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Are You Leaving Social Security Money on the Table? You Might Be, If You Don’t Understand and Use This One Rule

Note: with the passage of the Bipartisan Budget Bill of 2015 into law, File & Suspend and Restricted Application have been effectively eliminated for anyone born in 1954 or later. If born before 1954 there are some options still available, but these are limited as well. Please see the article The Death of File & Suspend and Restricted Application for more details.

Many couples that have done some planning with regard to filing for Social Security retirement benefits have figured out how to coordinate between the higher wage earner’s benefit and the lower wage earner’s benefit.  Often it makes the most sense to file for the lower wage earner’s benefit early, at or sometime near age 62, while delaying the higher wage earner’s benefit out to as late as age 70.

This method allows for a maximization of those two benefits.  If you’re really astute, you probably picked up on the concept of file and suspend, as well.  File and Suspend allows for the lower wage earner to increase his or her benefits by adding the Spousal Benefit, while the higher wage earner continues to delay his or her benefit, adding the delay credits.

Another little-known method that can be employed in specific circumstances is called the Restricted Application for Spousal Benefits.  This method provides one spouse or the other with the option of collecting a Spousal Benefit, while at the same time delaying his or her own retirement benefit.

First Example

Let’s work through an example to help understand the concept.

Joe and Jane are both age 62, and they have expected retirement benefits at age 66 (also known as a Primary Insurance Amount, or PIA) of $2,000 and $1,000, respectively.  The strategy that they intend to employ is for Jane to file now, at age 62, and then Joe will delay his benefit to age 70.  By doing so, Jane’s benefit will be reduced to $750 per month; after he reaches age 70, Joe will be eligible for an increased benefit of $2,640.

The normal usage of File and Suspend won’t work in this case, since Jane’s PIA of $1,000 is equal to 50% of Joe’s PIA of $2,000.  (If you need more information on File and Suspend, see this article.)  This is where the Restricted Application can apply.

As we know from prior articles on the subject, the Spousal Benefit is available to one spouse when the other spouse has filed for his or her own benefit.  In addition, we know that filing for a Spousal Benefit prior to Full Retirement Age (FRA) invokes deemed filing, which would require that all eligible benefits are filed for at the same time.  After FRA, deemed filing does not apply.

Back to our example, when Joe reaches Full Retirement Age (FRA, age 66) he can be eligible for a Spousal Benefit based upon Jane’s record.  In order to do this and still delay his benefits, he would file a Restricted Application for Spousal Benefits Only with the SSA.  This type of application restricts the filing solely to Spousal Benefits.  Since Joe meets the qualifications for receiving a Spousal Benefit and he’s at or older than FRA, he will be eligible to receive 50% of Jane’s PIA as a Spousal Benefit, while still delaying his own benefit.  Deemed filing doesn’t apply since he’s older than FRA.

In doing this, Joe will receive $6,000 per year for four years, or $24,000 (Cost-of-Living Adjustments have been left out of our example for the sake of clarity).  If Joe didn’t know about this special rule, that’s money that he would never have received at all, money left on the table.

This method will also work if the couple are farther apart in age, and if their benefits are farther apart.

Second Example

Here’s another example:

Mike is 66 and Michelle is 62.  Michelle has a PIA or expected age 66 benefit of $1,800, and Mike has just filed for his own benefit in the amount of $800 per month.  In order for the couple to maximize Michelle’s benefit by delaying her filing to age 70, she can file the restricted application at age 66, FRA, and receive 50% of Mike’s benefit while continuing to receive the delay credits out to age 70.  When she files for her own benefit age age 70, Mike can then file for a Spousal Benefit, which would increase his own benefit by $100 for the rest of his life.  This is because 50% of Michelle’s PIA of $1,800 is $900.  Subtracting Mike’s PIA from that amount leaves $100 for Mike’s Spousal Benefit increase.

Third Example

Bob is 58 and his wife Roberta is 62.  Roberta has a PIA of $2,000, and Bob’s projected PIA is $700.  Roberta intends to delay her benefit to the maximum amount, age 70.  Bob will file for his own benefit at age 62, and as such his benefit will be reduced to $525.  At that time Roberta will be 66, and so she could file and suspend, which would provide Bob with an opportunity to increase his benefit by adding the Spousal Benefit.  If they did that, the Spousal Benefit increase would be $210 ( after reduction since he’s under FRA), bringing his total benefit to $735.  Roberta is not receiving a benefit at all at this point, she’ll receive her first benefit at age 70.

However, if at age 66 (FRA) Roberta were instead to file a restricted application for spousal benefits (instead of filing and suspending to allow Bob to file for the Spousal Benefit), the Spousal Benefit that she’d receive would be $350.  She can do this since she’s at age 66 and Bob has filed for his own benefit.  The Spousal Benefit of $350 is $140 more than the Spousal Benefit that Bob would receive under the File and Suspend strategy.  She would receive this $350 benefit until she reaches age 70 and files for her own benefit.  Then Bob could file for the Spousal Benefit at that point, increasing his overall benefit by $300, to a total benefit of $825.

If the couple didn’t use the second method, they’d be leaving $6,720 on the table, and unnecessarily leaving Bob with a lower benefit for life.

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Join in the Movement – Add 1% to Your Savings This Year!


Over the past several weeks we’ve been writing articles to encourage all Americans to add at least 1% more to savings in the coming year. More than 20 of my fellow bloggers have submitted articles, and these articles include many great ideas that you can apply in order to increase your savings rate in the coming year.

Since many employees are going through annual benefit elections right about now, it’s a very good time to increase your annual contributions to your retirement savings plans. Big changes are easiest to undertake with incremental steps – starting with adding 1% can have a great impact and get the momentum going!

Listed below are all of the articles that I’ve been notified about so far – 22 23 in all! These folks are very smart, and have shared some great ideas. You owe it to yourself to check it out, and then take action!  Add that 1% to your 401(k) or IRA!  If you’re a blogger, see the original post for details on how to join the action: Calling All Bloggers!

Listed below are the articles in our movement so far (newest are at the top):

A video tv segment from Laura Scharr: Preparing for Retirement

From Paula Hogan: 6 Ways to Add Another 1% of Income to Retirement Savings in 2013

From Kevin O’Reilly: From TwentySomething to Millionaire

From Tom Batterman: Take the 1% Challenge in 2013!!!

From Dana Anspach: Can You Spare A Penny?

From Steve Doster: The Easy Way to Become a Millionaire

From Nancy Anderson: Save 1% More for Retirement in 2013

From Kathy Stearns: Do the 1% in 2013!

From Ken Weingarten: The 1% Challenge (Should you dare to accept)

From Richard Feight: The 1% Challenge!

From John Hunter: Save What You Can, Increase Savings as You Can Do So

From Emily Guy Birken: Increase your savings rate by 1%

From Jonathan White: Ways to increase your retirement contributions 1% in 2013

From Alan Moore: Financial Challenge – Should You Choose To Accept It

From Ann Minnium: Gifts That Matter

From Laura Scharr: In Crisis: Personal Savings- Here Are Six Steps to Improve Your Retirement Security

From yours truly: Add Your First 1% to Your 401(k)

From Steve Stewart: Seriously. What’s 1 percent gonna do?

From Theresa Chen Wan: Saving for Retirement: The 1% Challenge for 2013

From Mike Piper: Investing Blog Roundup: Saving 1% More

From Robert Wasilewski: Increase Savings Rate By 1%

From Sterling Raskie: A Nifty Little Trick to Increase Savings

From Roger Wohlner: Need Post-Election Financial Advice? Try the 1% Solution

From Michele Clark: Employer Retirement Accounts: 2013 Contribution Limits

Thanks to all who have participated so far – and keep those links coming!

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Increase Your Retirement Savings by At Least 1% in the Coming Year

ceramic piggy bank

Several financial bloggers (20 at last count!) have been diligently writing articles of encouragement for people to consider increasing their savings rates by at least 1% in the coming year. Since many employees are going through annual benefit elections right about now, it’s also a very good time to put in an increase to your annual contributions to your retirement savings plans. Small steps are the easiest to take, and the least painful – so why not set aside an additional 1% in your retirement plan in the coming year?

The list below includes a boatload of ideas that you can use to help you with this increase to savings. I’ve heard from several more bloggers who are going to put their posts up soon. If you’re a blogger, see the original post for details on how to join the action: Calling All Bloggers!

Listed below are the articles in our movement so far (newest are at the top):

From Dana Anspach: Can You Spare A Penny?

From Steve Doster: The Easy Way to Become a Millionaire

From Nancy Anderson: Save 1% More for Retirement in 2013

From Kathy Stearns: Do the 1% in 2013!

From Ken Weingarten: The 1% Challenge (Should you dare to accept)

From Richard Feight: The 1% Challenge!

From John Hunter: Save What You Can, Increase Savings as You Can Do So

From Emily Guy Birken: Increase your savings rate by 1%

From Jonathan White: Ways to increase your retirement contributions 1% in 2013

From Alan Moore: Financial Challenge – Should You Choose To Accept It

From Ann Minnium: Gifts That Matter

From Laura Scharr: In Crisis: Personal Savings- Here Are Six Steps to Improve Your Retirement Security

From yours truly: Add Your First 1% to Your 401(k)

From Steve Stewart: Seriously. What’s 1 percent gonna do?

From Theresa Chen Wan: Saving for Retirement: The 1% Challenge for 2013

From Mike Piper: Investing Blog Roundup: Saving 1% More

From Robert Wasilewski: Increase Savings Rate By 1%

From Sterling Raskie: A Nifty Little Trick to Increase Savings

From Roger Wohlner: Need Post-Election Financial Advice? Try the 1% Solution

From Michele Clark: Employer Retirement Accounts: 2013 Contribution Limits

Thanks to all who have participated so far – and keep those links coming!

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IRS Sets 2013 Standard Mileage Rates

Street mapping vehicle

For several different categories of deductions, there are standard rates set by the IRS for mileage.  The deductions are for business-oriented mileage, both for your own business and for miles driven on behalf of an employer (if deductible), as well as for medical purposes, deductible moving costs, and for charitable activities.

These rates are set on a “per mile” basis.  The IRS calculates the applicable costs associated with driving these miles on an annual basis, which includes the cost of fuel, maintenance, insurance, taxes, and the purchase price of the vehicle (or rather, depreciation).  This allows for a much more simple method of deducting these costs rather than adding up all of the costs of a vehicle and then allocating an appropriate portion to the deductible use.

You can choose between using the mileage rate or adding up all of the costs for your vehicle use, but once you’ve started using one method for a particular vehicle (especially for business use, more detail below) you should stick with that method for the life of the vehicle.

Recently the IRS published their Newswire IR-2012-95, which lists and explains the standard mileage rates for 2013.  The actual text of the Newswire is below.

2013 Standard Mileage Rates Up 1 Cent per Mile for Business, Medical, and Moving

The Internal Revenue Service today issued the 2013 optional standard mileage rates used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical or moving purposes.

Beginning on Jan. 1, 2013, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (also vans, pickups, or panel trucks) will be:

  • 56.5 cents per mile for business smiles driven
  • 24 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes
  • 14 cents per mile driven in service of charitable organizations

The rate for business miles driven during 2013 increases 1 cent from the 2012 rate.  The medical and moving rate is also up 1 cent per mile from the 2012 rate.

The standard mileage rate for business is based on an annual study of the fixed and variable costs of operating an automobile.  The rate for medical and moving purposes is based on the variable costs.

Taxpayers always have the option of calculating the actual costs of using their vehicle rather than using the standard mileage rates.

A taxpayer may not use the business standard mileage rate for a vehicle after using any depreciation method under the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) or after claiming a Section 179 deduction for that vehicle.  In addition, the business standard mileage rate cannot be used for more than four vehicles used simultaneously.

These and other requirements for a taxpayer to use a standard mileage rate to calculate the amount of a deductible business, moving, medical, or charitable expense are in Rev. Proc. 2010-51.  Notice 2012-72 contains the standard mileage rates, the amount a taxpayer must use in calculating reductions to basis for depreciation taken under the business standard mileage rate, and the maximum standard automobile cost that a taxpayer may use in computing the allowance under a fixed and variable rate plan.

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Holiday Spending


Now that the Holiday season is coming into full swing, I thought I spend a little bit of time talking about keeping your budget and money in control when it comes to the giving of gifts, the getting of gifts and some ideas to make your thought count without breaking the bank (or bending your credit card).

The Holidays are a time of year where we can reflect on the people in our lives that we love, miss and want to give back to for all they have done for us throughout the years. It’s natural that we want to give as much as we can and often what we want to give may not equal what we can afford. In some cases, the number of people we want to give to exceeds our budget as well. This is where we can get into trouble. After the initial hype and high of the giving is over, the credit card bills start to come in – truly the gift that keeps on giving – or perhaps an emergency fund was spent and now needs to be rebuilt. God forbid we take out a home equity loan to fund Christmas.

Here are a few things to consider when getting ready to give gifts:

  1. Have a budget in mind either for your total gifts or per individual, up to a total maximum amount. For example – your total gift budget may be $500. Or it could be $25 per person, up to $500. And stay within that limit.
  2. Consider the gift you’re giving and what the person really wants. It might not be as expensive as you think, or have to be as expensive as you think. Sometimes we get caught up in what we “think” the person wants or should have. True gifts are unconditional.
  3. A hand-written Holiday card goes a long way – all for the price of a postage stamp and your time.
  4. Sometimes the best gift is time spent with loved ones – it’s the only thing we can’t buy more of.
  5. Remember when you made crafts for mom and dad in school? It still works. This is also true for many people in our lives. Try making a photo collage, picture book, etc., that can be given and used and enjoyed throughout the years. Some of the gifts I’ve given my loved ones from this area are the ones they still have.
  6. Give back. Support a local charity. Take used clothes and toys to places that give them to those less-fortunate in the community. And take your kids with you when you do it. The lesson in giving and humility is priceless.
  7. Have a tough person to shop for? Make a donation in their name to a cause they support.

Granted, this list isn’t exhaustive – but it’s a place to start. The point is that you can still give of yourself, give the gift of love, friendship, goodwill and kindness while still giving a “material” gift – it just means you don’t have to go broke or be stressed in the New Year paying off last year’s Holiday.

Happy Holidays!

C’mon America! Add 1% More to Your Retirement Savings This Year!

ceramic piggy bank

My fellow financial bloggers and I have come together to encourage an increase in retirement savings this year.  Since many employees are going through annual benefit elections right about now, it’s also a very good time to consider increasing your annual contributions to your retirement savings plans.  Small steps are the easiest to take, and the least painful – so why not set aside an additional 1% in your retirement plan in the coming year?

The list below includes a boatload of ideas that you can use to help you with this increase to savings.  I’ve heard from several more bloggers who are going to put their posts up soon. If you’re a blogger, see the original post for details on how to join the action: Calling All Bloggers!

Listed below are the articles in our movement so far (newest are at the top):

From Dana Anspach: Can You Spare A Penny?

From Steve Doster: The Easy Way to Become a Millionaire

From Nancy Anderson: Save 1% More for Retirement in 2013

From Kathy Stearns: Do the 1% in 2013!

From Ken Weingarten: The 1% Challenge (Should you dare to accept)

From Richard Feight: The 1% Challenge!

From John Hunter: Save What You Can, Increase Savings as You Can Do So

From Emily Guy Birken: Increase your savings rate by 1%

From Jonathan White: Ways to increase your retirement contributions 1% in 2013

From Alan Moore: Financial Challenge – Should You Choose To Accept It

From Ann Minnium: Gifts That Matter

From Laura Scharr: In Crisis: Personal Savings- Here Are Six Steps to Improve Your Retirement Security

From yours truly: Add Your First 1% to Your 401(k)

From Steve Stewart: Seriously. What’s 1 percent gonna do?

From Theresa Chen Wan: Saving for Retirement: The 1% Challenge for 2013

From Mike Piper: Investing Blog Roundup: Saving 1% More

From Robert Wasilewski: Increase Savings Rate By 1%

From Sterling Raskie: A Nifty Little Trick to Increase Savings

From Roger Wohlner: Need Post-Election Financial Advice? Try the 1% Solution

From Michele Clark: Employer Retirement Accounts: 2013 Contribution Limits

Thanks to all who have participated so far – and keep those links coming!

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The “1% More” Movement’s Going Strong! Save 1% More In Your Retirement Plans This Year

United States

United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The financial blogosphere has responded with many articles recommending ways that all Americans can increase their savings rates this coming year.  This has been a concerted effort by financially-oriented bloggers to help folks come up with ways to increase savings during this time of employer-benefit enrollment.

We have several more bloggers who are going to put their posts up soon. See the original post for details on how to join the action: Calling All Bloggers!

Listed below are the articles in our movement so far (newest are at the top):

From Ken Weingarten: The 1% Challenge (Should you dare to accept)

From Richard Feight: The 1% Challenge!

From John Hunter: Save What You Can, Increase Savings as You Can Do So

From Emily Guy Birken: Increase your savings rate by 1%

From Jonathan White: Ways to increase your retirement contributions 1% in 2013

From Alan Moore: Financial Challenge – Should You Choose To Accept It

From Ann Minnium: Gifts That Matter

From Laura Scharr: In Crisis: Personal Savings- Here Are Six Steps to Improve Your Retirement Security

From yours truly: Add Your First 1% to Your 401(k)

From Steve Stewart: Seriously. What’s 1 percent gonna do?

From Theresa Chen Wan: Saving for Retirement: The 1% Challenge for 2013

From Mike Piper: Investing Blog Roundup: Saving 1% More

From Robert Wasilewski: Increase Savings Rate By 1%

From Sterling Raskie: A Nifty Little Trick to Increase Savings

From Roger Wohlner: Need Post-Election Financial Advice? Try the 1% Solution

From Michele Clark: Employer Retirement Accounts: 2013 Contribution Limits

Thanks to all who have participated so far – and keep those links coming!

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Tips from the IRS to Reduce Large Refunds or Large Tax Bills

Large-billed Crow (Corvus macrorhynchos)

Quite often in my tax practice I see very large refunds being claimed every year, and sometimes (not as often) I see very large amounts of tax owed with the tax return.  While a large refund isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it can be in your best interest to reduce the amount of your refund and receiving more take-home pay every month.  After all, it’s your money, why should the IRS hold onto it for a year before you get it in your hands?

On the other end of the spectrum, a large tax bill when you file your tax return can cause some problems – if it’s routinely greater than $1,000, you may have additional penalties applied to the amount that you owe.

Recently the IRS issued their Summertime Tax Tip 2012-22, with tips on how you can reduce your large refund or large tax bill.  The text of the Tip follows:

IRS Offers Tips to Reduce Big Refunds and Prevent Tax Bills

The Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers that it’s not too late to adjust their tax withholding to avoid big tax refunds or tax bills when they file their tax return next year.

Taxpayers should act soon to adjust their tax withholding to bring the taxes they must pay closer to what they actually owe and put more money in their pockets right now.

Most people have taxes withheld from each paycheck or pay taxes on a quarterly basis through estimated tax payments.  Each year millions of American workers have far more taxes withheld from their pay than is required.  Many people anxiously wait for their tax refunds to make major purchases or pay their financial obligations.  The IRS encourages taxpayers not to tie major financial decisions to the receipt of their tax refund – especially if they need their tax refund to arrive by a certain date.

Here is some information to help bring the taxes you pay during the year closer to what you will actually owe when you file your tax return.


  • New Job.  When you start a new job your employer will ask you to complete Form W-4, Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate.  Your employer will use this form to figure the amount of federal income tax to withhold from your paychecks.  Be sure to complete the Form W-4 accurately.
  • Life Event.  You may want to change your Form W-4 when certain life events happen to you during the year.  Examples of events in your life that can change the amount of taxes you owe inclue a change in your marital status, the birth of a child, getting or losing a job, and purchasing a home.  Keep your Form W-4 up-to-date.

You typically can submit a new Form W-4 at any time you wish to change the number of your withholding allowances.  However, if your life event results in the need to decrease your withholding allowances or changes your marital status from married to single, you must give your employer a new Form W-4 within 10 days of that life event. jb note: if you change your W-4 dramatically in the middle of a year, remember to re-calculate your withholding requirements at the beginning of the next year so that you are not withholding too little or too much as a result of your mid-year change.


  • Form 1040-ES.  If you are self-employed and expect to owe a thousand dollars or more in taxes for the year, then you normally must make estimated tax payments to pay your income tax, Social Security, and Medicare taxes.  You can use the worksheet in Form 1040-ES, Estimated Tax for Individuals, to find out if you are required to pay estimated tax on a quarterly basis. Remember to make estimated payments to avoid owing taxes at tax time.

Publication 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax, has information for employees and self-employed individuals, and also explains the rules in more detail.  The forms and publication are available at or by calling 1-800-TAX-FORM (1-800-829-3676).

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A Dozen Ways to Increase Your Savings Rate

United States

United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A baker’s dozen bloggers have now published articles encouraging all Americans to commit at least 1% more to retirement savings this year. We have several more bloggers who are going to put their posts up soon. See the original post for details on how to join the action: Calling All Bloggers!

Listed below are the articles in our movement so far (newest are at the top):

From Emily Guy Birken: Increase your savings rate by 1%

From Jonathan White: Ways to increase your retirement contributions 1% in 2013

From Alan Moore: Financial Challenge – Should You Choose To Accept It

From Ann Minnium: Gifts That Matter

From Laura Scharr: In Crisis: Personal Savings- Here Are Six Steps to Improve Your Retirement Security

From yours truly: Add Your First 1% to Your 401(k)

From Steve Stewart: Seriously. What’s 1 percent gonna do?

From Theresa Chen Wan: Saving for Retirement: The 1% Challenge for 2013

From Mike Piper: Investing Blog Roundup: Saving 1% More

From Robert Wasilewski: Increase Savings Rate By 1%

From Sterling Raskie: A Nifty Little Trick to Increase Savings

From Roger Wohlner: Need Post-Election Financial Advice? Try the 1% Solution

From Michele Clark: Employer Retirement Accounts: 2013 Contribution Limits

Thanks to all who have participated so far – and keep those links coming!

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Special Treatment for an Older Spouse/Beneficiary of an IRA

Note: the situation described in this post was originally brought to my attention by Mr. Barry Picker, of Picker, Weinberg, & Auerback, CPAs, P.C.  Mr. Picker is another of those “rock stars” in the world of retirement plan knowledge, up there with the best of them.  Many thanks to Mr. Picker for sharing his wealth of knowledge.

My Inheritance

There is a special set of circumstances regarding inherited IRAs that only fits a few cases – but for those cases the rules can work out favorably and it is important to understand how this operates.  The circumstances are that a younger spouse has died and left an IRA to the older, surviving spouse.  In this case, if the decedent-spouse had already begun receiving Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from the IRA, the survivor-spouse, if sole beneficiary of the IRA, can make the distribution rules work in his or her favor.

In any case, when the decedent-spouse was already receiving RMDs from the account, the survivor-spouse has two options:

  1. continue receiving the RMDs from the account based upon the decedent’s life; or
  2. rollover (or retitle) the IRA as his or her own IRA, and then start RMDs based upon his or her own life.

In the second option, if the surviving spouse is younger than 70½ he or she can delay the start of RMDs until he or she reaches 70½.  This may be an attractive option to pursue if the surviving spouse wishes to defer the IRA distributions as long as possible.

However, in a case where the surviving spouse is older than the decedent, delay of RMDs is not an option.  In addition, it should be noted that the two options listed above, while exclusive of one another (can’t both be employed at once), they could be employed one after another, only in the order of option 1 first and option 2 second.

The reason that a surviving spouse would want to do this is to stretch the IRA as long as possible.  By taking Option 1, he or she can use the longer lifetime of the decedent, BUT: when calculating RMD for an inherited IRA, the divisor factor is only chosen from the IRS Table I once.  Each and every subsequent year, the divisor factor is reduced by subtracting 1.

On the other hand, when using Option 2, every year the RMD divisor factor is taken from Table I, based upon the IRA owner’s attained age in that year.  At some point in the future, the RMD divisor factor for Option 1 becomes less than the RMD divisor factor for Option 2 – which would mean that Option 2 (at that point) would result in a smaller RMD amount for that year and each subsequent year.


Here’s an example: An IRA worth $300,000 is inherited by Jane, age 77, from John, who was 74 at the time of his death.  Jane has the options listed above – leave the IRA in John’s name and continue receiving RMDs based upon his life, or retitle (or rollover) the IRA to her own name and start RMDs based upon her life.

The divisor factor for RMDs for the first year after John’s death, based on John’s life (from Table I) is 13.4.  At the same time, the divisor factor based on Jane’s life for that year is 11.4.  So for the first year after John’s death, the smallest RMD is calculated by using John’s life.  Below are the factors for each year thereafter:

Year Decedent Divisor Survivor Divisor
1 13.4 11.4
2 12.4 10.8
3 11.4 10.2
4 10.4 9.7
5 9.4 9.1
6 8.4 8.6
7 7.4 8.1

As you can see, in Year 6 after John’s death, the divisor based on Jane’s life becomes larger than the divisor based on John’s life, due to the way the year-over-year calculations are done.  At this point, it will become advantageous for Jane to rollover the IRA (or retitle it) to an IRA in her own name, and then continue the RMDs based upon her own life.  This will stretch the IRA distributions out for a longer period of time.

So by taking Option 1 first and then taking Option 2 later, Jane can stretch out the IRA distributions as far as possible.  If she stays on John’s schedule, the entire IRA would have to be distributed by the end of the 14th year after his death.  Switching over to her own distribution schedule after the 6th year (when it becomes advantageous to do so), the IRA distribution can be stretched out over her entire lifetime, potentially as much as 23 years after John’s death.

As I mentioned at the outset, this situation won’t fit too many folks, or benefit very many, but it could be useful for specific situations.

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More Blog Articles Encouraging Savings!

United States

United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Many thanks to all of the bloggers who have been publishing articles encouraging all Americans to commit at least 1% more to retirement savings this year. We have several more bloggers who are going to put their posts up soon. See the original post for details on how to join the action: Calling All Bloggers!

Listed below are the articles in our movement so far:

From Michele Clark: Employer Retirement Accounts: 2013 Contribution Limits

From Roger Wohlner: Need Post-Election Financial Advice? Try the 1% Solution

From Sterling Raskie: A Nifty Little Trick to Increase Savings

From Theresa Chen Wan: Saving for Retirement: The 1% Challenge for 2013

From Mike Piper: Investing Blog Roundup: Saving 1% More

From Robert Wasilewski: Increase Savings Rate By 1%

From Steve Stewart: Seriously. What’s 1 percent gonna do?

From yours truly: Add Your First 1% to Your 401(k)

From Laura Scharr: In Crisis: Personal Savings- Here Are Six Steps to Improve Your Retirement Security

From Ann Minnium: Gifts That Matter

From Alan Moore: Financial Challenge – Should You Choose To Accept It

From Jonathan White: Ways to increase your retirement contributions 1% in 2013

Thanks to all who have participated so far – and keep those links coming!

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Add Your First 1% to Your 401(k)

Employee Service Awards

Many of my fellow bloggers and I have become concerned about how low the rate of savings has been for Americans in general.  To see a list of all of the articles in the 1% More Movement, check out the article at this link.

Since November is traditionally the time when corporate employees make elections for all other benefits, including health insurance, life insurance, and other employee benefits, now is a good time to also consider increasing your 401(k) contributions.

For my article, I’m focusing on the employee who hasn’t been participating in a 401(k) plan at all.

Your First 1% in Your 401(k)

If you haven’t been putting anything at all into your 401(k) plan at all, putting that first 1% into the 401(k) plan can be a little scary.  But you need to know that this is a monumental action.  Getting started with savings is the most important step you can take – and it’s only scary for a little while.  Keep reading, you’ll see how putting aside that first 1% can be relatively painless, and after a while, it gets to be fun watching your account increase in value.

For our example, let’s say you make $30,000 annually and your employer matches 401(k) contributions as follows:

100% of the first 2% of contributions

50% of the next 2% of contributions

25% of the next 2% of contributions

Your net paycheck today, when you’re not making any 401(k) contributions, is $884.82 – this is after taxes and insurance premiums have been deducted.  When you make the decision to contribute 1% of your income to your 401(k), you will be putting aside $11.54 every paycheck (assuming you’re paid 26 times a year).  The end result is that your paycheck will only go down by $5.91, to approximately $878.91 – the total amount you’ll “lose” from your take-home pay over the course of the year is $153.66.

Since your employer matches 100% of your first 2% in contributions, for this first 1% contribution you’re making, you’ll actually have a total of $23.08 in your account every two weeks when you get paid.  At the end of the year, a total of $600.08 will be set aside for you, and all you had to do was learn how to get by on $12.80 less per month!  I think you’ll agree that this is doable, right?

Now get out there and do it!  Add 1% to your 401(k) plan right away, it will definitely pay off in the long run, and you’ll never miss it.

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Save 1% More! Here are 7 ways to do it

United States

United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Seven bloggers have now published articles encouraging all Americans to commit at least 1% more to retirement savings this year as they make their benefit elections. We have several more bloggers who are going to put their posts up soon. See the original post for details on how to join the action: Calling All Bloggers!

Listed below are the articles in our movement so far:

From Michele Clark: Employer Retirement Accounts: 2013 Contribution Limits

From Roger Wohlner: Need Post-Election Financial Advice? Try the 1% Solution

From Sterling Raskie: A Nifty Little Trick to Increase Savings

From Theresa Chen Wan: Saving for Retirement: The 1% Challenge for 2013

From Mike Piper: Investing Blog Roundup: Saving 1% More

From Robert Wasilewski: Increase Savings Rate By 1%

From Steve Stewart: Seriously. What’s 1 percent gonna do?

Thanks to all who have participated so far – and keep those links coming!

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Social Security Bend Points in 2013

Always Coca-Cola

When the Social Security Administration announced the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for 2013, this also allowed for calculation of the bend points for 2013.

Bend points are the portions of your average income (Average Indexed Monthly Earnings – AIME) in specific dollar amounts that are indexed each year, based upon an obscure table called the Average Wage Index (AWI) Series.  They’re called bend points because they represent points on a graph of your AIME graphed by inclusion in calculating the PIA.

If you’re interested in how Bend Points are used, you can see the article on Primary Insurance Amount, or PIA.  Here, however, we’ll go over how Bend Points are calculated each year.  To understand this calculation, you need to go back to 1979, the year of the Three Mile Island disaster, the introduction of the compact disc and the Iranian hostage crisis.  According to the AWI Series, in 1979 the Social Security Administration placed the AWI figure for 1977 at $9,779.44 – AWI figures are always two years in arrears, so for example, the AWI figure used to determine the 2013 bend points is from 2011.

With the AWI figure for 1977, it was determined that the first bend point for 1979 would be set at $180, and the second bend point at $1,085.  I’m not sure how these first figures were calculated – it’s safe to assume that they are part of an indexing formula set forth quite a while ago.  At any rate, now that we know these two numbers, we can jump back to 2011’s AWI Series figure, which is $42,979.61.  It all becomes a matter of a formula now:

Current year’s AWI Series divided by 1977’s AWI figure, times the bend points for 1979 equals your current year bend points

So here is the math for 2013’s bend points:

$42,979.61 / $9779.44 = 4.3949

4.3949 * $180 = $791.08, which is rounded down to $791 – the first bend point

4.3949 * $1,085 = $4,768.47, rounded down to $4,768 – the second bend point

And that’s our bend points for 2013. Enjoy!

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Financial Bloggers Encourage Americans to Save 1% More

United States

United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We’re now up to five six posts published in support of the movement to encourage all Americans to commit at least 1% more to retirement savings this year as they make their benefit elections.  We have several more bloggers who are going to put their posts up soon.  See the original post for details on how to join the action: Calling All Bloggers!

Listed below are the articles in our movement so far:

From Michele Clark: Employer Retirement Accounts: 2013 Contribution Limits

From Roger Wohlner: Need Post-Election Financial Advice? Try the 1% Solution

From Sterling Raskie: A Nifty Little Trick to Increase Savings

From Theresa Chen Wan: Saving for Retirement: The 1% Challenge for 2013

From Mike Piper: Investing Blog Roundup: Saving 1% More

From Robert Wasilewski: Increase Savings Rate By 1%

Thanks to all who have participated so far – and keep those links coming!

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A Nifty Little Trick to Increase Savings

A nifty little trick that can be part of your savings plan is simply this: once a debt is paid off, still treat that payment as a bill – but now direct that bill payment to your bank account, IRA, or employer sponsored plan.

Here’s how it works: Let’s say you have a car payment of $250 per month. You’ve worked hard to get the debt reduced and eventually (maybe even early) you pay off your loan on the car. What a feeling! Instead of allocating the money to be spent elsewhere, such as buying another car or spending it on other items you probably don’t need, consider taking that $250 per month and reallocating it to yourself. The easy thing about this is that you’re already used to paying it, you’ve already budgeted for it, why not pay yourself? Also, you can consider putting the payment to yourself on auto-pilot, meaning that the money goes directly from your paycheck or bank account to your IRA, 401(k), etc.. Psychologically, it’s a lot less painful (and physically easier) to have money sent automatically from an account than to physically have to write a check.

Another idea to consider is that, should you have additional debt after you’ve paid off your car, consider taking that “former” car payment and paying down the other debt that you have. There are few guarantees in life – one of them can be guaranteeing yourself a rate of return. How? The faster you pay down a debt, the less interest you’re paying. Take for example a car loan of 5%. If you want to guarantee yourself a 5% return on your money, pay that loan off as early as possible. Although you won’t see a 5% credit to your bank account like you would on a 5% savings account, you will feel the benefits of doing this when you’re done paying off a loan 2 or 3 or even 5 years early, and can redirect what would have been “interest” money to your lender, back into your pocket.

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Calling All Bloggers – Let’s Increase America’s Savings Rate in November!

ceramic piggy bank

I’m sure that I’m not alone in the financial planning world with my concern about the rate of saving toward retirement across this great land.  Recent figures have shown that we Americans are doing a little bit better of late, at a 5% savings rate versus around 1% back in 2005 – but this is a dismal figure when you consider how most folks are coming up short when they want to retire.  Rather than sitting by idly and wringing my hands, I thought maybe something could be done to encourage an increase in savings – if only by 1%, this can be a significant step for lots of folks.  And now, in November, is the perfect time to do this, as most corporations are going through the annual benefit election cycle, so the 401(k) (or 403(b), 457, or other savings plan) is right at the forefront for many folks.

I’m proposing that all financially-oriented bloggers sharpen up their electronic pencils and write a column to encourage folks to increase their 401(k) savings by at least 1% more than last year.  I’d suggest taking a new look at this situation, perhaps suggesting ways that people can free up money to devote toward savings, for example.  I know you folks have a lot of great ideas, so don’t let my lame suggestions limit you!

In order to keep it oriented toward the benefits enrollment period for many companies, we should probably produce these articles between now and Thanksgiving.  Of course, most folks can make an increase to savings at any time, but while employees are looking at benefit options is a good time to strike while the iron’s hot.  If you’re interested in joining this action, send me a note at and let me know when you’ve posted your article.  I’ll keep a list of all of the articles with links on a blog post at my blog – this way anyone who’s looking for ideas on how to increase savings can find a multitude of ways to do so.

Thanks in advance for your help!


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IRS Warns of Phony Websites

Miniature Phonies

It pays to be careful out there on the interwebs.  You never know what you might be getting into if you don’t pay close attention to the addresses that you click on.  Recently the IRS issued a warning about certain scams that have been making the rounds recently.  The funny thing is, they had to issue their warning a second time because they initially posted an incorrect address.

At any rate, the text of the IRS’ Corrected Special Edition Tax Tip 2012-13 is listed below:

Don’t Fall for Phony IRS Websites

The Internal Revenue Service is issuing a warning about a new tax scam that uses a website that mimics the IRS e-Services online registration page.

The actual IRS e-Services page offers web-based products for tax preparers, not the general public.  The phony web page looks almost identical to the real one.

The IRS gets many reports of fake websites like this.  Criminals use these sites to lure people into providing personal and financial information that may be used to steal the victim’s money or identity.

The address of the official IRS website is  Don’t be misled by sites claiming to be the IRS but ending in .com, .net, .org, or other designations instead of .gov.

If you find a suspicious website that claims to be the IRS, send the site’s URL by email to Use the subject line, “Suspicious website”.

Be aware that the IRS does not initiate contact with taxpayers by email to request personal or financial information.  This includes any type of electronic communication, such as text messages and social media channels.

If you get an unsolicited email that appears to be from the IRS, report it by sending it to

The IRS has information at that can help you protect yourself from tax scams of all kinds.  Search the site using the term “phishing”.

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How is the Maximum Social Security Benefit Calculated?

Bingo Cola or Coca Cola??

Each year when the Social Security Administration announces the Cost Of Living Adjustment to benefits for the coming year, with similar ballyhoo they announce the maximum benefit amount available for the coming year.  For 2013, the maximum Social Security benefit for someone reaching Full Retirement Age (FRA) in that year will be $2,533, an increase of $20 over 2012.

In the wake of these announcements a couple of weeks ago, a reader (thanks, DS!) sent me a question:

Why is it that the maximum Social Security benefit only increased from $2,513 to $2,533?  This is only an increase of 0.8%, while the COLA increase indicated that benefits would climb by 1.7%?

This is a drawn out and complicated situation to explain, but I think it’s important to fully understand.  First, you have to realize that when the Social Security folks publish this maximum amount, they are talking specifically about someone who reaches Full Retirement Age in the year being reviewed.  For 2012, that would be someone born in 1946; for 2013, the person was born in 1947.  As such, the calculations are based on different maximum wage bases.

The way that the maximum benefit for a particular year is calculated is based upon the maximum wage base for the year, as well as the applicable COLAs that would apply after the PIA (Primary Insurance Amount) has been calculated for that individual.

Maximum Benefit Calculation for 2012

For calculating the maximum benefit amount for 2012, we’re looking at an individual who was born in 1946, turning age 66 in the year 2012.  The table below indicates the maximum wage bases for each year from his age 22 in 1968, through 2011, because his maximum benefit was determined last year.  The third column indicates what the wage base equates to in terms of indexed income – this is based on the Average Wage Index (AWI) Series.

Year Max Wage Base Indexed Wage Base
1968 $ 7,800 $ 54,109
1969 $ 7,800 $ 51,152
1970 $ 7,800 $ 48,734
1971 $ 7,800 $ 46,402
1972 $ 9,000 $ 48,763
1973 $ 10,800 $ 55,069
1974 $ 13,200 $ 63,530
1975 $ 14,100 $ 63,143
1976 $ 15,300 $ 64,095
1977 $ 16,500 $ 65,213
1978 $ 17,700 $ 64,809
1979 $ 22,900 $ 77,104
1980 $ 25,900 $ 80,000
1981 $ 29,700 $ 83,347
1982 $ 32,400 $ 86,181
1983 $ 35,700 $ 90,546
1984 $ 37,800 $ 90,550
1985 $ 39,600 $ 90,985
1986 $ 42,000 $ 93,719
1987 $ 43,800 $ 91,875
1988 $ 45,000 $ 89,960
1989 $ 48,000 $ 92,304
1990 $ 51,300 $ 94,295
1991 $ 53,400 $ 94,630
1992 $ 55,500 $ 93,529
1993 $ 57,600 $ 96,244
1994 $ 60,600 $ 98,608
1995 $ 61,200 $ 95,747
1996 $ 62,700 $ 93,517
1997 $ 65,400 $ 92,168
1998 $ 68,400 $ 91,601
1999 $ 72,600 $ 92,093
2000 $ 76,200 $ 91,592
2001 $ 80,400 $ 94,390
2002 $ 84,900 $ 98,688
2003 $ 87,000 $ 98,710
2004 $ 87,900 $ 95,301
2005 $ 90,000 $ 94,140
2006 $ 94,200 $ 94,200
2007 $ 97,500 $ 97,500
2008 $ 102,000 $ 102,000
2009 $ 106,800 $ 106,800
2010 $ 106,800 $ 106,800
2011 $ 106,800 $ 106,800
When the top 35 years of wage base are averaged, we come up with an annual average wage base of $92,172, or a monthly average wage base (also known as the Average Indexed Monthly Earnings or AIME) of $7,681.  Applying the bend points to this (see the Bend Point article for details) we come up with a tentative PIA of $2,293.  To this we apply the COLAs from the point when the individual reached age 62 (in 2008): 5.8%, 0.0%, 0.0%, and 3.6%.  These are compounded, so the increase by COLAs is 9.61% (1.058 * 1 * 1 * 1.036 = 1.0961).  Multiplying the tentative PIA (Primary Insurance Amount) by these COLAs brings us to the maximum benefit amount of $2,513 for 2012.

Maximum Benefit for 2013

To calculate the maximum benefit for 2013, we are now working with an individual who will reach age 66 in that year, born in 1947.  Below is the table for this individual’s maximum benefit:
Year Max Wage Base Indexed Wage Base
1969 $ 7,800 $ 53,474
1970 $ 7,800 $ 50,946
1971 $ 7,800 $ 48,508
1972 $ 9,000 $ 50,975
1973 $ 10,800 $ 57,568
1974 $ 13,200 $ 66,413
1975 $ 14,100 $ 66,009
1976 $ 15,300 $ 67,003
1977 $ 16,500 $ 68,173
1978 $ 17,700 $ 67,750
1979 $ 22,900 $ 80,603
1980 $ 25,900 $ 83,631
1981 $ 29,700 $ 87,131
1982 $ 32,400 $ 90,091
1983 $ 35,700 $ 94,655
1984 $ 37,800 $ 94,659
1985 $ 39,600 $ 95,115
1986 $ 42,000 $ 97,969
1987 $ 43,800 $ 96,045
1988 $ 45,000 $ 94,046
1989 $ 48,000 $ 96,494
1990 $ 51,300 $ 98,573
1991 $ 53,400 $ 98,924
1992 $ 55,500 $ 97,774
1993 $ 57,600 $ 100,610
1994 $ 60,600 $ 103,081
1995 $ 61,200 $ 100,093
1996 $ 62,700 $ 97,762
1997 $ 65,400 $ 96,354
1998 $ 68,400 $ 95,760
1999 $ 72,600 $ 96,275
2000 $ 76,200 $ 95,753
2001 $ 80,400 $ 98,675
2002 $ 84,900 $ 103,162
2003 $ 87,000 $ 103,191
2004 $ 87,900 $ 99,626
2005 $ 90,000 $ 98,406
2006 $ 94,200 $ 98,477
2007 $ 97,500 $ 97,500
2008 $ 102,000 $ 102,000
2009 $ 106,800 $ 106,800
2010 $ 106,800 $ 106,800
2011 $ 106,800 $ 106,800
2012 $ 110,100 $ 110,100
The reason that this table is different from the one above (look at the indexed wage base for each year) is because the index is always normalized to the year when the individual reaches age 60 – when the PIA is originally calculated.  When we average the top 35 indexed wages for this series, we come up with an average of $96,888, or an AIME of $8,074.  Applying the 2012 bend points to this AIME, we come up with a tentative PIA of $2,404.  To this we add the COLAs for the years from 2009 to 2012: 0%, 0%, 3.6% and 1.7%.  This aggregates to 5.36% increase, up to $2,533.

What does this mean?

Because of the way these calculations are done, and what the Social Security folks mean by them, it’s not really important to compare these two numbers to one another – it’s not even the same person that we’re looking at.  In actuality, a PIA for someone who earned the maximum salary over her entire working life and who reached age 66 in 2012 would be increased to $2,556, exactly 1.7%.
So – when calculating the maximum amount that you will have available to you, keep in mind all of the nuances in the calculation process, and make sure that you are working on your own circumstances, not the sample that SSA is putting forth as the “maximum”.
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Retirement Plan Contribution Limits for 2013

The IRS recently published the new contribution limits for various retirement plans for 2013.  These limits are indexed to inflation, and as such sometimes they do not increase much year over year, and sometimes they don’t increase at all.

This year we saw across-the-board increases for most all contribution amounts, and as usual the income limits increased as well.  This provides increased opportunity for savings via these tax-preferred vehicles.


The annual contribution limit for IRAs (both traditional and Roth) increased from $5,000 in 2012 to $5,500 in 2013.  The “catch up” amount, for folks age 50 or over, remains at $1,000.

The income limits for traditional (deductible) IRAs increased slightly from last year: for singles covered by a retirement plan, your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) must be less than $59,000 for a full deduction; phased deduction is allowed up to an AGI of $69,000.  This is an increase of $1,000 over the limits for last year.  For married folks filing jointly who are covered by a retirement plan by his or her employer, the AGI limit is increased to $95,000, phased out at $115,000, which is a $3,000 increase over last year’s limits.  For married folks filing jointly who are not covered by a workplace retirement plan but are married to someone who is covered, the AGI limit for deduction is $178,000, phased out at $188,000; this is an increase of $5,000 over 2012’s limits.

The income limits for Roth IRA contributions also increased: single folks with an AGI less than $112,000 can make a full contribution, and this is phased out up to an AGI of $127,000.  For married folks filing jointly, the AGI limits are $178,000 to $188,000 for Roth contributions, up by $5,000 over 2012.

401(k), 403(b), 457 and SARSEP plans

For the traditional employer-based retirement plans, the amount of deferred income allowed has increased as well. For 2013, employees are allowed to defer up to $17,500 (up from $17,000) with a catch up amount of $5,500 for those over age 50 (unchanged from 2012).  If you happen to work for a governmental agency that offers a 457 plan in addition to a 401(k) or 403(b) plan, you can double up and defer as much as $35,000 plus catch-ups.

The limits for contributions to Roth 401(k) and Roth 403(b) are the same as traditional plans – the limit is for all plans of that type in total.  You are allowed to contribute up to the limit for either a Roth plan or a traditional plan, or a combination of the two.


Savings Incentive Match Plans for Employees (SIMPLE) deferral limits also increased, from $11,500 to $12,000 for 2013.  The catch up amount remains the same as 2012 at $2,500, for folks at or older than age 50.

Saver’s Credit

The income limits for receiving the Saver’s Credit for contributing to a retirement plan increased for 2013.  The AGI limit for married filing jointly increased from $57,500 to $59,000; for singles the new limit is $29,500 (up from $28,750); and for heads of household, the AGI limit is $44,250, an increase from $43,125.  The saver’s credit rewards low and moderate income taxpayers who are working hard and need more help saving for retirement.  The table below provides more details on how the saver’s credit works:

Filing Status/Adjusted Gross Income for 2013
Amount of Credit Married Filing Jointly Head of Household Single/Others
50% of first $2,000 deferred $0 to $35,500 $0 to $26,625 $0 to $17,750
20% of first $2,000 deferred $35,501 to $38,500 $26,626 to $28,875 $17,751 to $19,250
10% of first $2,000 deferred $38,501 to $55,500 $28,876 to $44,250 $19,251 to $29,500
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