture yourself having achieved the goal. How do you feel? What did you overcome to get there?
  2. Grit, or sometimes called perseverance, drive, or dedication means continuing to do something even when you don’t feel like it. There’s a saying that nothing good comes easy. Sometimes this is true. If everything came easy, life would be full of mediocrity. Choosing to push through and having grit to stick to your plans will keep you focused and on the right path, despite wanting to give up.
  3. Take some time to reflect and think about your plans, goals and aspirations. Can they be improved? If so, how? The answer might not come right away, but often when we think and reflect on our plan we can generate new ideas to make achievement come faster, more efficient, or both.
  4. Having perspective means being able to look at your situation from another point of view. This alternate point of view may arise while reflecting, or it may come because of putting yourself in another individual’s shoes and looking at your situation from the outside.
  5. Talk to a professional. Whether it’s life, financial, business, or personal, talking to a professional who has expertise can help keep you focused. A professional may present some additional ideas, perspective, and guidance on how to handle a situation. Additionally, it may also help you if you’re feeling anxious (say, about market volatility) to talk to a professional and review your goals, plans, and why you may be having feelings of doubt. Bouncing your feelings off another individual can help keep you relaxed and focused on what you can control, and what you cannot.

Be grateful. Having an attitude of gratitude can help boost your mood, keep you focused, and clear your thinking. Think about what you have accomplished with your goals or plans, what you overcame in the past, and what life has given you. Being grateful directs our attention to the positives in life, while removing focus on the negatives.

Social Security Retirement Benefits – For Your Child?

tangible and intangible benefits for a childIt may not be all that common, but if you’re eligible for and drawing Social Security retirement benefits and you have a child (or children) under age 18 – did you realize that your child (or children) is eligible to receive a benefit from Social Security as well?  This is in addition to the “child in care” benefit that your spouse is also eligible to receive upon your filing for benefits – subject to a Maximum Family Benefit, which is usually between 150% and 180% of the Primary Insurance Amount or PIA that you, the primary beneficiary have earned.

The same holds true for the child of a parent who is receiving Social Security disability benefits.

It’s true.  When you begin receiving Social Security retirement benefits (even if it’s early and therefore reduced), your child (or children) under age 18 is eligible for a monthly benefit equal to 50% of your PIA (not the reduced benefit).  This benefit is payable until the month the child reaches age 18.

In a much more common situation, the same may hold true for grandchildren under the care of their grandparent, in the case where the grandparent is providing the household’s income (or a majority of the household’s income) and is receiving Social Security retirement benefits.  According to recent statistics, this is a sizable and growing group – apparently around 4.5 million children are living in homes headed by grandparents.  These children may be entitled to Social Security benefits if their grandparents are receiving benefits.

A couple of things to note:

  • A child is always deemed dependent on his parent (mother or father).  The fact that the parent and child do not live in the same home is not a factor unless the child has been adopted by another person.
  • The parent’s status with regard to contributing to the child’s support is not a factor.
  • Length of time that the parents were married, if ever, is not a factor.
  • The child is considered dependent on a stepparent if 1) the stepparent is providing more than 50% of the child’s support; or 2) the child lives with the stepparent.
  • A child is entitled to benefits on a parent’s or stepparent’s record even if the marriage between his or her parents or his parent and stepparent ends.
  • The child’s benefit can be lost (at least partly) if the child works and earns more than $17,040 (in 2018).
  • The benefit ends at the child’s age 18, or if the child marries.  This may be extended to age 19 if the child is still in elementary or high school.  The benefit extends further if the child is disabled, and does not stop if the child marries. The child’s disability must have begun before the child’s age 22.

Withholding and Social Security Benefits

spewing out fire by SudhamshuMany folks find, upon filing their income tax return, that a portion (often a significant portion¹, up to 85%) of their Social Security benefits are taxable.  Upon discovering this, it’s also often a surprise that, since the benefit is taxable, there hasn’t been enough tax withheld throughout the year. This not only requires you to pay up come April 15, but it can also cause a penalty for underpayment of tax to be applied.  This underpayment penalty is likely if the amount of underpayment is $1,000 or more. You need to adjust withholding.

There are many ways to deal with this situation – it’s not required that you withhold tax from each and every source of income, as long as you have the tax withheld or timely estimated payments are made, it doesn’t matter the source of the funds.  Listed below are four withholding methods to help make sure you don’t have an underpayment penalty.

Withholding Methods

Estimated Tax Payments. This method isn’t actually withholding, but it achieves the same purpose.  On April 15, June 15, September 15 and January 15, payments are made to the IRS, often in equal amounts.  In addition, any overpayments that you made in the previous year can be applied in place of any portion of the estimated payments you’ve calculated (more on that later).  It’s important that the estimated payments are made in relatively equal portions throughout the year, otherwise you may still be subject to an underpayment (or late payment) penalty based on the timeliness of your estimated payments. IRS expects you to have made payments throughout the year (if using estimated payment vouchers) that match up with your income. So in other words, it’s not enough to make one big estimated tax payment at the end of the year, you’ve got to spread it out.

Unless you use the next method, that is…

Withholding From an IRA Distribution. This method is a little-known way to deal with meeting the withholding requirements. Essentially, when you take a distribution from your IRA (or Qualified Retirement Plan such as a 401(k) plan), you have the option to have the custodian withhold taxes and report them to the IRS.  No matter if you take a single distribution or quarterly or monthly distributions, the withholding is counted as evenly distributed throughout the year – taking timeliness of the distribution and withholding out of the picture.  For more details on this method, read “IRA Trick – Eliminate Quarterly Estimated Tax Payments”.

Withholding From Your Other Income. You probably already know this, but you can have tax withheld from many other sources of income.  Pensions, annuities, part-time work, and the like, can all be set up with tax being withheld throughout the year.  This is accomplished by filling out a Form W-4 (Form W-4P for pensions). You can set the amount of withholding to literally any amount that makes sense for your situation.

Withholding From Your Social Security Benefit. Much the same as all of your other income, you can set up your Social Security payments to have tax withheld.  This is accomplished by filling out a Form W-4V, and selecting the percentage of your monthly benefit that you’d like to have withheld. You can choose from 7%, 10%, 15% or 25% to be withheld.  You can find Form W-4V at the IRS website or by calling 800-829-3676.

How much should you have withheld?  Of course, that answer is going to be different for each person.  It’s determined by how much tax you are assessed, how much withholding you have from other sources, and the shortfall in withheld (or estimated payment) tax.  You can get the details on how to calculate the proper amount of withholding or estimated tax payments in the article “Understanding the Underpayment Penalty and How to Avoid It”.

¹ For more information on how much of your Social Security Benefit will be taxable, read “Taxation of Social Security Benefits”.

IRMAA for Medicare

I know only one person named Irma, and I think she’s a wonderful lady. Unfortunately, a namesake of hers (with a slightly different spelling) isn’t quite so wonderful. Most folks who’ve been introduced to this other IRMAA would agree.

IRMAA stands for Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount. And if you’ve spent much time looking around at the various provisions related to Medicare, the word “adjustment” raises your “bet I’ve gotta pay more” antenna. Which is exactly right, you’re gonna pay more.

What is IRMAA?

money for irmaaWhen the Medicare Modernization Act was passed in 2003, one of the provisions in that law was to require a sort of means-testing to the premiums paid for Medicare Part B (physicians) and Part D (prescription drugs). It was determined that the subsidization of Medicare costs by the government should be in part borne by folks who have income above certain levels. The income used to determine your IRMAA adjustment is from your tax return 2 years prior to the current year. So ancient history can come back to surprise you when you least expect it.

In today’s world, the 2018 premium for Medicare Part B is $134. However, due to a provision in the law, many enrollees pay only $130 for this benefit. The provision that reduced this group’s premium is all about the annual cost of living adjustments (COLAs) that are added to Social Security benefits. Effectively, the provision says that the annual adjustment to the Medicare Part B premium cannot be more than the rate of the COLA for that year.

In some years, there is no COLA – specifically, in 2010, 2011 and again in 2016. When that happens, the Medicare Part B premium for folks who are collecting Social Security cannot increase. Also, if the COLA is very low (as we sometimes see as well as the zero years), the Medicare Part B premium can only increase by the COLA amount and no more. This is known as the “hold harmless” rule. Click the link for an excellent technical explanation of the hold harmless rule.

The people who were actively collecting Social Security and enrolled in Medicare Part B in the previous year are the ones who are potentially protected by the hold harmless rule. IRMAA then is also applied, such that if the individual’s income is above a certain limit, hold harmless does not protect them. So we have 3 groups that are not protected by the hold harmless rule:

  • those who start Medicare Part B in the current year
  • those who were enrolled in Medicare Part B but not collecting Social Security
  • those with incomes above the IRMAA limits

Part of the law requires that 25% of the projected cost of Medicare Part B is paid for by premiums paid by enrollees. Since the hold harmless rule limits participation by roughly 70% of all Part B enrollees, the remainder of the cost must be picked up by the 30% who fit into the groups above.

All of the unprotected groups start out with the standard $134 per month premium (for 2018). Then the IRMAA earnings limits apply. To make things progressive (such that the more money you make, the higher percentage of the overall cost you bear), there are five levels of adjustment that IRMAA can make:

Single Married Filing Jointly Married Filing Separately Medicare Part B Premium
$85,000 or less $170,000 or less $85,000 or less Standard $134 unless held harmless
$85,000 to $107,000 $170,001 to $214,000 Not Applicable $187.50
$107,001 to $133,500 $214,001 to $267,000 Not Applicable $267.90
$133,501 to $160,000 $267,001 to $320,000 Not Applicable $348.30
$160,001 and up $320,001 and up $85,001 and up $428.60

These levels of adjustment are adjusted for cost of living every year, and often are adjusted more than a standard COLA in order to keep the costs covered. The expectation is that the levels of income will cover expenses at the following rates:

Income level (from above) Rate of payment of Medicare Part B costs Multiplier
1 25% 1.0
2 35% 1.4
3 50% 2.0
4 65% 2.6
5 80% 3.2

To calculate these premiums in future years, given what we know about the rates are expected to cover and the fact that the “standard” Medicare Part B premium covers approximately 25%, you can multiply the standard Part B premium by the multiplier in the table to come up with the rate.

IRMAA for Part D

The IRMAA adjustment for Medicare Part D is a bit different, in that you only know how much additional premium you’ll have to pay if IRMAA impacts you.

The rules are the same, so we have the same group of roughly 70% of all enrollees who are held harmless for increased Medicare Part D premiums. And the income levels are the same as well (at least that part is kept the same!). Since Medicare Part D premiums vary by the plan you’ve chosen from independent insurers (and not a prescibed amount like Medicare Part B), at each IRMAA income level there is an increase, or surcharge, applied to whatever your monthly Part D premium is.

Single Married Filing Jointly Married Filing Separately Medicare Part D Premium Increase
$85,000 or less $170,000 or less $85,000 or less $0.00
$85,000 to $107,000 $170,001 to $214,000 Not Applicable $13.00
$107,001 to $133,500 $214,001 to $267,000 Not Applicable $33.60
$133,501 to $160,000 $267,001 to $320,000 Not Applicable $54.20
$160,001 and up $320,001 and up $85,001 and up $74.80

Appeal of IRMAA

If you have had certain changes to your income over the succeeding two years (since the IRMAA income level used for this year’s adjustments), you may have a case for reconsideration of the IRMAA adjusment. Specifically, if you have had one of these change of life factors:

– spouse death
– marriage
– divorce
– income reduction
– work stoppage (includes retirement)
– loss or reduction of other types of income such as rental income or royalties
– loss or reduction of a pension income

Other than those factors, although it is your right to appeal an IRMAA determination (read that “increase”), there’s not a lot of hope that you’ll be able to fight IRMAA. Unless there’s an error of some type, such as an incorrect tax return, most other IRMAA determinations are upheld.

Keep in mind that these IRMAA adjustments are on top of any adjustments you’re subjected to because of late enrollment in either your Medicare Part B or Part D plan.

Your IRA and Your Spouse – Or Maybe Not

IRAFor anyone who has ever had a 401(k), 403(b), or a deferred compensation (457) retirement plan, (which is a high percentage of you, I assume) – there’s a major difference to an IRA that you might find interesting and/or useful. The difference is in the legal requirements for beneficiary designation.


The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), passed back in 1974, set several rules in place with regard to retirement plans – known as qualified retirement plans or QRPs. QRPs include the 401(k), the 403(b), and any other CODA (Cash Or Deferred Arrangement) sort of account provided by your employer. One of those provisions is primarily to protect your spouse. When filling out your paperwork to open the account, you might have noticed on the beneficiary designation page that, in order to designate someone other than your spouse, you are required to get your spouse’s signoff. In this way, your spouse cannot be disinherited from your QRP without his or her specific consent.

I don’t know for sure of any circumstances where this has caused a major problem, but it is a restrictive provision nonetheless. The primary time that this could be a problem is if the spouses are estranged but still legally married, or when a spouse has gone AWOL and cannot be found. Nonetheless, this provision is in place for the protection of the spouse of the account holder.

Upon the death of the account holder, regardless of who is designated as the beneficiary, the spouse automatically is entitled to 50% of the QRP. If someone other than the spouse is named as a beneficiary, the spouse will receive 50% of the account. The spouse can sign a waiver of his or her 50% of the account, but generally these are only accepted if the spouse who signs the waiver is at least 35 years of age, depending on the plan.


On the other hand, an IRA account is not covered by ERISA – and as such does not carry the spousal consent provision. You are free to designate anyone you choose, including a trust or charitable entity, without the knowledge or consent of your spouse. Although this could cause a surprise for your spouse if the first time he or she learns of your beneficiary designation is after your passing – this can provide the IRA owner with a great deal of flexibility in making personal beneficiary decisions.

Don’t get me wrong, I do not advocate keeping secrets with regard to your beneficiary designations. On the contrary, I recommend that you and your spouse talk things over and agree on all things financial, IRAs and other retirement accounts especially. But this provision, or rather lack of a rule, might provide you with some additional leeway that you’re looking for in your unique circumstances.

Does It Really Cost More to Eat Healthy?

From time to time I will hear the argument that it’s expensive to eat healthy to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle. What I want to do is provide some information based on my own experience that may help give a counter argument to this belief.

While I am not disagreeing entirely that eating healthy is more expensive than not, I am saying that if done carefully, it is possible to eat healthy for less than what it would cost for less heathy alternatives.

One of the arguments I hear is that individuals may be overweight due to relying on fast food menu items – especially those on dollar or value menus. And the reason these menus are relied on is because shopping for a healthy alternative is pricier.

Let’s take a look.

Consider a few value menu items from a well-known fast food provider.

Cheeseburger – $1 – 300 calories.

Small fries – $1 – 230 calories.

Small soft drink – $1 – 150 calories.

Total cost for the meal is $3. Total calories are 680.

This may be a bit extreme, but I am going to calculate this for three meals per day, for 7 days a week. This totals to $9 per day, or $63 for the week. Total calories are 2,040 for the day, or 14,280 for the week. Remember, this is off the dollar menu. Dine-in restaurants are likely much pricier.

In comparison, the local grocery store sells whole grain tortilla wraps for $4.96 a package, containing 16 wraps. This amounts to $0.31 per wrap.

One dozen eggs is about $1.99 or roughly $0.17 per egg (full disclosure: I have my own chickens, so I don’t pay for my eggs).

Simply cook two eggs, season with salt and pepper and put in the wrap. Voila!

Assuming this meal was eaten every meal, every day for a week (boring and dull, but doable) this amounts to:

Wrap – $0.31 – 100 calories.

2 eggs – $0.34 – 160 calories.

Glass of water – Free – 0 calories.

The total for each meal is $0.65, or $1.95 daily. This is $13.65 weekly. Total daily calories are 780, which is 5,460 weekly. Some readers may need to eat more, so doubling this (six small meals per day) would be 1,560 daily and 10,920 weekly calories respectively. If more is needed, simply have two wraps and four eggs (my usual breakfast).

At three meals per day, this is a weekly savings of just over $49. At six meals, it’s just over $35 saved.

Am I arguing that one should live just on wraps and eggs alone? No. The point is that with some planning and education, it can be possible to eat healthy, for less than what an unhealthy alternative would be.

Substitutions can be made for the wrap such as whole grain bread ($1.75 a loaf), lettuce ($1.99 for a pound bag) and other types of protein for the egg such as chicken, beef, venison, etc.

Don’t be afraid to experiment on your own and see what you can come up with! Let me know what you find!

Social Security Benefit Suspension

It used to be that you could suspend your benefits and collect another benefit. But this has changed. Nowadays, voluntary benefit suspension results in not only suspending all benefits you’re receiving, but also any auxiliary benefits being paid on the same numberholder’s record.

Benefit suspension

pants and benefit suspensionPreviously there could be an enhancement to the overall benefits being received by suspension of benefits. In many cases this was known as “file and suspend”. In the days before the change to the rules, one spouse would file for his or her own benefit and then immediately suspend benefits. Then the other spouse would be allowed to file for spousal benefits, while the first spouse (with the benefit suspension) could delay receipt of benefits until a later age. This was only allowed when the suspending spouse was at least Full Retirement Age.

In the same way, the individual with suspended benefits could allow for his or her children to receive child’s benefits while his or her own benefit is accruing delay credits.

Now, since the change to the rules, benefit suspension results in all available benefits based on the same record (including spousal or other auxiliary benefits).

While the obvious change is that the old school file and suspend is no longer useful. But the other change is that any other benefits that you might be eligible for would also be suspended upon voluntary suspension of benefits.

For example, Jane, age 66, was collecting her own retirement benefit in the amount of $750 per month (reduced from her FRA amount of $1,000). Her husband Michael died. Michael had been collecting a benefit of $800 per month at the time of his death.

Jane wonders if benefit suspension could apply in her case. If she suspends her own benefit, she’d be able to accrue delay credits on her own benefit, which by age 70 would increase her benefit to $990. In the meantime, she could collect the survivor benefit ($800) which Michael had been receiving… right?

Unfortunately, with the new rules, although Jane could use benefit suspension to accrue the delay credits, she cannot at the same time collect the survivor benefit.

The one type of benefit that is not impacted by benefit suspension is an ex-spouse’s spousal benefit. So in other words, if you’re divorced you cannot suspend your benefits to control the amount of spousal benefits your ex-spouse is eligible to receive.

Deductible and Coinsurance for Medicare Part B

coinsurance and deductibleWhen you have Medicare Part B, your insurance pays for doctors, outpatient care and medical equipment not covered by Part A. But Medicare Part B doesn’t cover all the costs for this care. There is a deductible and coinsurance that you have to cover. If you have a Medigap policy or Medicare Advantage (Part C), some or all of these deductibles and coinsurance may be covered as part of that policy.

Part B Deductible and Coinsurance

With Medicare Part B, the deductible much less complicated as compared to deductibles for Part A. The deductible for Part B is based on the calendar year, and it is adjusted annually. For 2018, the annual Part B deductible is $183. So you pay the first $183 of applicable, covered, doctor services, outpatient care and medical equipment expenses.

Once your annual deductible is met, you are responsible for the coinsurance payment on your additional costs. The coinsurance for Medicare Part B is 20%. There is no upper limit to the total amount that you’ll pay. That means if you have $50,000 worth of Medicare Part B covered expenses, you’ll be on the hook for $10,000 worth of coinsurance – and Medicare Part B pays the remaining $40,000.

This is 20% of the cost of most doctor services, including doctor services received while you’re an inpatient at a hospital. Outpatient therapy is also included, as is durable medical equipment.

If you’ve had any of these items (or someone you know has), you know that the costs can be astronomical, and can build up quickly. For this reason, it’s important to consider a Medigap policy – which in most cases will cover 100% of your Medicare Part B coinsurance.

Deductible and Coinsurance for Medicare Part A

deductible and coinsurance play a large part in medicare part aWhen you have Medicare Part A, this insurance pays for hospital care, including skilled nursing facilities and other institutional settings. But Medicare Part A doesn’t pay for everything – you must pay a deductible and coinsurance when you have a claim. If you have a Medigap policy or Medicare Advantage (Part C), some or all of the deductible and coinsurance may be covered as part of that policy.

The figures listed below are for 2018 – the deductible and coinsurance amounts change annually.

Part A Deductible

With Medicare Part A, the deductible is complicated. It’s based on each benefit period, not each calendar year, as most deductibles are. For 2018, the Part A deductible is $1,340 per benefit period. It is very possible (and common) to have more than one benefit period deductible payment in a calendar year. This means that, for each time (with some limits) that you are hospitalized or in a skilled nursing facility, you are subject to this deductible.

A benefit period begins with the first day that you enter the hospital or skilled nursing facility, and ends when you have not received inpatient services from a hospital or skilled nursing facility for 60 days in a row.

As you can imagine, it’s very common to have more than one benefit period for the Part A deductible in a year.

Part A Coinsurance

The coinsurance payment varies depending upon where you are in terms of the duration of each benefit period (2018 figures):
• Days 1-60: $0 coinsurance
• Days 61-90: $335 per day
• Days 91 and beyond: $670 per day until lifetime reserve days are used*
• Beyond lifetime reserve days: 100% of all costs

The third level of coinsurance refers to lifetime reserve days. Each Medicare Part A enrollee has 60 lifetime reserve days to use over their lifetime. These are used when a benefit period (hospitalized or in a skilled nursing facility) extends beyond the 90th day. These lifetime reserve days allow for a limited coinsurance for these extended days. Otherwise, after the reserve days are used up, the enrollee is responsible for all costs during that benefit period.

Of course, Medigap policies or Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C) will provide coverage for part or all of the deductibles and coinsurance when these policies are purchased alongside your Medicare Part A.

Alimony and Taxes, 2019 style

certificate of alimonyThe recently-passed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) made some changes to the way alimony is handled, tax-wise, for divorces finalized in 2019 and thereafter. Essentially the change is to eliminate the deduction of alimony paid out by the paying party, while at the same time eliminating the inclusion of alimony received as ordinary income.

So, as the paying spouse in a divorce finalized in 2019 or later, you are not allowed to deduct alimony paid to your ex-spouse. This can result in a requirement to pay additional tax on money that you don’t get to use. The good news is that this new rule doesn’t change existing alimony provisions. If you are divorced as late as December 2018, your paid-out alimony is still deductible from your income, and will remain so as long as you are paying it.

As the receiving spouse, you will not have to include as taxable income any alimony paid to you from your ex-spouse. This means that you won’t have to pay tax on alimony received if your divorce is finalized in 2019 or later.

If you’ve been following this, you might have noticed that it’s a bit unfair, when compared to the current situation. After all, the way alimony has been handled up to this point has put the tax burden on the person who receives the economic benefit of the money. With this change, the person receiving the alimony owes no tax, while the person paying it out must pay tax on that money as if they had it to spend.

Under today’s rules, the payor of the alimony agrees to the arrangement (and amount) in part because of the deduction. The recipient is agreeable to the arrangements because he or she has received the money and can use it. Often the recipient is in a lower tax bracket than the payor spouse, as well. This is likely to make changes to alimony arrangements – because both the payor and the recipient are likely to feel the pinch.

This is because, since the payor can no longer deduct alimony paid out, he or she is likely to want to pay less in order to compensate for the tax that must be paid. As a result, the recipient will then receive a lower alimony payment.

So – you’re probably wondering… is there a way around this? Turns out, there is. It’s not a panacea, but it could help.

Paying alimony, 2019 style

One way around this issue is to include retirement funds in your settlement process, rather than or along with traditional alimony.

For example, if part of the divorce agreement requires you to transfer funds from an IRA to your ex-spouse’s IRA (in lieu of alimony), you would no longer have to pay tax on money withdrawn from the IRA, but your ex-spouse would. The transfer of funds to your ex’s IRA would be a one-time event, rather than a regular payment from the IRA. This would only work when the recipient is at or near age 59 1/2, since withdrawals from the IRA prior to that age would be subject to the additional 10% early withdrawal penalty.

This sort of arrangement could be used to partly or completely offset alimony paid in the traditional sense – and would revert the tax burden to the recipient.

(You should also note that this is not the same thing as a QDRO. The rules for QDROs, which only apply to 401k and other employment retirement plans and NOT IRAs, did not change with TCJA.)

If you’re facing a divorce in 2019 or later, you will want to consult a financial planner to help make sure you’re making the right moves, no matter which side of this you find yourself in.

On the other hand, since alimony received is no longer considered earned income to the recipient, he or she will no longer be allowed to make IRA contributions based on the alimony received. If the recipient is not otherwise employed, IRA contributions will not be possible. This could be another reason that the IRA transfer process would be beneficial to the recipient ex-spouse.

Social Security Survivor Benefits

survivor by tipiroThe Social Security system has provisions for taking care of surviving spouses of workers who have earned credits under the system.  There are two particular benefits that you should be aware of – a small death benefit of $255, and  Survivor Benefits based upon the worker’s Primary Insurance Amount.  It is the latter benefit that we are discussing today.

Social Security Survivor Benefits

When a primary wage earner dies, the Social Security system has a way to help care for the surviving spouse.  Survivor Benefits are generally equal to the primary wage earner’s retirement benefit – this benefit replaces other spousal retirement benefit (the one that is equal to 50% of the primary wage earner’s benefit, available while the primary wage earner is living – see here for more detail).

The mechanics of the Social Security Survivor Benefit can apply to widows or widowers at various ages, depending upon the circumstances, as well as to the children and/or parents of the primary worker.  We’ll cover each sort of individual in turn…

Widows and Widowers

When the primary wage earner dies, the surviving spouse is entitled to receive a retirement benefit based on the primary wage earner’s retirement benefit.  Of course, if the surviving spouse’s retirement benefit based upon his or her own record is equal to or more than the deceased spouse’s benefit, the surviving spouse will continue to receive only his or her own retirement benefit.

If the surviving spouse elects to begin receiving survivor benefits before Full Retirement Age (FRA), the benefit is subject to actuarial reduction.  Since a surviving spouse is eligible to begin receiving early benefits at age 60 (instead of age 62 for regular or spousal benefits), the “usual” age table is adjusted by 2 years.  Whereas FRA for regular or spousal benefits for those born between 1943 and 1954 is age 66, FRA for a survivor benefit is 66 for those born between 1945 and 1956.  (See this article for the FRA ages for retirement benefits and this article actuarial adjustments.  Adjust the ages and years by 2 for Survivor Benefit.)  If the surviving spouse is disabled, early benefits may be received any time after age 50, with the actuarial reduction assuming benefits begin at age 60 (no further reduction, in other words).

In addition to the benefit mentioned above, there is a Survivor Benefit available to a younger spouse if there are children under age 16 that the surviving spouse is caring for, or a child of any age who has become disabled before age 22.  This Survivor Benefit is equal to 75% of the FRA benefit (the PIA, Primary Insurance Amount) of the deceased spouse – and only lasts until the child reaches age 16.  At the same time, each child under age 18 is eligible for a Survivor Benefit (more on this later) until age 18.

There is no increase from delaying receipt of the survivor benefit after FRA, so a widow or widower should begin receiving Survivor Benefits at FRA if eligible. It should also be noted that divorced spouses who survive a deceased worker are also eligible for the Survivor Benefit, as long as the marriage lasted at least 10 years before the divorce.


Any child under age 18 (19 if attending high school) who survives a deceased eligible worker is eligible to receive a Survivor Benefit equal based on the PIA of the deceased parent.  This amount is 75% of the PIA of the surviving child’s parent, and this benefit will be payable until the child reaches age 18 (or 19). If the surviving child is disabled and the disability onset before age 22, there is no upper age limit for receipt of the child’s survivor benefit.

In addition to the offspring of the deceased worker, this benefit can be available to step-children, grandchildren, step-grandchildren, or adopted children of the deceased worker, if the deceased worker provided 1/2 or more support to the child.

Surviving Parents Over Age 62

In the event that the deceased worker had provided more than 1/2 of the support of one or more older parents (over age 62), the surviving parents are eligible to receive a Survivor Benefit as well.  This Survivor Benefit is based on the age of the surviving parent, and actuarial reductions apply to these benefits if received before FRA of the survivor.

Family Maximum

For the whole family of the deceased wage earner, that is, surviving children under 18, spouse and parents, there is a maximum benefit amount that applies – equal to between 150% and 180% of the deceased worker’s PIA (the calculation is complicated, using the bend point formulas).  The Social Security website has a calculator to help you understand this amount.

Bear in mind that any Survivor Benefit received by a surviving divorced spouse to not count toward this family maximum.

Time for your paycheck checkup!

this lady did a paycheck checkup and look how happy she isEarlier this year I wrote about checking your withholding and estimated payments in light of the changes to the tax laws. When I wrote that, many of you were in the middle of finishing up your tax returns, so I imagine it probably went by the wayside. Now, since we’re 2/3 of the way through the year, is a perfect time for a paycheck checkup! Plus, if you’re retired, it’s a good time for a review of your estimated taxes as well. Since you have 4+ months left in the year, you can make adjustments if needed.

The IRS recently issued a Media Advisory urging folks do to a paycheck checkup – and I’ve included their advice and links to tools below. They also highlight those taxpayers that are especially encouraged to do the paycheck checkup, those that have a better than average chance to need to make adjustments. You can also review the earlier articles from Financial Ducks In A Row on doing your own Mid-Year Withholding Checkup or Mid-Year Estimated Payments Checkup as well.

Below is the actual text from the IRS Media Advisory:

IRS urges taxpayers to check withholding now to avoid tax surprises later; Spotlights special tools during week of Aug. 13 to help people overlooking major changes

With the year more than halfway over, the Internal Revenue Service urges taxpayers who haven’t yet done a “Paycheck Checkup” to take a few minutes to see if they are having the right amount of tax withholding following major changes in the tax law.

A summertime check on tax withholding is critical for millions of taxpayers who haven’t reviewed their tax situation. Recent reports note that many taxpayers could see their refund amounts change when they file their 2018 taxes in early 2019.

To help raise awareness for these taxpayers, the IRS is conducting a second “Paycheck Checkup” effort beginning the week of Aug. 13. During this week, the IRS is spotlighting a variety of tools – including the online Withholding Calculator – to help taxpayers learn if they need to make changes soon to avoid an unwelcome surprise come tax time.

The IRS is also encouraging partner groups inside and outside the tax community to share this important information with their members and employees. The IRS will also be holding special sessions on withholding for tax professionals and industry partners Aug. 15-16 in English and Spanish.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, passed in December 2017, made significant changes, which will affect 2018 tax returns that people file in 2019. These changes make checking withholding amounts even more important. These tax law changes include:

  • Increased standard deduction
  • Eliminated personal exemptions
  • Increased Child Tax Credit
  • Limited or discontinued certain deductions
  • Changed the tax rates and brackets

Checking and adjusting withholding now can prevent an unexpected tax bill and penalties next year at tax time. It can also help taxpayers avoid a large refund if they’d prefer to have their money in their paychecks throughout the year. The IRS Withholding Calculator and Publication 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax, can help.

Special Alert: Taxpayers who should check their withholding include those who:

  • Are a two-income family.
  • Have two or more jobs at the same time or only work part of the year.
  • Claim credits like the Child Tax Credit.
  • Have dependents age 17 or older.
  • Itemized deductions in 2017.
  • Have high income or a complex tax return.
  • Had a large tax refund or tax bill for 2017.

Financial Counseling and Marriage

Many individuals who are dating and growing closer together learn more and more about the other person. Habits (good and bad) likes, dislikes, and traits all make themselves known at some point in the relationship.

Before getting married, many individuals choose to seek counseling. This can help answer questions about whether they are doing the right thing, religious reasons, etc. Some couples choose to continue this counseling into marriage to further strengthen the relationship.

Couples may consider seeking financial counseling before marriage as well. Many couples can be reluctant to talk about money or worse, think that the money problems will solve themselves once the marriage starts.

Issues such as debt, poor credit, spending habits (both extreme frugality and frivolous spending) are just some of the many items that should be discussed before entering marriage. They are also good discussion points if they are occurring during marriage.

As many readers know, one of the biggest stressors on marriage is finances. By getting financial matters out in the open, discussed earlier on can help both partners understand how they tick financially. This may lead to a better, smoother relationship both emotionally and financially.

Some individuals need to be prepared for some difficult conversations, and potentially, the relationship to end. However, it may be better for the relationship to end before marriage, then to deal with the emotional and financial fallout from divorce.

Couples that are currently married may also consider financial counseling. This is especially important if there are disagreements that cannot be resolved, or if the couple (one or both) feels resentment starting to build.

And if there’s nothing wrong? Consider going anyway. Why? It’s no different than maintaining your car, house, etc. Nothing may be wrong, but we still maintain and take care of the things that are important to us. Finances in marriage should be no different.

There are several books designed to help couples in need. Also, taking to a qualified professional may be beneficial (not a product pusher). Couples may not know what questions to ask, but a professional may pose questions not thought of, designed to open the lines of communication between a couple.

Good luck!

Eligible Rollover Distributions (ERDs)

beethoven by HitchsterSo, what funds can be rolled over from your qualified retirement plan (not an IRA) into another retirement plan or IRA?  Interestingly, the IRS doesn’t specifically tell you what can be rolled over – but rather, what cannot be rolled over. So the definition of eligible rollover distributions includes any monies from a qualified account that are not specifically disallowed.

Let’s look at the definition from the IRS…

Definition of Eligible Rollover Distributions

Only Eligible Rollover Distributions, or ERDs, can be rolled over, according to the IRS.  The definition that is given is really an anti-definition, explaining that any normally taxable distribution is eligible for rollover unless it fits the exceptions listed.

An ERD is defined as – a distribution that is eligible to be rolled over to an eligible retirement plan. Eligible rollover distributions include a participant’s balance in a qualified plan, 401k, 403b or 457 plan, except for certain amounts that include the following:

  • Any of a series of substantially equal periodic payments (SOSEPP) paid at least once a year over:
    • The participant’s  lifetime or life expectancy,
    • The joint lives or life expectancies of the participant and his/her beneficiary, or
    • A period of 10 years or more
  • A required minimum distribution
  • Hardship distributions
  • Corrective distributions of excess contributions or excess deferrals, and any income allocable to the excess, or of excess annual additions and any allocable gains
  • A loan treated as a distribution because it does not satisfy certain requirements either when made or later (such as upon default), unless the participant’s accrued benefits are reduced (offset) to repay the loan
  • Dividends on employer securities
  • The cost of life insurance coverage

So, as long as the distribution that you take from a 401k, 403b or 457 plan doesn’t fit any of the requirements above and has a payout period of 10 years or less, your distributions can be considered ERDs, and therefore rolled over into an IRA or other retirement plan.

Understand that these distributions will be subject to mandatory 20% withholding if paid out to you, and not transferred directly to the new plan or IRA.  Plus, you must complete the rollover within 60 days when it’s not done by trustee-to-trustee (or direct) rollover.

Whenever possible, you would want to set up a rollover as a direct rollover into your IRA (or other QRP) to avoid this withholding requirement and 60-day limit.  If this can’t be done, you should make up the 20% withheld difference from other savings as you rollover the distributions in order to avoid tax and penalties. Otherwise you’ll get a tax bill for the portion that was withheld and not properly rolled over – see The Heartbreak of Withholding From Indirect Rollover for more details on the 20% withholding.

Report pension changes to SSA

When you have a non-SS-covered pension and you are receiving Social Security benefits, either WEP (Windfall Elimination Provision) or GPO (Government Pension Offset) may impact your benefits. It’s important to keep the Social Security Administration (SSA) up-to-date on your pension. You must report pension changes to SSA when there is an increase due to a COLA or any other change to the previously-reported amount. This requirement is in place so that when your pension changes, your WEP and/or GPO impact can be recalculated.

This is only required if the pension changes are for a pension that is based on your own non-Social Security-covered earnings. If you’re receiving a pension based on SS-covered earnings, or a pension from any source that is based on someone else’s earnings (such as a survivor pension), there is no need to report pension changes to SSA.

This reporting can be accomplished by sending a letter to the Social Security Administration. The letter should detail the name, address, birthdate and Social Security number of the pension recipient, as well as the change in the pension amount and the effective date of the change. This letter can be delivered to your local Social Security Administration office.

Most commonly, GPO is the calculation that is affected by a change to the pension amount. WEP is only dependent on the amount of the pension when the pension amount is relatively small – which we’ll review a bit more later. Let’s take a look at an example of the impact of a change to pension on GPO.

How pension changes impact GPO calculation

For example, Gloria is receiving a pension due to her work for the local health department, in the amount of $1,800 per month. Her husband, Edward, died this year. Before Edward died, he was receiving Social Security benefits in the amount of $2,000 per month. When Gloria filed for the survivor benefit based on Edward’s record, she was informed that GPO would reduce the survivor benefit. This is because of her pension from the local government.

The reduction is 2/3 of the amount of Gloria’s pension – which calculates to $1,200 per month. The pension is $1,800, multiplied by 2/3 equals $1,200. So the resulting GPO-reduced Social Security survivor benefit is $800.

Gloria’s pension increases by 3% each year. So in January, her pension increases to $1,854 per month. Gloria must report this increase to Social Security. When she does so, her GPO impact will be recalculated. The result is that the GPO impact is now $1,236 per month. The survivor benefit increased 2% for the year (annual COLA), bringing the unreduced benefit to $2,040. When the GPO reduction is applied, the final resulting benefit is $804.

How a change to pension impacts WEP calculation

WEP is different from GPO, in that it is only based on the amount of the pension when the pension itself is relatively small. In order for the amount of the pension to be important, the pension itself must be less than the maximum WEP impact – 50% of the first bend point, or 50% of the PIA if the PIA is less than the first bend point.

Jeff has had a limited working career due to debilitating illnesses throughout his life. Part of his career included teaching for several years before his illness took hold. This work as a teacher was not covered by Social Security, but it has generated a pension in the amount of $400 per month. In addition to the teaching time, Jeff had several part-time jobs off and on throughout his life, which has generated a Social Security retirement benefit in the amount of $800 per month.

Since WEP reduction is calculated as the smaller of either 50% of the first bend point, 50% of the unreduced Social Security retirement benefit, or 50% of the amount of the non-covered pension. In Jeff’s case, $816 is amount of the first bend point, since he reached 62 in 2014. So the smallest figure of the three is 50% of Jeff’s pension – which makes his WEP reduction $200, for a resulting Social Security benefit of $600 per month.

When Jeff’s teacher’s pension receives an increase of 4% due to pension fund experience, he must report it to SSA. This will increase his WEP impact to $208, since his pension was increased to $416. After the annual Social Security COLA increase of 2% (to $816 per month), his resulting WEP-reduced benefit will now be $608.

If Jeff’s pension was larger than one of the other WEP-reduction factor limits, it wouldn’t make any difference to the WEP calculation to reduce his Social Security benefit.

Is It Really Cheating?

In the past we’ve written about financial autonomy, spending a little on yourself, and balance between saving and spending. Although it been a while, we’ve also brought up health and fitness axioms from time to time – mainly through shameless self-promotions of my book (designed to cure insomnia while doubling as a doorstop).

Today I wanted to stress the importance of balance in your personal finances as well as your health. One of the ways I’ve found to keep me keep balance is cheating. Cheating? It’s not as bad as it sounds. Although having a negative connotation, the concept is what can help maintain balance. Here’s how.

In my book, one of the axioms I present is having a cheat day when it comes to healthy eating. What is a cheat day? A cheat day is a day you set aside (mine are usually Sundays) every week where you eat whatever you want, whenever you want, and as much as you want. It’s certainly not a concept that I invented. Many athletes and non-athletes utilize this day as part of their health and fitness regimen.

The reason why is important. For six days a week, an individual is working their butt off (maybe literally) exercising, making good food and meal choices to get into or maintain a desired level of health and fitness.

Having a cheat day allows the individual to relax a bit when it comes to eating, enjoy that dessert, buffet, never-ending-pasta-bowl, or whatever their specific indulgence is. In other words, having one day per week to eat whatever we want allows us to stay focused the other six days of the week.

It can also prevent binging – going weeks or months without a dessert or sweet, only to binge for days and then feel guilty and give up on our goals. After all, it’s only a six day wait until the next cheat day!

A similar concept is true for our personal finances. Setting aside some money every paycheck for ourselves to spend however we want, whenever we want can also help us stick to our long-term financial goals of saving for retirement, college, or getting out of debt.

Although this amount of money may not be significant, the autonomy it gives us is very powerful. Having a little money to spend on whatever we want can keep us focused mentally on the bigger picture, without feeling that we are losing control or a slave to our financial goals.

Here’s where the cheating comes in. At first, when people make great strides in their fitness and financial goals, the thought of spending on something not in the “big picture” or eating foods that they know aren’t healthy can be daunting. It seems counterproductive. It seems like cheating.

But it’s necessary. Having some financial and food autonomy is a necessary part of the plan. It allows us to stay focused on our long-term goals while allowing us the freedom to enjoy indulgences here and there without feeling guilty.

The Deadline for Spousal IRA Rollover

clock top by laffy4kYou’re going through a lot, having to deal with your spouse’s passing… and you have plenty of decisions that have to be made with regard to handling his or her final affairs.  All of the financial stuff must be dealt with as the will or probate determines, and you (or the estate’s representative) have to work through all of those arrangements.  It’s difficult to deal with all of these things, but you have to do so. But there’s a bit of good news for you:  you don’t have a deadline for spousal IRA. You can take your time dealing with the IRA(s) that you have inherited yourself.

The Spousal Inherited IRA

If you’ve inherited an IRA from your spouse, you have several choices in how to deal with it.  But the thing about it is, you’re not required to do anything immediately.  You can leave this account alone and do nothing with it at all for the present.  (see Note below for complications)

Of course, if you do nothing with the account, you can choose to begin taking Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) immediately – but this doesn’t have to occur either.  If you simply leave the account as it is and do not take any RMDs from the account, it will automatically be considered your own IRA by default, and you can treat it as such, making contributions, etc., and taking distributions when allowed.  But there’s nothing that requires you to do anything.

On the other hand, you could treat the IRA as inherited – and begin taking distributions from it without penalty. This might be advantageous to you if you are under age 59 1/2 and you need access to the money right away.

Note:  A complication comes about when the IRA is bequeathed to any other person or entity in addition to the spouse of the original account owner.  This would apply if the spouse and children are splitting the account, or if part of the account is to be transferred to a charity or a trust, for example.  In a case like this, you would need to split the account to the other heirs first, leaving your spousal portion as a remainder in order to treat the account as described above.  This has to be completed by the end of the calendar year following the year of the original account owner’s death.

Medicare Late Enrollment Penalty

ol clocky

Photo credit: jb

When you sign up for Medicare after your initial enrollment period, oftentimes there will be a late enrollment penalty. This applies to any Medicare Part B as well as if you’re required to pay for Medicare Part A, if you did not enroll in the initial enrollment period. There may be a waiver of the penalty in some cases, so all is not necessarily lost at this stage. However, the longer you wait the more your penalty may be.

Part B late enrollment penalty

Part B must be started during your initial enrollment period (in most cases) or you will be hit with a late enrollment penalty. This penalty applies for the remainder of time that you are covered by Part B.

The penalty is 10% for each full 12 month period that you delay enrollment. For example, if your initial enrollment ended on September 30, 2018 and you wait until the annual period for 2020 (ending March 31, 2020), you will have a Part B premium penalty of 20%. Even though 30 months passed since the end of your initial enrollment period, only two 12-month periods passed, so the penalty is 20%.

This means that your Medicare Part B premium for 2020 would be 120% of the then-current “standard” Medicare Part B premium, which is $134 in 2018 (120% of $134 would be $160.80, an increase of $26.80 per month). Medicare premiums are increased annually for most enrollees.

The penalty stays with you for as long as you have Part B coverage – there is no way to eliminate or reduce the penalty. However, if you have had employer medical insurance (as an active employee, not a retiree) during the period from your initial enrollment period, you may not have the penalty applied. This is true if your employer plan covers 20 or more employees and is considered “creditable” coverage.

Part D late enrollment penalty

As with other parts of Medicare, if you fail to enroll in Part D upon reaching age 65, there can be penalties. Specifically, if you don’t sign up during your initial enrollment period, or if you go 63 days or more without one of the following (meaning your drug coverage has lapsed):

  • Medicare Part D
  • Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C)
  • Another Medicare health plan to provide the same coverage as Part D
  • Creditable prescription drug coverage – such as through your employer or union. To be considered creditable, the coverage must pay at least as much as the standard Medicare Part D plan.

The penalty for late enrollment or lapsed enrollment is 1% per full month that you’ve gone without coverage since your initial enrollment period or the policy has lapsed, times the national base beneficiary premium, which is $35.02 in 2018. The penalty applies for the remainder of your life while you have Medicare Part D coverage.

So if you went for 6 months without Part D coverage, your premium penalty would be calculated as 6 months times 1% times $35.02 – for a penalty amount of $2.10. This late enrollment penalty amount will be added to your monthly Medicare Part D premium.

Part A late enrollment penalty

In some cases, you may not be eligible for free Medicare Part A coverage when you reach age 65 – such as, if you have not earned the requisite 10 years of covered employment. If you find that you’re not eligible for the free Part A Medicare coverage and you want this coverage, you will pay a premium for Part A. However, if you delay signup until some time after your initial enrollment period, you will be subject to a late enrollment penalty.

This penalty is in the form of a premium increase of 10%, and it lasts for twice the number of years that you were eligible but did not sign up. So if you waited two years to sign up for paid Part A of Medicare, you’ll have to pay a premium that is 10% higher for four years. After 4 years your premium will revert to the non-penalty level. Of course, if you meet the 10 credit year limit during the time you’re paying for Part A, you will no longer have to pay a premium for Medicare Part A, even if you signed up late.

The penalty may be waived in the same manner as with the Part B premium late enrollment penalty – if you were covered by creditable employer insurance as an employee, the penalty may be waived. Discuss this with your benefits department – some employer plans do not meet the requirements to delay filing without penalty. In addition, many employer plans require that you file for Part A & B when eligible and thus operate as a supplemental plan to Medicare. However, many plans are allowed to step in the place of Medicare, allowing you to delay enrollment without penalty.

The waiver can also apply for a spouse who is covered by the other spouse’s employer plan, as long as the employer plan is creditable coverage.

Nearly all retiree coverage requires the member to enroll in Part A & B and then the retiree coverage operates as a supplemental to Medicare. At any rate, retiree coverage does not meet the requirement to be creditable coverage, and so if your only other insurance coverage was retiree medical insurance and you delayed filing for Medicare, you will still be assessed the penalty.

Thoughts on Income and Wealth – An Interview

owe taxesA few weeks ago I had the honor of speaking with Dana Larsen of Senior Finance Advisor, a website dedicated to helping individuals plan for their wealth management goals and aligning them with advisors to do so. The interview can be read here